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Pre op

So, I have been on a medically supervised diet since January, had tons of tests including 2 EKG's, had blood work 3 times, an upper GI, an ultrasound, and a whole bunch of other stuff. After I finished everything, my paperwork was sent to insurance for approval. I waited several weeks, but my surgeon's office finally called them and just got my approval that way, and I got my surgery date, July 25th, 2013! For the last week, I have been on the preop diet. It was originally supposed to be the liquid diet, but the protein powder I got from them made me really sick. The dietician thought I may have an allergy to whey, so she decided to take me off of that and do lean meats and non starchy veggies instead. It's been difficult, but I at least haven't been sick! Although I have had the typical dizziness, weakness, headache, and general fatigue that comes alone with low carb! Tomorrow I start my clear liquid diet, which I'm sure will suck lol but it's totally worth it. Then on Thursday, I go for surgery! I'm excited, nervous, and continue to second guess myself. I was approved for the DS about five years ago and chickened out, but I'm really glad I did. After that I found a surgeon that I felt much more comfortable with and a surgery that did not make me near as nervous, and now I think I'm really ready. I'll post again after surgery!




Finally getting back to real food!

I finally got moved off liquids and on to purees and soft foods after week 4. I have continued to have my espresso protein shake almost every morning, because it satisfies my coffee craving. I use 1 cup of skim milk, 1/2 cup of plain Greek yogurt, 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (I use Syntrax Nectar), and about 1 tbsp of Cafe Bustelo instant espresso crystals dissolved in a little warm water. Stick everything in the blender bottle, shake & go. 250 cals, 45g protein, 18g carbs.   I have moved very gently into more solid foods like fine chicken salad and scrambled eggs. So many folks seem to have trouble with eggs at first, and I am so thankful that I haven't had any issues. I can definitely feel the restriction more with solid foods than with liquids. Everybody told me to expect that, but I was still worried that somehow I would be 'different' and be able to take in more than I was comfortable with.   On my 4th week anniversary on the 19th, I was down 40 lbs, including the 18 lost on the pre-op diet. That was 5 days ago & the scale hasn't really moved since then. It's been going up & down the same half pound or so, but I'm trying not to let that bother me. All my clothes are stretchy, so I was afraid I wouldn't be able to tell anything by the way my clothes fit, but again that proved to be wrong. I can wear dresses & tops that have been too snug for several years. I can pull off my denim capris without unzipping or unbuttoning them first. (I'm not sure when that might come in handy, but I can do it.) I have a party to go to next week & I pulled out a cute dress I haven't worn in 5 years. Not only does it fit perfectly, but it looks REALLY great. Another bonus...maybe because I'm not very far out, my "girls" are still holding their own. My waist & belly look and feel smaller, but up top is still an attractive feature. Best of all, though, I'm walking and moving much easier. I have been trying to walk at the mall every couple of days & I'm doing some light weights at home. About every 3rd time I exercise, I notice that I can either do just a little more, or the same amount is easier. I have started parking farther away from entrances & I think I may even stick my handicapped hang tag in the glove box.   I'm still on soft foods for another week or so, but I'm plenty satisfied with what I'm able to eat now. I haven't tried fish yet (other than canned tuna or sardines), but I plan to try some salmon this week. My next big milestone is to eat out in a restaurant, and I think fish will be a good thing to start with. Mostly I'm just happy to be feeling good & strong & on my way to a better me!




Clothes, clothes, and more clothes

Oh my gosh, I went into the attic to take down my old clothes......I knew I probably had 2 sizes worth......I really wasn't ready for what I found up there......it looks like a hoarder got a hold of my hallway.....   I don't know how well you can see it, but these are most of the clothes that were in the attic....yes there are more (but not much)......the pile is about 7 feet long, and 2 feet high, and most of it is in those space age vacuum bags.....yikes!   Now, I have 45 minutes to find a home for it before DH comes home and has a cow (he is as neat as they come) LOL   The question is do I 1) quickly hide them; 2) fess up; or 3) throw them into the car and madly drive to Goodwill, drop them off and buy what I need as I lose weight? I'm kind of liking the last idea, except is in direct conflict with my typical frugal nature.....   I don't know what made me do it today, other than I have the energy to do it.....I suppose I should have vacuumed instead LOL It's hot as anything up there, and now I'm soaking....I have water droplets on my glasses..   So, here's the picture......blurry as it is




So it begins..

