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My gastric plication journey begins.....

After doing a fair amount of research I have decided to get gastric plication.  Although I am a low BMI candidate my weight just keeps on climbing and attempts to lose it just end up moving me higher on the scale.  I knew from the start I did not want any cutting so my choices were narrowed down to the band and plication.  As a self-pay patient the cost of both surgeries were similar.  Because I do a lot of traveling for fun to remote places I decided the band could be more of a barrier to safety.  From the research that is out there I was happy with the outcomes and low associated risks with plication.  Initially I liked the idea that is was a reversible procedure however my surgeon was very candid that new tissue will form and is not as easily reversed as promoted.  Because plication is still considered to be an experimental procedure in the US I would have to be enrolled in a study.  The amount of follow up and monitoring after surgery also felt a bit comforting knowing I would be monitored closely.

Day 1 - Thursday June 20th, 2013 - Surgery
I arrived at 6:15 am and was back on my way home by 11 am. Felt pretty miserable waking up from surgery, was in pain and had a strong urge to vomit.  The nurses who were very caring and attentive had me up walking immediately and I was given the max dosing allowed of Dilaudid before going home to make me as comfortable as possible.  On the drive home my hunger was through the roof.  I wanted a plain hamburger, bread or mac-n-cheese which my brain was telling me I would feel better if I had.  My stomach felt like a pool of acid.  At home I tried to take sips of water, melted popsicles and even tried a little broth.  Nothing would go down without a lot of pain.  By 5pm I decided to call the clinic and let them know how I was feeling.  The MD suggested I come in the next day to get IV fluids if I continued to have trouble getting fluids in and she bumped up my anti-spasmodic meds from every 6 hours to ever 4 hours.  I'm definitely having feelings of 'what have I done to myself' which I think are pretty normal.

Day 2 - Friday June 21st, 2013 -  The nurse called in the am to check in on me.  I was feeling better as long as I didn't try and take anything in.  She thought it best I come in for fluids to play it safe over the weekend.  While I was there they performed a fluoroscopy and the MD said everything looked fine.  I was given permission to take some chewable antacids and this seemed to help a bit.  I was still craving bread and between the meds, juice, broth, popsicles my stomach continued to feel like a pool of acid.  I tried to stay on top of my medicine and during the four hour period had about 2 1/2-3 hours of comfort.  For about 20 minutes after taking the meds I felt rotten, had some relief for 2 1/2-3 hours and then started to feel unwell again after the meds started to wear off which was about 30-40 minutes before my next dose.

Day 3 - Saturday June 22nd, 2013 -
Most testimonials online I have read indicate people are feeling better after 48 hours.  It's been over 58 hours and things have yet to feel like they are letting up so I am feeling a little discouraged.  I've also been fretting over the fact I will not be able to eat the same in front of people I know and they will figure out I've had weight loss surgery which I am choosing not to disclose for various reasons.  Tonight is one of my friend's 40th birthday party and I am going to miss it as I don't feel up for it or want to explain why I'm not eating or drinking.  I'm feeling a bit guilty and sad not to be there.  My husband decided to go without me and I am somewhat amused that my friends are asking if I am pregnant suggesting that I might have morning sickness.  I also have my brother's wedding coming up in 3 weeks so that will be interesting but I'm just trying to go day by day and not get to far ahead of myself.  Been consuming some Jello today and that seems to be going down the best.  Water feels like its just diluting the acid feel in my stomach.  My incisions are itchy so I am keeping an eye of them and decided to rub a bit of antibiotic ointment over a couple that are red.  I'm also monitoring my blood pressure and temp.  Blood pressure is a little high but temp is normal.

Day 4 - Sunday June 23rd, 2013 -
Was able to get in 4 hours of sleep before waking with pain and discomfort. I've been taking short little naps throughout the day once my pain meds kick in and I start feeling drowsy.  Went to the store and bought some coconut sorbet, chocolate pudding, yoghurt, chicken and beef soups which I had to strain, and some oatmeal, although after reading through my post-op instructions discovered I needed to wait until week three before trying.  Today is my third day so I am able to progress to full liquids from clear liquids.  I was elated to be able to consume about 1/4 cup of chicken soup broth using a baby spoon to help slow the intake.  I took about a teaspoon of pudding and decided I wasn't ready for it.  I'm able to suck on cold popsicles and take a few bites of sorbet.  At first I was nervous as I read the cold can actually make the stomach feel worse and spasm, but thankfully I don't have any discomfort and the cold feels satisfying. By now I feel like I'm getting into a little routine and am learning a few tips and tricks.  I am even trying to space out my meds a little more.  Here's what's working for me:
- No lying completely horizontal.  If I wake up and have slid down off my pillows I will have pain.  I suspect I may have a bit of reflux. following my surgery.
- Stay fully upright at least 10 minutes after taking something in and move around.
- chewable tums and gas-x are my friend.
- walk or wiggle around at the slightest feeling of pressure and after taking in liquids.  Taking an extra couple sips of something can also help to release the gas if it feels stuck.
- set a timer and take in a few sips of fluid every 20-30 minutes
- brush your teeth and rinse the mouth out as much as needed to get rid of the acidity and sickly medication taste.
I've been a bit cranky towards my husband today but he is remaining supportive.  So thankful for him.

