Personal Statement for Requesting Bariatric Surgery
I need to be forced to change how I eat. Between hunger, habits ingrained by a lifetime, and admittedly poor self-control, consistent and long term alterations are impossible. Or at least that is how I see it. The surgery will give me no choice but to eat far less, and the radical nature of the surgery will be a turning point in my life. I am already thinking of it as a dating method: BBS (Before Bariatric Surgery) and ABS (After Bariatric Surgery).
I truly do want to start exercising again. I’ve never been super athletic, but I did once enjoy aerobics and weight lifting. Beyond an actual disciplined routine of exercise, I want to go fishing on our boat and walking through the neighborhood and riding the bikes we intend to buy without being winded and exhausted.
I DO NOT want to go the rest of my life with diabetes and sleep apnea! I hope to eliminate both problems, decrease the number of medications I take on a daily basis, and prevent further physical medical issues before they get started. I may not completely attain this goal, but will certainly improve my overall health, probably in more ways than I imagine.
I am very thankful to have a husband and daughter who are wholly supportive of my decision for bariatric surgery. I am fortunate that my general practitioner is in agreement of this course as the best option for me. And I am VERY happy to discover an excellent Weight Loss Center right here in Bardstown!