Every person who comes to bariatric surgery has a reason, a story. No one wakes up one day and goes "you know, having my stomach partially removed,diverted, or banded sounds like fun- I think I want to do it!" Nope. There is a reason. A moment of giving it over to a higher power mixed with taking full charge of your weight loss. It is the most odd feeling when your brain makes the leap and decides it is what needs to be. I truly believe bariatric surgery is a last ditch effort for so many of us. (Disclaimer- can't say there are not those who think it is a quick fix or an easy out. But from all I have read and seen, it is FAR from "easy".) I admit, I am from the school of thought where this kind of surgery is "giving up". I have never seriously considered it for me. When I thought about weight loss it was all on me and my will power. If I just dieted enough or exercised enough it would be all I needed. But at 43 years old the light bulb, as dim or as bright as it may be, finally went off. I am not a dieting or exercise success. I am morbidly obese. I need to be realistic. I need to change now, while I still can. The consequences of not changing are just not an option.   Let me go back here a little. I have to say I have always been on the chubby/chunky/ curvy/ husky side. I was never "thin" like the other kids. I had a round face and a tummy when I was young. I developed early. In junior high and high school I felt pudgy. Even though I know now I was far from obese, society made me feel fat. I wasn't athletic, but I was active. A band nerd. ( And anyone who has been in marching band knows it is a physically active thing!) After high school and into my early adulthood I was still heavy-ish. But I was starting to realize I had curves that were pleasing to some, it wasn't just being fat. Into my mid twenties I probably wore a size large, maybe up to a 14-16. But since I was only 5'3", this was FAT. Then in my mid twenties I got married. The perfect storm for weight gain began. I began to have "female issues", I was in a somewhat stable relationship, ( at least for a short while) I quit working jobs that required me being on my feet and got a desk job. It all added up, and I started piling on the pounds. I quickly gained in excess of 50lbs in the matter of months. 200lbs, 225lbs,250lbs...the numbers on the scale just kept going up. I stopped gaining around 250lbs. I went into "diet" mode. But this time it wasn't coming off like before. When I had wanted to lose weight before all I had to do was eat less and move more. This time it wasn't working. After some other things going on health wise, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. (PCOS) My marriage failed in a few short years. I joined a gym. I dieted. I gave up. I was on the hamster wheel... Years passed and I lost weight, only to gain it back with extra. This went on for years. Then my mother passed away unexpectedly in 2003, which threw my world into chaos. I gained custody of my niece and nephew when she passed. I had never had children, so it was a new world. And they did not come without a LOT of issues of their own. The next four years were a struggle to just get through life. During that time my weight edged up further, until I hit a (then) all time high of 314lbs. Finally, in 2007, I decided I REALLY needed to change. I joined Curves and got my butt moving. I put myself on a very restrictive diet and managed to knock off 36lbs. In about six months I started to feel great, see a new me emerging. But then I hit a stall. I stopped losing. I managed to keep it off for a while, but could not get back to dropping anything. Then something happened I never saw coming, which lead to the next major change in my life.   With my 36lb weight loss came a new confidence. I started going out and dating. I met a man. I won't go into all the troubles that came of that, it is best put on another blog! LOL But I did end up pregnant. I NEVER thought it would happen. With my PCOS and female issues, I did not believe I could get pregnant. But at 38yrs old I did. I had a healthy baby girl in November of 2008. But life wasn't perfect. I am a single mom. There are a lot of struggles, including financial. I would love to say I never lost the baby weight, which got me to where I am now- but that would be a lie. I lost all I gained plus a couple extra pounds by my 6 week check up after she was born. No, my body was changed by having a baby but I cannot say I gained weight from it. But slowly I did start gaining again. So in 2010 I decided to start back to Curves and I added Zumba to my arsenal. I was determined to get back on the right track. But an already arthritic knees could not handle the intensity of Zumba, and I was soon having a lot of problems with my knees. I started seeing a orthopedic doctor and tried all kinds of things to help nurse the knee back to health. You see, before the knee problems I was a pretty darn healthy person. Yes, I had PCOS and female problems. But I did not have the common weight related issues such as high blood pressure or diabetes. I just had bum knees holding me back. So after months of trying this remedy or that one it was decided I needed surgery to "clean up the knee". Well surgery went off without a hitch. I had more severe arthritic degeneration than he had thought, but other than that I was ok. Until two days post op. I developed a DVT (deep vein thrombosis-blood clot) behind my knee. The day after I was admitted to the hospital for it I had a pulmonary embolism and was rushed to ICU. ( FYI- actor Dennis Farina just died yesterday from the same thing) This was a set back to say the least. But time passed and eventually I got back to "normal". I was never able to go back to Zumba, but I did return to Curves. Yet the weight continued its climb higher. I can maintain a weight for a few years, then suddenly I start gaining another 10, 15, 20lbs. As I have aged, and as I have gained, it has taken more of a toll on my joints. I started having to swallow anti inflammatory medicine like Pez. Then suddenly, without warning, this past spring all hell broke loose...   In March I started having pain in my "bad" leg. I thought I had another clot, but it was determined I did not. I was told I had vasculitis or phlebitis. Then in April it got worse. Another check determined I DID have another DVT. I started treatment with blood thinners and bed rest. A few weeks later I returned to work for a sum total of 2 1/2 days. Then my leg took another turn for the worse. Apparently the clot got BIGGER, migrated upward AND I had another small pulmonary embolism. Five more days in the hospital. After I was released I had to be on bed rest for another month. I was told I now have to take blood thinners for the rest of my life. My vascular doctor has informed me the veins in my leg are "destroyed". I have chronic venus insufficiancy. I have to wear a compression stocking on that leg everyday for the rest of my life to try to avoid further deterioration. And the worst part.....I can no longer take my arthritis medication due to taking blood thinners. I have lived with increasing pain for the past couple of months. It is no doubt my weight has continued to climb now, as I am basically seditary at all times. And depression over my situation has lead me to eat more. I looked into disability. I actually have two qualifying factors, so physically I can get it. But I thought long and hard about it. Do I want to live the rest of my life in pain? Do I want to keep gaining weight from being depressed and unable to do anything? And what about my daughter? What kind of mother can I be to a four year old like this? How can I be an active part of her life when I can't even be an active part of my own life?   That was the day it all changed for me. The day I decided I had one answer, one path I MUST follow. I HAVE TO GET THE WEIGHT OFF! And the path I decided I need to take is the bariatric path. I started doing a lot of research. I called my insurance provider and verified they cover it and the qualifications for it. (oh I TOTALLY qualify!!) I spoke to my primary care doctor. He referred me to Dr. Bruce. I have not stepped foot into his office yet, but I feel my choice is clear and made for me. After much research and consideration I choose to pursue the sleeve. I had initially thought lap band, but a lot of things are swaying my decision. So if Dr. Bruce agrees with my thought process, and my insurance will cover the cost, I plan to go full steam ahead with it. I have already been to my vascular doctor to get his clearance for surgery. He said losing weight would help my vascular issues a great deal, and is very much supportive of my decision. I have researched and read and planned as much as I can. I am being VERY proactive. I have decided (on my own) to begin changing as many habits as I can now to help with the process. I am making myself drink more fluids (ie:water) daily. I have decided that, starting in August, I am changing how and what I eat. I want to begin the post surgery diet, consisting of mostly protein. I feel it will not only help me succeed in the long run, it will also be easier to NOT have to change everything I have done all my life in just a matter of a few weeks. (not to mention having to deal with major surgery at the same time) One BIG habit I have to get in to is NOT drinking while eating, and chewing my food until it is paste. Those things will be tricky for me. But I know I can do it..I know I HAVE to do it. And I will be documenting and blogging as I go. ( If you have not been able to tell, and have read to this point, I like to speak my mind! No matter the form or to whom...LOL) So if anyone else is just starting this journey, or has been on it for a long time, and wants to read one woman's insightful, crazy, thought provoking or just plain weird story stay tuned..................................