Day 5 - Monday June 24th, 2013:
Woohoo I slept for 6 1/2 hours straight.  Got up at 6am had a Tums, Gas X, and a swig of pain killers and was able to go back to sleep after 10 minutes of upright positioning for another 4 hours.  I am finally starting to feel good, so much so that I started to clean the house and did some work on the computer as I can focus on something else besides the pain and discomfort the last few days.  I weighed myself this morning and I am down 4lbs.  Who knows how much of this is water weight, but I am excited nonetheless.  For breakfast I decided to try a protein cappuccino coffee from Pantry Selections and an hour later had a chewable vitamin.  I have yet to have a bowel movement from surgery so hoping that adding the meal replacements will help but have decided to take a laxative in the evening if no luck to be on the safe side.  I've noticed a few single hiccups here and there so I'm keeping up with the anti-spasmodics but am going to try and taper the pain meds and anti-nausea meds.  My strategy to take something in every 30 minutes or so seems to be working.  Pain and discomfort are diminishing and I have a reasonable amount of energy which I read can really be lacking status post surgery.  I'm trying not to exceed 1/8-1/4 cup sips of liquid at a time or 3-4 spoonfuls of 'approved substances'.  I was able to take in some yoghurt, odwalla carrot juice, jello, broth and liquid protein fruit drinks. My husband has been banished to another room when he decides to eat as my solid food cravings are high.  I would love to have something savory and crunchy but keep reminding myself I can't do anything that will compromise the safety of my surgery!  Blood pressure is down today!  In the evening I decided to take a shower.  I covered my incisions so I could just take my time.  Was able to make it through the day without any pain meds and anti-nauseau pills but I plan on taking  pain meds before bed to ensure I have a good nights sleep.     




My first compliment

I was banded 6/6 and am down about 15 lbs. since( trying very hard not to weigh-in daily) I have been feeling great. I'm lucky that I have had no issues. It made my day today when a co-worker commented that I looked like I lost some weight. I carry most of my weight in my middle so my pooch is slowly melting. It just put a smile on my face on a busy Monday morning. I feel great since I gave up the diet soda. I quit cold turkey about a month go. I sleep better and feel lighter if that makes sense. I look forward to my evening walk. I'm just so happy I followed through and I hope I stay this positive & motivated in the months ahead.




Nature's Dinner

Having planted my own little urban garden this year, I have been enjoying natures bounty. I have spaghetti squash, yellow squash, zucchini squash, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and sweet bell peppers. So I have had lots of veggies to cook. So the following are some meals I have prepared with natures goodies:   Spaghetti Squash Garlic Alfredo I cook the squash in the microwave, which takes just a little bit. I make my own garlic alfredo using garlic cloves, olive oil, 2% milk and flour. It's yummy and far less calories than the store bought kind. Sprinkle a touch of parm on top- yummy.   Veggie frittata Saute zucchini, cherry tomatoes, onions, peppers add beaten egg and a dash of 2% milk - sprinkle with a touch of monteray jack cheese and it's a yummy meal that reheats wonderful.   Grilled Squash Sliced squash tossed in a touch of olive oil, salt and pepper and place on a grill tray and grilled till tender enjoy or sprinkle with a touch of parm cheese.   Spaghetti Squash and Veggies Cook Squash in the microwave Touch of olive oil- sauté onion, peppers, cherry tomatoes, squash- salt, pepper to taste, dash of lemon juice. Toss with squash- sprinkle with parm cheese.   These are just a few things I have done in the last few weeks - it's nice to eat out of my own garden. I know it's organic, I know it's fresh, and it is soooo good!    




Six Months - Is that All?

I am officially six months into this journey and I couldn't be happier. I am half way to my ultimate goal. I've had a couple of ah-ha moments lately. This past weekend I went shopping and realized that just because something fits doesn't mean I have to buy it. In the past anything that fit was an automatic purchase as there were so few things that actually fit. Now I can pick and choose! That made me so amazingly happy this weekend. I am also now fully aware of how my body drops weight - this will be a losing month and next month will not. I tend to stall with every 10 lbs now - but I am moving in the right direction and that is what is important. This picture is of me the day of surgery and then at 6 months post-op! -69 lbs!!! BIG GOALS: Get rid of the "Big O" - I want to be out of the "obese" range for BMI (about 4 more points to go on that one)
Have lost more weight than I have to lose - that will be in two more pounds - but it is a day I am so looking forward to...
Get rid of any and all clothing with an X after the size (it's an emotional attachment - none of them fit me any more)
Do a zip-line - that's been on my list for a while - gonna knock it off this summer
I'll post more when I have time to think about them. Life is simply too busy right now to think straight. Oh - one interesting thing happened last weekend. We went to a party and after my boyfriend mentioned that it seemed like I really had a good time. I told him that before my surgery I dreaded these kind of events because I felt so self conscious and worried about taking up too much space in the crowded room, and I simply got tired of standing all night. Now I have none of those thoughts/worries/issues. He was surprised to hear me say this - I guess I really did suffer in silence for years!




