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I did it!!

I faced my most fear and my most want on Thurs, the 4th. I hate needles and it was really hard to go through it, but God gave me such a great peace and now I am on the road to recovery! Thanks to everyone who thought of me on Thursday! Good Luck to you all!





Goals I Have Accomplished Move To Colorado, Work in a Veterinarian Clinic, See Scotland, Get Married and be crazy in love, See Delicate Arch (Arches National Park, Utah), See Yellowstone, Get My Bachelor's Degree, Practice Counseling, Play a Musical Instrument, Take Voice Lessons, Sing in Different Languages, Sing in a great choir, See New York City, See San Francisco, Go to Napa Valley and drink wine, See the West Coast, Ride scary roller coasters, Become CPR/First Aid Certified, Took Ballet, Learn to Drive (!), See Montana, Ride Horses, Gone Skinny Dipping, Learn Basic Spanish and French, Do mission work in other countries, To see Phantom of the Opera in NYC on Broadway, See Christmas lights in NYC, See the Empire State Building, See the CN Tower in Toranto, observed the Olympics, Travel on Route 66, Walked across the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Milked a cow, rode an elephant and camel, Took a cruise to the Bahamas (twice) Goals Still to Acomplish Travel to the Following places: Italy, England, Ireland, Spain, Germany, Egypt, France (See Paris), Fiji, Swizerland, Austria, Greece, Israel, Alaska, Hawaii, India, Yosemite, Austrailia, New Zealand, Russia, Japan, Be a great example to younger people, lead people to Christ, grow in my faith, Go horseback riding on the beach, Do a cattledrive, Possibly, maybe have a baby, drive on the Audubon, Get my nose pierced, get a small tattoo, Buy a house, go skiing, get skinny, fly a plance, be in a movie, pay off all debt, go whale watching, have multiple cats, Hike to the Hollywood Sign, hire a housekeeper, Try Parasailing, learn to really paint, Try Surfing, See the Northern Lights, See the Kremlin and Red Square, Go to the Cherry Blossom Fesival in Japan, Stay in one of those bungalow huts over the ocean water, See the Pyramids of Giza, See the Eiffel Tower, See the Grand Canyon, Think more before I speak, Take a course in Wine, Float on the Dead Sea and read a magazine, Visit where Anne Frank hid out, Have a small farm with ducks, chickens, horses, 1 cow, and 1 pig, lots of dogs and cats, own a rabbitt, own an African Gray parrott, grow my own herb and vegetable garden, Walk accross the zebra crossing at Abby Road, Walk in the steps of Jesus and the disciples in the Holy Land, Drive a snowmobile, ride an elephant in India, Ride a camel in Egypt, See the Taj Mahal, Learn Sign Language, Walk on a glacier, to not be scared of snakes and spiders, Ride in a hot air balloon, Take a cruise around the world, Go to Prince Edward Island, See Lucy Maud Montgomery's home, Take Ballet again, try Ballroom dancing,



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