Protein Shake

I bought organic produce today and added some new things to my protein shake. I put the following in the blender   1 scoop of Market Pantry's chocolate whey protein shake 3 heaping tablespoons of fatfree vanilla yogurt 1/3 of a raw beet sliced 1/2 of a raw cucumber sliced 2 large strawberries 1 handful of blueberries ice   It is very good. I deem it a success!




July 23, 2013

After dropping my daughter off at school, I went by the community gym and walked on the treadmill. I haven't mastered the settings on the machine, and that caused me to pause in the middle of the workout to mess with the buttons. Other than that, it well. I walked for 44 minutes at 2.4k/hr and 2.6k/hour. It felt very, very good from start to finish. I was careful wear good shoes and to put my weight on the inside of my feet, rather than the outside of my feet, because I'm pretty sure that my arch is falling on my right foot. Roll on September surgery date!




Down 7 lbs on liquid diet

So I'm past the day 4 hurdle everyone talks about. I had to take a two hour nap yesterday before I could function! My brain was fuzzy and I really couldn't string two thoughts together properly.   Then I started thinking about all the changes i was making all at once.   1. No caffeine. Aaargh! 2. Carbs below 50 gms a day 3. Less than 1000 calories a day 4. Much more protein than I usually intake 5. Liquids only plus veg soup. Not easy. 6. No straws 7. No fat to speak of 8. No sugar 9. No fruit 10. Constantly having to hydrate (i drink a lot of water anyway but now having to focus on it).   Yeah, it's okay to have a hard time with that!   On the plus side I've lost 7 lbs over the last 12 days that I've been easing into this. It makes me feel confident that I will lose weight when I'm sleeved.   it's all good.