lunch out with husband

So today we were on our way to an Italian restaurant for lunch and we were passing a golf club that has views of Boston. So we went to the golf course. The menu was great. We both decided on the lobster roll that had mayo on the side. I hate mayo so this was perfect. This would be my second time trying lobster since the banding last July. I got stuck real bad. It was awful. My poor husband was left eating while I was walking around outside in 97 degree weather. People from NE live on lobster since birth and now I can not do it any more. I am very sad about it. The french fries went down fine, of course. Stay cool and wear sun block. 'Eye Candy"/Arlene




Four Days Out

"Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them" Jackson Browne     I can not believe I am going to write again. I spent 3 or 4 years somewhat journaling my previous weightloss effort. That came to a screeching halt around 19 months ago. And now I am headed into the land of VSG. I am scheduled for surgery this friday, June 28th. I am having my surgery done at the University of Wisconsin Hospital. I made my first phone call about the surgery in August 2012. I had been diagnosed with some arthritis in my knee and my activity level came to a dramatic halt. I had found 70-80 of my old friends and knew I really needed to do this for me. I had no idea I would be waiting 9-10months to get it done.   6 months with the nutritionist. My first meeting with the Surgeon in late January. A new nutritionist. 3 group classes. You need to lose 25 lbs before we do surgery. That sleep study has a two month waiting list. Approval May 6th. Schedule surgery for June 28th and meet with the doctor forJune 6th. Oh yeah you better have lost that 25 lbs by then. Start trying to lose the 25 lbs...again. Spend June 3,4,5 fasting and come in under the number. One last class and an EKG, chest xray, and labs. Start the two week liquid diet.   Six to seven slim fasts carnation breakfasts a day??? ick. Substitute some isopure and maybe some chicken and nuts every once in awhile. Hey it's now June 24 and this is really happening.   Oh yeah I guess I better tell my mom That can wait until tomorrow. I have really only told a couple close friends and my volleyball teammates. everyone has been supportive. A few have asked questions. But no complaints from me about who I have told. My family, we shall see. None of them live within a 1,000 miles of me, and to their credit they have always been real supportive. I think I hesitated in telling them mostly because I don't want them to worry.   So that's the condensed version of my story. Excited and grateful that I have learned so much from following and reading about your journeys. You guys will never know the help you have been. Best of luck to all of you Peace, Jim




The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Whew! It was truly a whirlwind weekend. Since last Thursday morning, I've crammed in 4-1/2 rounds of golf, 2 parties, 1 dinner in the city and Game 5 of the Stanley Cup playoffs. From a normal guy's perspective I would say this would be in the running for the ultimate weekend competition if there was such a thing. From a fat ass dieter's eye view, this was a weekend full of challenges and temptations. The Devil and his sinister sidekick Al C. Hall were lurking around every corner waiting to pull my into a downward spiral. But this morning I find myself sober, satiated and reinvigorated. But it was no cake walk!         The Good - My eating choices for this four day fun binge were spot on! I took my Muscle Milk Light to the club and drank it over ice for breakfast. Yep, I'm slowly drinking this fake chocolate milk while watching 50 other guys load up on pancakes, omelettes, a full assortment of breakfast meats, home fries, pastry and danish and all kinds of toasted breads. Challenge, yes. But I beat the odds despite the wafting smell of crisp bacon. The lunches were more of the same. A full spread of cheeseburgers, hot dogs, brats and sausages were laid out in several different places. And let's not forget the chips, cookies and other deserts. And there was a giant trailer with free draft beer. I was in fat ass paradise and couldn't enjoy the show. I sparingly ate a chicken breast, a cup full of chicken salad and some watermelon slices. During the golf, I ate a few melted protein bars to keep my stomach from growling. At the parties and dinner downtown, I slowly feasted on small bites of salmon and sashimi, a slice of turkey and a few small shrimp, while my fellow diners were scoffing down famous Chicago steaks perfectly pink on the inside and charred to perfection on the outside.         The Bad - I was expecting a cordial reunion with my old friend Al C. Hall. (That's alcohol for you new readers.) It didn't take long for old Al to show up to the party. I decided it was time to have a nip during our first round of golf. Since I was determined to stay away from beer, I had to use a little ingenuity at the half way house. Of course, I would stay away from all juices, sugary drinks and carbonated beverages. But if I started drinking straight vodka at 2 in the afternoon, I was guaranteed to be blotto by the back nine. So I invented a new cocktail. Vodka and Vitamin Water Orange. BRILLIANT! Vodka over ice and add the VW as needed. This helped me nurse the one drink while others were having several more. I was imbibing with my buddies but not falling all the way off the wagon. I had a couple more at the opening dinner party but stopped early due to my ride home. All in all, a good plan for a bad vice .         The Ugly - I can honestly report to you that I won the weekend food battle. I looked the Lucifer of Lard straight in the eye and he blinked first. However, his evil counter part, The Vetis of Vodka eventually got the best of me. It started with a four hour rain delay between matches on Friday and ended with tumble down a few steps while excitedly leaving the hockey game. Since I was being chauffeured to the game and back to house afterwards, I didn't pay any attention to to the number of Geese I downed. I ended up killing the whole flock. Saturday dinner consisted of a bread stick, cottage cheese and a few bites of under cooked salmon. But I washed it down with a couple of Gibsons with devilishly delicious cocktail onions. A couple more at the game with soda and I was as pickled as the onions. The final straw was my pal's idea to have one last double before the bar closed for the last period. That's probably the one that made me miss that last step and hit the floor.         I had two goals for the weekend. One of which was not to fall completely off the wagon. You may disagree, but I feel I held it in check pretty good. My other goal was to weigh the same today as I did last Thursday morning. And I do. Victory is mine. So get your scorecards out and give this one to Johnny.         I am now refocused on good eating and no drinking for a few more weeks. I have another holiday weekend and another golf tournament in the next month to deal with. That means more trouble from you know who. Could a surprise visit from Al C. Hall be far behind? If he does rear his ugly head, I hope there are no stairs around.         I'm off to get my first fill today from Dr. X!         Talk soon!   jt             Reprinted from my blog. Please become a follower! We would love to have you!   TheDeconstructionofJohnny.blogspot.com




