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Just a daily entry of my day!

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Feeling Alone...

I was debating on posting this but finally decided that I would because I'm sure someone out there is or has gone through this and might be able to give me some advice. Support my family supports me through anything and everything even with the decision to get this surgery they have encouraged me to continue to eat healthy and loose weight so that I can be approved for this surgery. Even through having this ankle surgery and being stuck in bed my mom has made me protein shakes and gotten me all healthy stuff instead of the easy junk food snacks. This means a lot because my mom has her own health issues and is fighting stage four breast cancer and she is tired and sick a lot so it means a lot that she is taking the extra time to prepare the healthy stuff for me to eat. Now that is all positive but there is also a huge negative side. My fiancé does not encourage me at all, he is extremely overweight and I have begged him to go through this with me so we can be healthy and his response constantly is " I will eat whatever I want I like junk food so that's what I'm going to eat." and then when I say well you could die early and I don't want that I need you here, he replies with this " I'll die whenever I at least I got to eat what I wanted." He hates the idea that I am getting this surgery and I get absolutely no support from him and he is the person I need it from the most. This is extremely hard and I don't want it to end our relationship but I can't constantly be brought down. He constantly brings me junk food and tempts me to eat it and when we are out he is always going through drive throughs and it is very hard to have self control when he is eating what I really want right in front of me. If anyone else has gone through this please leave me some advice in the comments, I am really struggling right now. I love him but I also want to be healthy and feel good about myself! PLEASE HELP!   PS: the picture included in todays post is a mickey wreath I made since I am stuck in bed! (my family is completely obsessed with Disney!)




Salt and Pepper Shaker

So we are on day 3 after my ankle surgery and i am not a very happy camper,in a lot of pain and extremely tired. The only plus side is when I get things i ordered in the mail. Today i received these lovely antique christmas salt and pepper shakers to add to my collection. Since I am not feeling the greatest i am not making this post long just sharing what i got in the mail today. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow so I can make a full blog post!




Ankle Surgery

Unfortunately today I had to get my second ankle surgery of the year, the first surgery I had back in January for my ankle it fixed my original problem but started a new one. The new problem was that there was a build up of cartilage in between my ankle joint and there was also a pinched nerve, So today in surgery they did an arthroscopy and cleaned out all the cartilage and cut the pinched nerve which means I will not have feeling on the one side of my ankle but the pain will not be there so I am not complaining!! I had surgery at about 7:30 this morning and got home around 11 so my pain was very high but I think I am slowly getting it under control it's just really hard to get comfy in bed since I cant lay my ankle certain ways! On a positive note this surgery will not affect the date of my weight loss surgery since there is enough time between them to heal from this one and get the anesthia out of my system. Also for the next two weeks I will have to give myself shots in the stomach to reduce my risk for blood clots since I have had a history of getting them. anyone who has had these shots before know how bad they burn so I am really not looking forward to it these next two weeks!! Then as soon as get off them I'll have to do them again for the weight loss surgery! Hopefully I won't have to do them as long for that surgery! Well today's entry photo is a lovely picture of my orange wrapped leg! Also here is what I ate and am going to eat today since I am doing this entry super early!   Breakfast: nothing since I couldn't eat before surgery Lunch: - Bagel - Cream cheese Snack: - Pretzels - String cheese Dinner: - Spaghetti - Turkey meatballs




Date Night

So I got home late last night and forgot to post on here! Yesterday was date night for me and my fiancé we went all over Reading, some places I have never even been to. Unfortunately I ate good all day yesterday until we went out for dinner at my fiancés favorite childhood pizza place! I was bad and had chicken wings AND taco pizza put it was so so so good and it was the only time all week that I ate a bad meal! After we were done eating we went to the Berkshire mall and of course I had to go to the pet store and hold all the adorable puppies!! After we were done at the mall we went up to the Pagoda (which is in reading pa and overlooks the whole city of Reading) it is so beautiful but it was so cold out. In todays entry I'll include pictures of everything I did and ate haha! Finally this is what I ate yesterday!     Breakfast: - Protein Drink (rockin refuel) Lunch: -Jimmy Dean Delight bagel with sausage and egg Snack: - Starbucks Coffee (decafe) Dinner: - Buffalo Wings - Taco Pizza