3 days to go, tired, happy, excited, fear?

hey there everyone, hope all is well!   i am on T minus 3 days till i will be having surgery! i am ready! i just want to be 3 months from now working out at the gym stage but i know i have a road to jump on and start walking on first....   i am on the liquid stage, and feel like i could eat a cow! i am not hungry till i am hungry, i have a shake and do just fine... i just would like to eat something and chew it up and taste the taste or meat with ketchup! this "sweet-no taste" shake stuff isnt a burger by anymeans!!!!!!!!!! last night i had a soup that i bought thinking it would be good... out of the 10 i got 1 was bad, aweful, and just down right NASTY! i powered thru because i am broke till payday (thursday). with buying all the vitamins and protein shakes and etc i needed it was a little costly just bam out the door...   i am super suckered just from not having anything in me to "fuel" me... i went to bed at 8 and got up at 3 with tummy pains and rolled on the floor for about a half hour... i think it was mostly because i hadnt poo'd in a few days... well finially went and it was like rabbit turds sorry tmi.   as i sit here at my desk i just want to lay me head down and nap for like 2 solid hours.   hope everyone is doing well on their diets and journeys....   please add me as a friend i would love to keep up with people who are also keeping up with me!   love ellie




$1000 Milk Shake- NO WAY

The one thing I can say that is different about my food thinking is- I am a great deal more concious of what I eat and drink. Before I take something in, I often times will ask is it worth the calorie cost. The answer on many things is NOPE. This morning I was craving an Iced Mocha Latte from McDonalds- well the calorie cost isn't that high for the one I order (around 250), but to me it still was not worth it.   There was a day a day when if it tasted good I ate it, heck sometimes if it didn't taste good I'd eat it anyway. How sad is that? Now if I eat one bite and it's not appealing I am done- why waste the calories on something that isn't good. I would eat at meals like I'd never eat again, with the thought that the next meal I'd take it easy on- did I- no. Sometimes even now I find those old thoughts creaping up in my brain and I have to shake it off.   Now I am in a quest to find food that taste amazing and cost less in the calorie department. This isn't always easy to do. Last night I fixed homemade Chicken Alfredo with brocollini. For the pasta- spagetti squah, which is amazing, if you like paste I challenge you to try this- it is so easy to cook in the microwave. I made my own alfredo sauce that had no butter and was made with 2% milk rather than heavy cream. The chicken was boneless skinless chicken breast cut into bite size peices. Tossed a little brocolini florets in for color and add texture. It was awesome- so didn't feel like I was giving up anything. Just savored each bite.   I believe that if we were as concious with our calorie cost as we are with money cost there would be a lot less fat folk- I know I would be. So I try each day to look at my calorie count that way- is it worth the cost or not. Is it worth that extra pound I will see on the scale. You know what, there are times when it is worth it- but most of the time it isn't. If we live in this mind set it makes letting go of those calorie bombs not so difficult. For me sometimes, it makes thing taste less awesome, if I know it is loaded.   So, a challenge to us all- equate calories to dollars- is a milkshake worth $1000- NOPE




In my 5th week...roller-coaster ride of my life!

This has been the hardest 5 weeks of my life. I am not one of those lucky ones who recover and get onto their protein, vitamins, and water plans and head right into their new lives. I'm still stuck at recovery. Some days I can't eat or drink. Some days I can only drink. Some days I can do both. I can't get vitamins in without throwing up (the swallowing part is not an issue...just my tummy hates them). Acid reflux - something I happily didn't have prior to the surgery is KILLING me. Sometimes the medication will keep it calm...sometimes not. I didn't sleep last night from it I'm under 400 calories a day, so my weight-loss is probably not going as fast as it could, and I expect a HUGE stall coming my way.   BUT!!!!!!! Not all negativity... I have lost 35.5 pounds in 39 days....Never, ever could have dreamed of this happening before the surgery. My clothes are looser (but still wearing the same clothes, but able to add in some that were shoved to the side of my closet in the "too small" section). I can bend over and stand up easily. Washing after number 2, has now become easy - no need for "go-go-gadget arms" (embarrassing as heck to say this, but it's true)...seeing a bit of collar-bone peep through..... when I lay on my side, I feel my tummy dip down and I almost feel thin LOL - stupid I know, but I like feeling the dip at my waist.   My major issue is the exhaustion. I'm so tired all the time. Of COURSE I know why...but, I still feel sad when my kids ask my to play with them, and I feel the need to hide.... My poor, poor kids. Anyhow - I'm doing this for them...so i just keep telling myself that in a couple of more weeks I'll be stronger and healthier, and then they will be rewarded with a fantastic mom. Let's hope!!!!!!   I update myself on everyone's questions and blogs multiple times a day from my mobile...it keeps me motivated to be strong. For some reason I'm not able to comment or "like" anyone's postings from my iphone App (maybe something weird from this country)...but I'm so happy for you all being there and writing everything honestly. Seriously, seriously would feel soooooo alone if it wasn't for this forum!




Oh what fun these stitches are!