All in....

I had considered the lap band before but shied away because I really wanted to have my second child close in age with my darling daughter. So I spent the past 8 months trying and found out two weeks ago I am not ovulating due to my size. GREAT!! So my options are the terrible hormones that will make a raging pain or peeing on sticks everyday and tracking things and temperature readings!!! What a nightmare and the stress from that would make it even harder... JOY! So my other option is a drastic change. I've been dieting and working out for a the past 3-4 years with little victories and even bigger loses. So now I am doing the lap band I have my first appointment in July along with my first classes. I am excited and terrified. I'm hoping to make changes in my life that will help my daughter grow up strong and proud of me and that will help me to live a longer healthier life. csal,ld;k




Somehow still not fast enough...

I debated on posting this, because I KNOW how crazy it sounds..but does anyone else just feel like- this weight isn't coming off fast enough? When I look back on it- I was sleeved 2/28, and I'm already down 48 pounds POST OP...which is like...amazing. I'm a totally different person, yet so much of me is like- get to the "normal" size already. I think there is so much pressure on myself to be the size I want to be that I'm taking for granted the major changes and steps that I've taken this far. On the flipside of that it's also frustrating to be like- wow I've lost almost 50 pounds...yet I'm still overweight. It's an odd place to be...on one hand- I'm happy with the weight loss, I'm down several sizes, and I feel SO much better...but then on the other hand I'm like- yeah but this is good not great- you're still not where you should be. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change one second of this choice, it's the best thing I've ever done for myself, and wouldn't undo it if I could. I love my new lifestyle. I know it sounds crazy...but I also promised myself that I'd blog through this entire journey, pre op- through my surgery, and post-op...so I can look back and see my journey, but also in the hopes that I can connect with a few folks that are thinking this choice over...or that are going through what I am...so...   Anyone else have that struggle?




why have I not blogged in a while? well lemme tell ya!

So in Nov of 2012 was my first visit with my surgeon. from there they gave me a list of 1 million things to do and set me up for a nutrition class in feb 2013. So I was off and running, I have insurance that's a bit of a pain sometimes so every week I was on the phone with SOMEONE trying to get things all worked out. I had to hound my PCP for about 3 months to get the letter from him. Well, no I asked in Dec for the letter, he wrote a script... not gonna work so I explain what it needs to say. His office sends me a notice that he is leaving the practice and I need to get set up with a new doctor! So Im freaking out and calling his office 800 times a day to find out if he wrote a letter or not. finally in the end of Jan 2013 I got the letter that he did write just before leaving! YaY!!! next was the phsys eval, this was a pain. I called every office within 150 miles of my house! finally I found one who had an opening. The day that I was supposed to go I came down with a stomach bug AND we were getting a snow storm (I live in the snow capitol of the world)! So I had to cancel. get it all worked out and finally had that done by the beginning of March. The nutrition class was done in feb, my blood work was done by feb! I was doing an amazing job. So in april 2013, they gave me a date for july 10th. Now while she was setting up the request for the day she asked "did you do (insert task here)" and I was answering to each. Well a week went by and I got a call from the insurance lady from that office and she informs me that they have NOTHING FROM ME!!!!! I almost cried! What on earth do you mean you have nothing!?! Well it turns out that they lost ALL of my stuff! Oh and by the way you have to have a sleep study done as well. Well. This is bull crap! So my reason for not writing in a while? I have been chasing all of my paper work everywhere. When I quit smoking I put on 30lbs bringing me to 306lbs. I have lost to 300lb but can NOT seem to budge from there which is pissing me off. I am on a partial liquid diet right now. I drink 4 nasty boost shakes and eat one meal of 4 oz of chicken and 1-2cups of fresh veggies. and I have lost ONE POUND! I just want to cry, Id also like to say to them, if I could just drop 30lbs at once, why in the hell am I here?!?!?! UGH UGH UGH.




