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At my pre-op visit they made me do an upper GI. I suppose it's because I have a history of GERD. Anyway, that has got to be the nastiest, foulest, weirdest test in the world! It's as bad as a colonoscopy prep!   Other than that, though, it was a pretty unremarkable day. Just a long one!   Today marks my 4th day of the liquid diet. On day 1, I lost it around 5 pm and ate a bunch of cookies.
On day 2, I planned well but was not able to execute due to the craziness of the day. I ended up eating a small (by my standards) serving of a healthy bean salad at the potluck. I also took a bite of a delectable dessert and immediately felt nauseous.
On day 3, I was hungry and teary and grumpy, but I made it without straying off plan.
Today, on day 4, I had to work at the office and there were all kinds of leftovers from last week's potluck in the break room (my office opens onto the break room, unfortunately). Eventually I succumbed to tasting two sweets that looked impossibly good, but fortunately they tasted nasty so I spit the taste-bites out. The urge to eat that junk food is now gone!
I was expecting hunger, but I wasn't expecting to be cold constantly. Wore socks and mittens to bed last night! And I was expecting some fatigue, but I didn't expect to want to sleep nonstop!   Am hoping that I'm "over the hump" and that the remaining days will be easier.   The thought that has been going through my mind a lot these past few days is, "Am I just trading one collection of pills (meds) for another (supplements)?

talking mountain

talking mountain


Starting Out

My surgery date is December 28, 2015. I'm having RNY gastric bypass.   The nearest WLS center is 2 hrs away but my GP is very supportive and has other WLS patients, so I am not worried about the distance. The WLS is a "Center of excellence" which made researching the doctors easy.   I've toyed with the idea of WLS for more than 10 years. Each time I started thinking seriously about it, I'd give healthy eating one more try-- usually with minimal results. About 6 years ago, though, I adopted a low-fat, plant-based diet and lost almost 50 lbs -- way more than I'd ever lost on Weight Watchers (9 times), Jenny Craig, OptifSt, Atkins, the Zone,...you know the story! And even though I felt fantastic, somehow the crap started sneaking back in and I regained all the weight (plus some extra, of course).   A couple of months ago the idea of WLS popped into my head out of the blue, and it just felt right. Since then I've gone full bore on meeting the requirements. Once I go through the mandatory 4-hr class, I'll have met all the program's requirements and they will submit my paperwork for insurance approval. If I understand the process correctly, I can get a surgery date once insurance approves me. Since I've met all the insurance requirements, it is not supposed to take them long.   I am 5'6" and last weighed in at my pre-op on Dec. 17 at 263 lbs, which is a BMI of 41.8. I think I've weighed a bit more in my life, but I've never been this big in size. Right now I'm a 26-28, or 4X... sizes that didn't exist 30 years ago!   My weight goal is to stabilize at no more than 150 lbs. So I probably need to get to the 120s-130s at the "peak" of my weight loss. That would be fun; I'd love to see what 135 lbs feels like! I'd actually be satisfied at 170 lbs, but I'd really like to lose and keep off at least 113 lbs.   I like data so here's a summary. Mostly for my own reference later: "Healthy weight" based on the standard BMI chart is 120-150 lbs.
"Ideal weight" based on two height/weight standards is 132-136 lbs.
"Normal weight" based on CDC's BMI calculator is 116 - 167 lbs.
So, if I assume an ideal weight on the lower end, that would be about 125 lbs, with 138 lbs "excess weight." Research shows that most WLS patients stabilize at 50-70% of excess weight lost, so for me that would be 166 to 194 lbs. 166-170 would be the MAX I would be satisfied with, and would not be happy AT ALL to go through all of this to lose only 69 lbs and live at 194 lbs, so I really have to USE THIS TOOL WELL!   It's hard to imagine what my body will feel like with 100+ lbs less on it!I

talking mountain

talking mountain



ince health is my goal and it's easy to get caught up how much weight I am (or am not) losing, I thought it would be a good idea to write down all the health & QOL issues I currently have, even the nitpicky ones. Then, hopefully, I will be able to tick them off as "no longer relevant" as the weight loss progresses!   Health Issues Asthma
Allergies & chronic sinus problems.
Hypertension (managed to 140s/80s w/medication)
Pre-diabetes. 1 point away from full-blown diabetes.
Chronic trochanteric bursitis.
Chronic ITB Pain Syndrome.
Chronic pain from degenerative disc disease in lower back.
Obstructive sleep apnea.
Medications Inhalers (preventative & emergency).
Allergy medicine.
Nasal rinse/topical steroid.
Advil most days.
Quality-of-Life Issues Pain when walking (hips/IT band).
Pain when standing (lower back).
Can't reach my toes directly.
Can't reach my backside.
Uncomfortable fat rolls on neck, sides, & under belly.
Dining rm chair squeezes me uncomfortably.
Simple things make me winded.
Have started driving from one spot to another to avoid walks I would have enjoyed before.
Avoid exertion because it's painful and exhausting.
Ashamed at the example I set for kid.
Can't see to buckle seat belt.
Seat belts lock up on me because I have to pull them out to the maximum.
Fatigue & low energy
Afraid to do anything fun (jump rope, chase dog, etc) due to exertion & fear of getting injured.
Avoid visiting family or seeing old friends.
Can't camp out or stay over unless I have my CPAP (snoring).
Have never been down the slide w/my kid.

talking mountain

talking mountain

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