So. After a confrontational 3-way called between me, my brother and my doc office. I now have an Appt to see the SURGEON. Not the nurses, or assistants. Hopefully I will get some answers about my incision infection. My brother is going with me as well. He is being very demanding, makes me think that maybe this is more serious than I was thinking? who knows we will see.     On another note. Fooooddd. LoL. Been having problems with hunger, today not so much. Woke up had 1/2 cup grits. Then a taco from taco bell, sushi for dinner (been craving sushi), and a new desert that I can guilt free Reese Pie. (1 serving of greek yogurt/ 1 scoop chocolate protein/ 1 tlb peanut butter with granola) All under my 1,200 cal limit andddddddd. IM NOT HUNGRYYYYY!!! Yay     Last thing. I am moving this weekend and I am not moving a thing. With the exception of some blankets. My family has already told me I am not to lift a finger and further damage my incision site. Kinda nice thinking that I don't have to move everything up 3 flights of stairs. Poor boyfriend has to box up most of the stuff around the house. But he goes back to work tomorrow. Thinking about a packing party ::::whootwhoot::::




Fear and friends...my lapband journey

This lapband journey has had its ups and downs already and I'm still waiting to be banded. Finishing with the nutritionist tomorrow and then a surgery date and insurance approval and then I'm home free....so they tell me.   It's been some journey so far. An experience in every aspect. First, the decision to do this...years in the making...and what a decision it is...lots of research, lots of reading, and lots of questions. Then, came the testing...the poking, the prodding, the multitude of appts and doctors and hoops to jump through. What came of it all...luckily, I'm "healthier" than I thought for being morbidly obese....or maybe I should say that my luck hasn't run out yet! And happily, I've begun to make some new friends on this journey of mine!   Just when I'm on a roll and feeling positive a flood of negativity and fear comes flooding in from just one thread on this site. It was disheartening and more than anything else...SCARY!!!!   So, I've decided the following..... ...I'm moving forward with positive thoughts ...I have a 2nd appt with my surgeon to ask every question that has come up since my 1st appt...and there are many!! ...I will continue to follow the positive, successful, and supportive members here who really want to help....YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!...AND I THANK YOU ALL AGAIN! ...I will continue to educate myself and ask as many questions as I want!   From all this I've learned I have the right to question and question and question some more....and not to feel bad about it. I've learned that unfortunately there are naysayers who dont want to share "opinions" and tell there story--they want to breed fear. :ph34r: I've learned I will not be a part of that again. I've learned to stop doubting myself to the point of panic setting in.   I'VE LEARNED TO BELIEVE IN ME...SOMETHING I HAVEN'T DONE FOR WAAAY TOO LONG! :wub:




I think this is the "holy cwap" moment

Today was the pre-op with the surgeon, tomorrow the fun pre-op diet begins.....14 day count down...I have to make an appointment at the hospital tomorrow for pre-op testing.   They gave me a prescription to fill for a blood thinner that I have to administer myself via a needle post op. Ummm, I hate needles....if they are given to someone else, I don't have a problem LOL So, this should be interesting.   after looking at the syringes in the box, I just stared at them feeling a bit dumbfounded.....and started to shake.....seriously, this just got real. Holy Cwap! (substitute the W with an R if you like) LOL   For a brief moment I got the "what the heck am I doing" feeling......but it was a fleeting thought....all the benefits of having WLS came rushing back, thank goodness!   I'm definitely anxious, no doubt about it.....nervous energy.....and yes, I already have a few things packed for the hospital LOL   Good night!        




It?s okay to be hungry???

I was reading the forum today and read a reply to a post about snacking that said “It’s okay to be hungry.”   This got me thinking (I know scary, huh?!)   Do I really know what true physical hunger feels like? Hunger where you don’t know if or when you will eat again….. Pain and discomfort from malnutrition and dehydration.   I have never experienced true physical hunger.   But, I’m the first to say I am sooooo hungry. Why? Was it the way I was raised? Society? Or what?   Before my band food was everything. I would plan every meal to the tee and as soon as the meal was over I was talking/planning the next meal. Breakfast at 8am, lunch at noon, afternoon snacks/cocktails at 5pm and dinner at 7pm. My belly alarm would go off at each time and I would say I’m hungry. I was obsessed with my meals and eating. Food had all the control.   Fast forward 18 months and I have the control back (for the most part). Yes I still eat on the same schedule. This is a personality flaw for me, very organized and schedule oriented. It drives some people crazy. The difference is that I know this is a trigger for my head hunger and I don’t let that “I’m hungry” feeling take over. I know when I’m going to eat, I know how much I’m going to eat and I know what types of foods I’m going to eat.   So, yes it’s okay to be hungry. But, my head hunger will not control me, I will control it!




The end of my first day on the 2 week liquid diet

Well, I made it through my first day! It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I guess I just feel kind of tired but nothing too bad. I'm so ready for these 2 weeks to be over so I can have my surgery and be on my way. This morning on my way to work I felt the first little bit of anxiety over my surgery but I know that's normal and it passed as soon as I started of thinking of all the positives. I'm so excited to have my surgery. Aug. 5....can't wait!