If I see another protein shake I just might hurt someone

I don't know how you all did it. I started my self imposed pre-op diet today and it sucks. big time. I am so sick of protein shakes already. I used to really enjoy them. I am crabby, I feel bloated and disgusting. I can't believe there are some people on here who did it for a month. HOW DID YOU SURVIVE?!? How did you not inflict bodily harm on those around you!?!? I haven't exercised today (which is weird for me) because I haven't had any energy. Wednesday can't come soon enough.   To keep with the theme, I'm going to write a list of 3 things I hate about my pre-op diet   3. Protein Shakes 2. Protein Shakes 1. PROTEIN SHAKES.





I was sitting around today thinking about my surgery and those that have been supportive and those that have not or would not be.   A year ago when I began thinking about undergoing the surgery I approached a friend. I began asking his opinion about the surgery. when he said you don't need it you just need to diet and keep at it. I sat looking at him as if he had lost his mind, he is over six feet tall and grossly over weight. He has a bad habit of eating food from the plate of his son when he does not finish his meal. But he knows my diet habits?   I let the subject drop and have not said word about it since. I went to my information session to decide if this was the choice for me and was encouraged that it was.   As the year has gone by he has seen me and is always in my cabinets. He is quick to notice there is not any junk food or bad snacks. He noticed the various protein drinks and asked what I was doing with them. I told him i was experimenting with favors and staying my course on my diet.   All of this to say is that I am keeping secrets from those that are friends. I don't want to be judged by them even when I feel I have been judged.   One of my own sisters thinks I should just keep dieting and that the surgery is extreme. My feeling is that of course she would she's never been obese.   To be fair I have told five people and they have been most supportive and from this I am happy. My overall happiness is my responsibility and I'm very happy with my decision to a better way of living.   I do worry that once I start dropping weight that the cat will be out of the bag. But until that time I will be keeping my secret.      




My first few days post-op

I have felt very lucky to have had a couple of months preop to be on this site & learn from others. I appreciate the knowledge, advice, and the sharing of experiences I have found here, and I plan to pay it forward by posting regularly on my post op progress. So far, my experience has been pretty good, although in some ways it’s different than what I imagined.   I was sleeved on Wednesday, June 19 at Northside Hospital in Atlanta, GA. When I woke up from surgery, I felt queasy, but I didn’t get sick. The nursing staff was great, and so was my special bariatric nurse, Debbie. I was able to wear my own gown & robe, and somehow that made me feel better. I was up walking within a couple of hours of being in my room. I needed help walking at first, mainly just to have somebody keep the IV stand out of my way. At first, I was instructed to walk once every four hours, but on the second day they bumped it up to once every 2 hours. By the second day, I could do it by myself, but my husband usually came with me anyway. I used the breathing tube thing (spirometer?) almost every hour. I never hit the goal they set for me, but I came fairly close. I didn’t sleep much on Wednesday night, only dozing on and off. They came in to take vitals every 4 hours & I just couldn’t get comfortable.   That first afternoon, another VST member, journeybegins05032013 came by to meet me, and brought me the sweetest goody bag with samples of different protein powders & flavors, drink mix-ins, iron & calcium chews, a Dr. Seuss book, and a lovely journal. It was such a thoughtful gesture! I have also received wonderful calls, texts, and messages from many of my sleeve peeps, and I am just so thankful for this community.   WARNING – Grossness alert! The next paragraph is about poop.   Based on what I had read from others, I was expecting to not have a BM for several days. However, on Thursday morning I started pooping. It was extremely liquid, just like it had been the night before surgery with the bowel cleanse. It literally felt like I was peeing from the back side. Almost every time I peed, I would let go some more from the back. As a result, my anus hurt a lot. It was very tender & made it even more uncomfortable to lie on my back. The liquid poop has continued at home, but strangely enough I did not fart until this morning, on the 4th day out. I have been burping like crazy, but not farting. I never even used a Gas-X strip since I was pooping so much.   I am on clear liquids for 2 weeks, and then will be on full liquids for 2 more weeks. My doc counts skim milk as a clear, and I’m supposed to take in 32 oz of skim milk & 32 oz of other clears every day. I made SF Jello with milk & it turned out pretty good. I used about a quarter or half cup of boiling water to dissolve & then mixed in about 1 cup & a half of skim milk. I just tried the Unjury Chicken soup with water, but next time will make it with warm milk & see how that works out. I’m not doing a good job tracking my intake, and I really need to get better about that. I am going to start using MyFitnessPal today, since I know it has been so helpful for so many folks. My energy level is still pretty low. I am walking around my house every couple of hours & taking a longer walk with the hubs every evening. I’m trying not to push myself, and just give my body a chance to heal. I haven’t felt hungry at all, either physical hunger or head hunger. Overall, I feel pretty good about my recovery so far and about how my food intake is going. For the next week, I have nothing on my schedule away from the house except for Wednesday. I am planning to keep taking it easy and just continue to heal & build my stamina back up. One day at a time, little by little, I will get to where I want to be.