Stocking Up :)

Started my day off with waking up early and have a yummy protein shake (Rockin Refuel) I love love love them they are the best and cheapest single protein shakes I've been able to find! They are available at Giant and are really delicious! I will include a picture of them in todays entry! I also had another successful day of eating healthy and not drinking any sugary drinks! I don't have much to include in todays entry so I wont blabber on anymore! Here is what I ate today!   Breakfast: - Rockin Refuel protein drink Snack: - pretzels(28) - laughing cow cheese (garlic and herb) Lunch: - chicken burrito skillet Snack: - Yoplait yogurt (mixed berry) Dinner: - buffalo chicken salad




Mexican Food For Dinner!

Today was a pretty good day other than it being super rainy out! I feel really good I have been able to stick to my dietitians goals she has set for me which is home cooked dinners at least 5 days a week and then cutting out the sugary drinks! So far this week it has been a success I have not had any sugary drinks I have been replacing them with water, protein drinks, or crystal light water flavoring! And as far as dinner goes I have cooked every night this week! Tonight's dinner was chicken burrito skillet which was a combination of brown rice, chicken, tomato's, peppers, beans, and onions! I'll include a picture of the dinner with todays entry! It was so good and everyone loved it! I also found a lot of other dinner ideas for this week on Pinterest! I was also think about including what I what everyday with my post, since I have to record my food everyday anyway!   Todays Food:   Breakfast: - Protein Shake Lunch: -Scrambled eggs with cheese Snack: Rockin Refuel (protein shake) Dinner: Chicken Skillet Burrito Snack: GNC ice cream protein bar




Craft Show

Today I went to a really fun craft show at my church, it was so nice and was like twice the size as last year. There was lots of different things there like crocheted things, things made from alpaca, thirty one items, and so much more! After the craft fair me and my mom went to Chick fil a which is a favorite fast food place of ours, but I was actually really proud of myself I got grilled chicken nuggets, a small fry, and even brought my own drink in. This was a big step for me as it took a lot of self control to not get junk and fried stuff! Today was a very gloomy day it rained all day and it was dark really dark out. The rest of the day I did very good with eating well I had a protein shake for breakfast then chick fil a for lunch and finished off with tilapia and rosemary potatoes for dinner! I also did really good with snacks I only ate my premade snacks I had made for the week and was satisfied with just that I didn't crave anything else after I ate the snacks. Other than all the fun stuff I did today I have had a lot on my mind, mostly thinking about what is going to happen if my insurance doesn't cover the surgery? I am going to be so devastated I really don't know what I will do I am trying not to think about it it's just really hard! Anyway todays picture is a sheep made of alpaca my mom got at the craft show today!   Love:Jess




Doctors Appointment #3

Today I woke up bright and early for my 8am doctors appointment at BMI of Lancaster! First I met with my dietitian and we went over my recent food log from the past month. She pointed out that I started out really well and was getting my protein in and not skipping any meals and then she looked at the last 2 weeks and they were horrible you could tell that I fell back into my old ways. Thanks to her she gave me the shove I needed to get back on track and to stop being lazy and do my meal prep which really works for me. Instead of grabbing a bag of chips I can grab one of the pre made snacks I set out for myself! I also saw my fitness trainer today unfortunately we were not able to work on anything due to my upcoming surgery on my ankle, I cant wait until I am recovered from that so I can start working out and be more prepared for surgery, Also I spoke to the insurance coordinator and she told me all the things I have to have ready prior to surgery so I scheduled my appointment f psych evaluation and the surgery clearance from my family doctor I was even lucky and got them both scheduled on the same day! Other than my doctors appointment I went shopping for some healthy foods and came home and did a whole weeks worth of meal prep! (which I have been slacking on) Another thing I did today was go to an antique store, which if you read the about me section on my profile I love collecting antiques! Anyway I found and amazing planter girl which I will include a picture of with this post! I also made an amazing dinner! I made tilapia and rosemary potatoes everyone loved it so that's always a plus I even have some leftover for my dinner tomorrow! Well I am going to head off to bed I have to wake up tomorrow to go to a huge craft-show with my mom!   Love: Jess



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