From Sinus Infection to Surgery In a Month

It's funny how things work out. One day, you go to the doctor for a sinus infection you can't shake, 7 days later you are scheduled for surgery.   Let me tell you how I got there. Just after my birthday last month I started feeling rotten. No matter what I took I was not getting better. I had ear and throat ache, headache, congestion, the whole bit. Then I got sick to my stomach too. The following Monday I decided to go to doctor to get checked out. The doctor gave me an antibiotic for my sinus, a medicine for the nausea and took some blood. A couple of days later his office asked me to come in to talk to me about my results. I thought, that can't be good. Normally if everything's good they just say that or mail you the results. So, I took time off work and went to my doctor. He told me he found a few things that needed to be addressed in my blood work. Here is what he brought up:   - Anemia - I started taking iron pills right away. - Blood Sugar Elevated - He needs to do a more comprehensive test but believes I am in the beginning stages of diabetes. (I have a family history of it through my mom, grandma, etc.) - Liver Enzymes are elevated - Pancreatic Enzymes are elevated   The doctor sent me to get an ultrasound to check my gallbladder. Based on the results I was scheduled to see a surgeon named Dr. Urmil Shukla to schedule my gall bladder removal surgery. I nervously made my way to his office to hear the details of what was coming. He told me that I had many stones in my gall bladder and it needed to come out very soon. I have never had surgery so the thought of it made me so nervous. Then, while looking over my chart, he saw my already existing high blood pressure, the recent blood work results, my BMI of 42, my Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, my constant tiredness and sleepiness and he presented an opportunity.   Dr. Shukla explained that while he removes my gall bladder he could also do a "Sleeve Gastrectomy". I gave him a puzzled look. He explained the purpose of the surgery and told me how much it could benefit me to have it done. He gave me some paperwork, told me to think about it and let him know what I decide.   I spent the next week researching the surgery, his credentials on this type of surgery, the cost and how I could make something like this happen. I have dieted before, even lost almost 50 pounds one time. But eventually I gained it all back. I am now a mother of two adopted daughters that I love so much and I want to be here for them. I want to be healthy. I want to keep up with them when we play. I want to be able to say "YES!" when they want to do something fun that requires a lot of energy. I want to have enough room on my lap for them to comfortably sit down. I want to desire to be in pictures with them not just take pictures of them.   After research and several conversations with my husband, we decided to move forward with both surgeries. In the midst of my research I read that having any kind of infection (including an abscessed tooth) will keep you from getting a surgery. I had a toothache for a while so went to the dentist and found out that I have two infected teeth that are beyond saving and need to be extracted. I was put on an antibiotic and two days later I went to get the two teeth removed. One tooth was easy, the other had to be surgically removed. The teeth are pretty much healed now.   Just two days after removing my teeth I went on a mission trip for one week. I just got back on Saturday night. It has been one crazy ride! Today I went to the doctor's office and the hospital to pay my portion of the surgeries. My surgeries are scheduled for this Friday, July 26, 2013. I am nervous and excited! I pray everything goes well and there are no complications. If you pray, please pray with me.   I am glad to have found this community of people who are changing their lives one day at a time. I have read many encouraging blogs so far, seen many wonderful before and after photos and found some funny videos too! I can't wait to see what else I can learn from this strong group of people!




New Goals

It is time for me to set some new goals. I am half way through the ones I have already set and I am finding the most important aspect of all of this for me is not the scale, but my fitness level. I absolutely love the fact that I can stay on the stair mill longer than the thin people next to me. I love that I am always in the gym with all the regulars. I relish in the the fact that my cardiovascular fitness is soon to pass my husbands....bwuahahahahah (evil laugh).   I was working my biceps the other day and in the mirror I noticed a new definition in my forearm. I have never in my life seen that!   Just to recap: These are the goals I have accomplished 1. Get under 300 pounds 2. Get under 250 pounds 3. Weigh less than when I was preggo (230 lbs) 4. Be able to do a straight hour of moderate/intense cardio sesh 5. engagement ring fits again! (its tight, but it goes on)   Yet to accomplish: 1. Fit wedding ring again 2. Get under 200 pounds 3. run a mile in under 14 minutes 4. reach goal weight 5. Get below 25% body fat percentage   NEW GOALS 1. Sign up for a 5k (I have signed up just not done it yet...its in November) 2. Do a marathon next year (I have a year and a half to get this extra weight off and train for that) 3. Hike the stair master in Hawaii 4. Do a 10 mile hike 5. Go parasailing I have many fitness goals...I think this is what motivates me




still waiting...carb cravings are huge

I love all of the advice from people that have no clue! LOL! PCOS cravings are kicking, not sure what has reactivated the pcos, but it defiantly needs to go away! Unless you have the PCOS cravings you have absolutely no clue what I am going through. It is a stronger intensity than what a pregnant women has. It is not an excuse it is a fact, so unless you have a clue don't give your snobbish opinions. I am still waiting to hear back about my port revision. My foot is healed and I can walk again and work out again. Since I don't seem to have restriction I am going back to protein shake diet. I need to loose the weight that I have gained this summer while I was not able to work out. If you want to read more here is my blog! http://tinkrisegrind.blogspot.com/2013/07/still-waitingcarb-cravings-are-huge.html