5 1/2 months Post Op

I am sorry I have not blogged in a while. Life got busy and is about to get busier.   I promised when I started blogging to tell the good and the bad so here goes..   Last month was a ton of bad. Not the bands fault. However, it was easy for me to blame the band and say WTH when it was me trying to sabotage myself all along. Not only did my weight loss come to a screaming halt, I gained 4lbs back in one week. One day I felt great and the next I felt no restriction. It was like I never had anything done. For some weird reason I freaked out and started eating and eating to try to feel "full". I am still not quite sure why I did that. I "know" what my portions should be and how I should eat. I do not know why I was looking for that "full" feeling other than I reverted back to eating for comfort which is something I thought I had conquered. Apparently not. So I went in for my monthly check up with my doctor with my b***h on. I was furious I gained weight, convinced I should have done another surgery, pissed at the world because "What if I did all this and am fat forever?"   Now, my doc is a no bullshit kind of guy. He doesn't do well with whining because he has the band himself and he knows whats up. Its like a teenager getting caught sneaking out of the house by a parent who already did all that when they were a teenager. You can't really get anything past this guy. So he comes in the room and says What's going on? Are you drinking your calories? Are you partying? Are you eating a ton of carbs? *Bingo* the Carb alarm goes off. I don't drink and seriously with 6 kids who the hell has time to party? But I was eating baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes. They went down well. I had stopped recording all my calories and was only going to the gym 3 days a week. He told me absolutely no veggies that grow under the ground from now on. Exercise 3 times a week was only going to maintain for me so he wants 45 minutes 7 days a week. *faint* My poor inner fat girl wanted to cry. He asked me what exactly did I expect? The weight was not going to pack its bags and take off on its own. I had gotten lazy again because the band had been working so well for me that I thought I didn't have to work anymore. We did another fill and guess what? I had to re learn how to eat! I thought it was too tight for a bit but it was my bad habits again. It was hard the first week after the fill. I got stuck and finally learned what people mean when they say they "slimed". It is gross and a horrible feeling and completely my fault again. I got complacent. I got lazy again and looked for anyone but myself to lash out at.   This month I am back on track. I have learned that eating a lot during the day is not going to be something I will ever do again. I have very small meals now but I am not looking for the feeling of "full" anymore. I understand now that is not what I need. I need to make sure I don't get dizzy or light headed from not having enough food. Feeling "full" is too much. I have replaced all the potatoes I was eating with squash or zucchini. I replaced a lot of the meat I was eating with fish because it has a lot of protein that I desperately need. I need to make sure that every single day I push my body just for a little while. I need to make sure I am helping the band work. Not expecting it to do all the work. I lost sight of the fact this band is a tool not a cure.   This month I lost all the weight I had gained back. I made it to the next decade down. Since seeing the doctor 3 weeks ago I have lost 8 lbs. I feel great. I am not going to be "fat" or should I say "unhealthy" forever. I have forgiven myself for slipping up. I think maybe that is the most important thing. I have owned the mistake and forgiven myself for it. I will never come on here and bash this tool and say it is evil or its all the bands fault things are not working out for me. The band is an inanimate object. Not capable of either being good or bad or having choices. We control it. We decide how it works for us.   The thing I want people to take from this is if you are in a stall or a plateau right now really look at everything. See maybe the tiny things you might be doing. Do NOT get angry. Try to stay calm and look at it from all angles. Write down everything. Write down how you are feeling emotionally, what are you eating, when are you eating? Once I started keeping logs again I figured out what was wrong. Don't give up hope and don't take it out on yourself or the band. It's just a matter of figuring out where the roadblock is and you will be back on track. Keep your head up. It does not have to come off over night. The goal is to be healthy. You are on track for that already.   I have gone from 305 to 259 since January 11. I am going slow but I am doing it. All I can ask of myself is to be nicer to me.




Almost at the 1 year mark!

It' will be close to a year in a few weeks. I've not had the weight loss results as most have reported here. I'm seeing >100 lbs being reported by a lot of my peers. I' not even close to 100 lbs, but on the healthcare front I've remained off my insulin, no longer sleep with my CPAP and have managed to stay relatively free of bing eating.   I'm very disappointed in that I've not maintained an excercise regimen that would be considered a "Life Style Change." I did have some good starts and stops and right now I'm decidedly at STOP. I just don't have the motivation stay on an exercise regimen. I always end up hurting myself in some way, then that give me clearance to give up.   In Oct 2012 I was in the hospital with stroke like symptoms, literally paralyzed on my left side. They r/o a stroke and after 2 days of tests, released me to neurologist for f/up care with dx of hemiplegic migraine. Code word for I don't know WTH is wrong, but she has had migraines in the past, so let's roll with it. I was on restrictions for about 2 month while they tried to figure out what's wrong. All my feeling returned before discharge, but I had total numbness in the last 3 fingers on my left hand. After testing for everything from carpal tunnel syndrome to pinched nerves in my arm and shoulder, the prize-winner neurologist came back with I can give you some cream that may work, I can send you to therapy with sometimes helps, or it may just fix itself on it's on........BUT I see you've not had a sleep study in a while and your plan will bay for it, so let me set you up for a new one. OK. Dr. Neuro's office begins calling me weekly to setup this darn sleep study....I finally told them to NEVER call me again. I still have trouble typeing and my left hand it still giving me problem.   I'm hoping I'm not a stroke risk, but the PCP says get going with the excecise again. In February I start back walking. Doing good. Sporadic, but I'm getting it in at least 2-3 times a week. Weight going down, have to finally buy some new clothes because my black leggings are falling off an my colorful fat girl "pop of color" tops are looking like flour sacks on me 'cause they're too big. I have a chronic pain in my left foot and ask for an x-ray, my PCP says there's nothing remarkable but I may have small bone spurs that will just be a chronic issue for me. SUX.   I start feeling a little soreness in my left leg, it evolves into a limp, but I'm thinking it's just me getting back on the track and I ben-gay it up and bear down. I'm down to 1-2 times a week, but I'm keeping it moving. Garage sale Saturday, I'm digging for treasures and a radiating pain hits my left leg. I can't walk. I yell. The ppl help me to my car and my mom starts freaking me out telling me it's probably a blood clot and I'm going to die if I don't get to an ER soon (She has a flare for the dramatic).   I go to the ER and they r/o a blood clot, discharge to my PCP for follow-up the next day. PCP rotates my leg and refers me to an Ortho Surgeon the next day stating he thinks I'm going to need surgery. Now I"m on crutches. Ortho assesses and no surgery. Just 1 week of total bed rest. I have a grade 2 calf muscle strain!     I'm off my feet for a week and come back, it's healing, but still not out of the weeds for abt 6 weeks so take it easy but do what you can.....To me that translates into DO NOTHING, and I've been faithful to that regimen for about 2 months now. WTH? Really Elle? You going to cop out like that? Why YES I AM. Disappointed in myself, but yes. I did that.   Now I'm at the year mark and reflecting. I want to hit the century mark. I'm wanting a 1XX versus a 2XX at my weigh in. I hope to reach the 100s in about 6-8 months. Kick-off date is July 1,2013. Please pray for me that I can keep this new goal in sight.     I do have concerns that I may have a hernia or something because I feel I am able to eat more than I should in one sitting. As long as I don't drink anything while eating I'm fine. I've drank alcohol sparingly w/o any trouble. I don't do well with chicken or ground beef.   Bread and butter is my weakness, but I can only eat a little bit of it at a setting. I have been bad and do drink from straws on occasion.   My new guilty pleasure is McCafe Hazlenut Lattes and Caramel Frappes. I also enjoy the egg white delight breakfast combo. I can eat the hashbrown and mcmuffin in one sitting (I just throw away one of egg mcmuffin slices).   I can honestly say the term "use VSG as a tool" not a solution is a great message. You will not drop an insane amount of weight just from having this procedure. You have to work at it and change. My health is better and I will praise this procedure to the mountain tops, but you must be willing to put in the work to get the pounds off. My mother recently had the procedure and is doing well. She was not nearly as obese as me, so I'm excited to see if a little competiton will help boost me on the walking track.   Her start weight is my current weight! So we're even in getting out of the gate. My mom had a lot more stuff broken in her health wise so I"m elated that she finally did the procedure.   My marriage is struggling at the moment. Not heading for divorce or anything, just facing some challenges with a blended family. We're working through it, but I'm feeling my old urges and our lack of intimacy isn't helping things at all. I hate being mad all the time.   Work is sucking as well. I don't know if I should move on or stay with them. My company has great benefits but I'm working 16-20 hour days and not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel. It's shockingly overwhelming.   Any way in closing. 1 year has been faced with several set-backs, but I'm optimistic that I can refocus and get back on track. Besides my husband and kids, the VSG decision remains one of the best decisions I've made in life. I think I bought myself more years on this earth by just choosing to not die of morbid obesity complications.   This board has been most helpful in letting me know I'm not alone and others are in the struggle with me and offering support.   Thank you all




Surgery Tomorrow

So tomorrow's the big day. Started the liquid diet yesterday and surprisingly it's not too hard. Bet it will be more difficult in three weeks. Still nervous, but becoming more resigned to the fact everything is going to change. I have read and planned as much as humanly possible. Now it's time to walk the walk. Praying I will be strong enough to make this a life long change. Can be scary sometimes when my support group is full of people who have gained weight back from bypass and lapband. I've been thinking about seeing a counselor to deal with some of the emotional aspects of WLS. I just really want this so bad. Now that some family and friends know I'm going to this extreme, what if I screw this up. What if I miss having birthday cake or my mom's famous fried chicken or my sister's potato salad. I know I sound like an idiot or at least like an addict, but sometimes it's so scary to think I won't have my favorite foods again. OMG, I'm such an addict. Maybe these thoughts are why I need surgery .