Uh-Oh, I Said Too Much

During which week of the post-op diet is foot on the menu?   I'm teaching a summer chemistry class to adorable little teenagers. My post-op week we were using small, round candies (not using names - don't want to trigger anyone) to represent atomic particles during radioactive decay. Of course, they could eat whatever they weren't using. At the beginning of class, seeing the HUGE and numerous bags of candy on my demo table, they asked if we were going to be doing something with them for that day's class (they are masters of deduction - watch out, Dr. House!) and I joked that it was all for me.   Fast forward to the end of class, as they're cleaning up/inhaling their candy like Dysons. One of them asks if I'm going to have any and I reply, "Nah, I have surgery next week and I'm on a liquid diet." WAY TO GO, BIG MOUTH. Of course, they wanted to know more. I joked that I would tell them about it afterwards. That way If I died on the table they could make up whatever story they wanted ("Did you hear Ms. Diamond had a brain aneurysm and farted out her spleen???").   Well, I didn't die (thanks a lot, Dr. Illan), so now I'm in a pickle. I have no idea what to say if they ask me about it in class today. Do I lie and say I was just trying to crash diet before my beach/wedding/girls' weekend vacation? Or do I go the evasive route and imply it's gross and personal and they wouldn't want to know? I know some of you are wondering why I don't just tell them the truth. I'm sure when I'm 50+ pounds down and everybody's asking, my attitude may be different, but as of now the only people I've told are my immediate family and therapist. Something tells me that revealing my very personal secret to a room full of Tweeting teenagers may not be the best way to maintain an ounce of decorum in this very small town. Any fellow foot-eaters who can offer follow-up advice?

Canary Diamond

Canary Diamond


Four Months Pregnant with Lap Band

I was told when i was 20 that i would never be able to have a child of my own. I got married at 23 to a man with three children that i have raised as my own. I got lap band to live a health longer life with my husband and our children. The lap band doctor said there is a small possibility that one day it could happen. To be honest i really didnt think it would ever happen and my OB was pretty sure it wouldn't happen there was just to many problems with my body despite the fact that i have lost over 100lbs. It was heart breaking at times but i had finally come to term with the fact that it just wasn't going to happen. My husband and i have been together for five years and we have never really used any form of birth control. I am almost two years out with my lap band and i was feeling really good about my body again how ever i still had some body issues with loos skin so i had a breast augmentation planed and also a tummy tuck and a few more tucks like arms and legs. I had the doctor planed out and i was ready to go! One night my husband sat me down and said what the hell is wrong with you? I said i dont know i am just getting so sleepy about 12 and its like i just hit a wall and i cant get back up from it. later i went to take a drink of something and just started throwing up, i honestly thought i had just drank to fast and it was a fluke but it kept happening and i thought ok maybe i need to have my band checked. Again my husband sat me down and said maybe you should take a pregnancy test...... I just got pissed at him and said IM NOT PREGNANT. He fought with me for two weeks. One day i went to turn in some stuff at an office and saw the dolor store in walking distance before i knew it i was in the store asking the lady for the dolor pregnancy test i bought three. Went home ready for disappointment but i had something to prove to my husband. i took two of the three test and the control line came up with nothing else something you see when you get a negative test. I was pretty sure my husband would have to say sorry about that after he saw the pic so i snaped it and sent it to him and then looked back at the pic i had just sent. There was a very small pink line. I almost fainted and thought this isnt right and i looked back at the test both of them had two pink lines. i almost died right there in my kitchen. Any ways right now i am 15 weeks pregnant and i have only gained a pound which concerned my OBGYN. I think that i have gained a lot but every time i step on the scale nothing. i have to go and see a specialist because my OB is worried about my weight, should i eat more? I cant always eat more. Im a little worried i dont want any thing to happen because this is such a blessing to me and my family. any one else have this issue???