Mom is visiting

My mom is visiting from San Antonio and although I look forward to these times they are stressful. my interest in food skyrockets when she is around. At this point in my life i know it is not her doing but my own internal associations. I have worked on this for decades and manage not to eat but my head is constantly fighting me. I remember the first time I went to visit and gained no weight that was a victory. It is harder when she is here for she usually stays a couple of weeks and her mood can fluctuate from pleasant to difficult to get along. So far I have almost made it 20 hours and sticking with my pre surgery food intake.   On the surgery front, I will fly out to NC in 23 days! I think that for us older folk ( i am 57) the decision to have the surgery is not as challenging for we know the other option is worse due to either existing or impending health issues. The risk of surgery is nothing compared to the very signficant issues that are worsening--arthritis, back and foot pain, constant fatigue and weakness, bum knee. Plus the risk of diabetes and heart disease are not theoretical as they can be for a thirty year old but quite real and imminent. I see the surgery as a welcome way out of the downward spiral my life has been in for years. I have even given myself many dope slaps for not getting on the ball sooner. What was I thinking? I could have been a contender! alex




1 Sat to Paris

So, this is my first entry, and planning to behave like a grown up and take control of my health and use this lapband tool properly. I read somewhere once that people who overeat are emotionally underdeveloped as they use food as a emotional escape - not true for everyone - but for someone like me, that rung a true and clear bell, and frankly, it really hurt. Can't remember how I responded, but I probably ate something.... I have read in a million different approaches to this type of task, that keeping a journal is ideal and helps in some way. I have no desire to keep a paper journal and run the risk of having it read upon my demise, or even before. This may be public, but it is only public to people who can relate to what is happening to and for me during this process. I don't expect anyone will read this, but as a journal this will serve nicely. My handwriting resembles ransom notes these days anyway! Next entry - after a trip to Paris - surely not the ideal place to commence healthy food choices, but this is a "for life" change so location should be irrelevant. I




Getting Ready For Surgery

getting ready for surgery on Monday, two days until everything changes. I'm actually really scared and hoping I'm making the right choice. The posts have really helped me look beyond short term to what my new life could be. Excited to start my journey. I believe!




So upset about buying clothes

I have spent the day clothes shopping. I am losing all my weight in my legs and butt, but nothing in my gut. I am able to find jeans to go right up but can't get them buttoned. Does anyone have any ideas? Can you please tell me where everyone does their clothes shopping.

Veruca Salt

Veruca Salt


My very first NSV crept up on me!

So this week has been pretty hard, but yesterday I realized some of my pain is already gone, and that's amazing! For a couple of months I had been getting bad, all-day-all-night pain in both hips/thighs, almost like a constant muscle soreness except minus the exercise that usually causes that sort of thing. When I was making my list of NSVs for the first time, I put that one up top. It was so bad some days I felt hobbled, and I'm 26. I didn't know what it was, but I wanted it gone.   Yesterday I stood up to walk around and realized that I had just stood up with no. Pain. Not only that, but I had BEEN standing up with no pain all day, and my relatively pain-free state has thus far continued. HELL YES. As hard as this first week is, I have this little victory to hang on to.   My other little victories/goals, scale and non-scale, in the rough order in which I hope to achieve them: Get below 250. I've been above 250 for a year.
Start a series of every-morning pictures when I go back to work.
Fit into my favorite pants again (the size 18s that had started to hurt when I wore them)
Get below 230. I've been over 230 for a year and a half.
Find an exercise I like!
Get below 220. I've been over 220 for three years.
Buy NEW favorite pants ;]
Review my series of every-day pictures: six-month mark
Have my ankles and knees not ache every 8 hour standing shift I do at work.
Get below 210, which I haven't been under since I started college in 2005.
Donate most of my too-big clothes. (keeping some for comparison!)
Feel -- not even see, just feel! -- my hip bones again. I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE GUYS.
Get below 200. I've been over 200 lbs since 17.
Fit into a pair of size 14 pants.
Get below 190. My lowest weight ever in my adult life was 187 at 16 years old, and I looked good. It's a shame I didn't know how good I looked, actually, but that's what you get when you're a slightly body-dysmorphic teenager. Sure, I was still pudgy, but I was awesome pudgy and I should have flaunted.
Get below 180 -- uncharted territory!
GOAL: 175-170




Day 2 post op

I had surgery Thursday June 20th,2013, and it's day 2 and I feel like a train ran me over! I have major gas and gas bubbles along with loose stool. I basically feel like I have no control over any bowel movement or my body and this sucks! I can hardly breathe, laugh, cough or cry! The hardest thing is not being able to care for my children and hubby! I'm like a little baby and I can't wait till I can feel normal again!




4,4,4 before I hit the OR floor

4 more days! I'm going to share 4 things I have done in the past week....   4. Had my pre-op appointment with the anesthesiologist. She said I would do fine and that I have a big mouth for easy intubation haha 3. I went to two spin classes, walked 3 miles every day I wasn't at the gym and even started running a bit 2. Took my dog to the vet because he has e.coli. If you know what that is then you will know that my week also consisted of cleaning up gross dog poop accidents in the house. 1. Practiced living the lap band lifestyle since my surgery is 4 days away!!



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