How My Feelings About Food Have Changed

Just a few notes on some of the changes I've noticed in myself over the last 9 weeks post-op.   1. I eat when I'm hungry now, don't really look forward to the "full" feeling or have a "taste" for anything in particular anymore - lovin' it. I use to get these overwhelming cravings for a certain taste (especially Whataburgers), they're gone now.   2. I do enjoy what I eat and sometimes I still catch myself trying to eat just one more bite, but I know I'll be feeling sick if I do. It takes time to learn the new "full" signals.   3. I feel satisfied and I get a small thrill seeing how little I actually eat now. Although sometimes, I catch myself trying to finish that last bite - even though I'm full. I've learned to leave it on the plate.   4. Once my staple line swelling went down, I was able to increase my eating to about 4oz per meal, and did start feeling more "normal" after the 2nd week, but it wasn't until about week 6 that I was back at my old energy levels.   5. I can eat pretty much what I want and walk away without gorging myself. I have always been able to take or leave stuff like cakes and cookies. Rice, pasta and potatoes were (I almost wrote "are") my thing. But I can easily pass up most starches now. Although pasta triggers my hunger cravings and I have to stop myself from overeating and making myself sick.   6. My feelings or attitudes has changed incredibly about food. Don't really care about food anymore. I have no "flavors" I desire. So I eat my own concoction of shredded grilled chicken, re-fried beans, cheese and salsa almost every meal - for the past month.   7. There isn't anything that I "want" to eat anymore. I am so happy with my restriction and I don't miss anything, no food cravings, nothing I miss. And there is no food that I couldn't eat at the 3rd or 4th week. It may cause some stomach upset, but if I eat it slowly, I can eat it if I want. However, I do miss being able to chug 16oz of icy cold Crystal Light.   8. I can still eat spicy foods (curries, peppers, etc). I eat salsa almost daily and I found this sweet/spicy dip made with Greek yogurt that I like - very warm. I find it weird that the thing that bothers my stomach the most is healthy fibrous foods, like grape skins, bananas, apple peels, and pineapple.




Simple Math for a Simple Mind

I need to get ya'll up to date. I have been a bit behind my updates due to a busy schedule. Last week's busy-ness included another 3 day golf event and a lengthy visit from Al. C. Hall. As always, there is good and bad news to report. On the bright side, I really made good food choices and my personal technology says I walked 21.36 miles and burned 9711 calories during this 3 day period. However, I did enjoy more than several adult beverages and succumbed to a few bar snacks. Unfortunately, I think these transgressions shortened my weekly weight loss. But I'm back up on the horse and ready to get going again.Now I want to share a little tidbit of information I casually picked from a doctor acquaintance of mine. After a laid back round of Sunday couples golf, our group headed off for a mid day meal. Conversation soon turned to my quest to be less fat. I explained to the good doctor my calorie counting strategy and my progress so far. She then dropped a fun fact on me that really hit home. The affable Dr. S contends that you need to burn 3000 more calories for the week than you take in to lose 1 pound. Simple genius! Not only is this easy is to understand for my neanderthal intelligence level, it's also a number. A number than can be used in a math equation to help me better understand what exactly I'm doing here. Fact is, I have been really concentrating on what's going in the ol' pie hole. I really haven't thought about the going out process. I suppose I have typical fat ass thinking. Eat less. Lose weight. Is it that simple? Kinda. But there's more to it.  I have embraced technology to help me find Slim Street. I have 2 items that I now find essential for me to finish the filleting of my fat. First, the MyFitnessPal app (MFP). I use the daily food diary to keep track of every morsel that goes in my massive yapper. If I can't find exactly what I ate in the index, I err on the high side. My second technological necessity is my FitBit Flex. Don't ask me how, but this little peanut size device records every step I take and figures my daily calorie burn. This miniature device syncs with the FitBit app on my phone which syncs with my FitBit scale which syncs with the MyFitnessPal app. I have all the data crunching tech I need.       But I needed the numbers to make sense to me. And Dr. S's simple equation is helping me do that.   Let's do the math! Time to brush up on your a-fat-ma-tic. I have chosen a 1200 calorie a day diet plan. That would be 8400 calories in per week. Dr. S's tip mandates that I burn 12,900 (3000 + 1500 =4500) per week to lose 1-1/2 pounds. Divided by 7, that's 1842 calories per day! Now... Let's recall what Trainer L told me during my pre-op exercise visit. She said my body burns 1650 calories a day with just normal activity. That means I only have to burn an extra 200 calories a day to lose the 1-1/2 pounds. Simple math for a simple mind.     It's starting to dawn on me that I can burn more than 12,900 calories a week, especially in the summer. Heck, last week I burned 19,800 calories according to my FitBit. The MFP app has another nice feature. When you're done logging your calories for the day, it will calculate burn and show you what you will weigh in 5 weeks if every day was like today. So far, it's been right on target. It's telling me that I will lose another 10 pounds by the end of August. Awesome news.     So take it from me. Do your math and embrace your technology. I'm no Bill Gates when it comes to these fancy gadgets and I surly ain't no math wizard. But I will embrace anything that will help me finish my fight against flab. And guess what? There's an app for that.         More to come....   Johnny   If you want a good laugh, start at the beginning of my blog and see what I went through to have the LB installed!   TheDeconstructionOfJohnny.blogspot.com



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
