My Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy was performed on Wednesday 9/2717. Post op I had my wife Ellen and family with me. I spent the day just recovering in the hospital. Thursday morning, still groggy, I did a swallow test with contrast in hospital; all looked good. Later that morning, the PA brought me three 1 oz cups of water and asked I take 30 minutes sipping them. Then three more over the next 30 minutes. Vitals were normal and IV removed later that morning. Prescriptions sent to my pharmacy and went home early afternoon. Going back to see the surgeon next week in office as a follow up.
I am now following Dr. Garber's first month meal plan. Goal is 64 ounces of water sipped throughout the day and 60 grams of protein a day. Guidance was if I got heartburn or pressure it means slow down. Sip, not swallow, and try to stay at 1 oz per ten minutes before taking more water. Thursday my protein intake was all basically Muscle Milk - strawberry - I hated the chocolate.
Friday, most of the morning and afternoon, I again stayed with strawberry protein and either Fiji water or Lipton diet decaf iced tea. Last meal Friday I braved three ounces of poached chicken breast, a pinch of salt and white pepper, chopped fine with an immersion blender with a touch of cottage cheese for creaminess and enough chicken broth to get the finer texture I wanted. Wasn't that bad. Guidance was pureed food or chopped super fine.
Took pain killers as prescribed and nausea meds too just to keep any pain or nausea at bay Thursday and Friday. Popped a Gas-x chewable when the heartburn reared its head. Looking forward to Saturday.
Three meals daily
4oz low fat yogurt or cottage cheese, or a scrambled/poached egg
3 ounces chicken or fish. Guidance was go with dark meat it is more likely to be more tender and moist than a breast
3 ounces chicken or fish. My wife Ellen poaches the chicken in chicken broth which I can also drink as part of my 64 ounces of water.
If protein is under 60 grams add protein drink to the day.
Guidance was to always wait 30 minutes after a meal before returning to sipping hydration liquids.
What are you eating, cooking your first weeks post surgery?
Today I am back on the blog after four years! I lost a total of 87 pounds and about 2/3 of that weight came off after the gastric sleeve in 2012. i wanted to give an update, a cautionary tale and maybe a not-so-depressing perspective of one who has not been a weight loss success.
Busyness and stress has always been my enemy when it comes to weight loss. It often takes me by surprise and whisks away any structure and success I have built into my life. One day I am doing well and eating and exercising and then BAM! It all goes out the window. Even my house gets messy and cluttered during those times of extreme stress and time pressure. I work a job that is not just 9-5 so I take much of my work home, I work from home often and get extreme deadlines like grant applications etc.
Before I initially lost weight before surgery, was a very busy time, but I put the accountability of a structured weight loss program into my schedule. This is the only way I initially lost 30 pounds at the beginning. I also started working out with a trainer. Although it is the cost of a vacation every year, I need it to be successful.
When I had the weight loss surgery, I had quit my stressful administrative job and was in a window of time less busy (even though I was working). All went well with my weight loss after surgery (even though slow as was my history of weight loss) until I started a new job. Once the stress of the job was getting to me, I stopped the morning walks and began to eat more frequently and less clean. A bad case of pneumonia and 40 days of steriods, further put me back and I gained weight. Now, I am facing some serious foot pain from plantar fascitis, nothelped by weight gain.
All this downhill trend happened as my career has blossomed. However, if truth be told, I prefer a healthy body to work success.
Looking back, I am humbled by the setback and have felt moments of panic. However, something in me has shifted as I ponder my failure. All in all, I am still down over 50 pounds from my initial weight (228 from 282). Although the failure of weight gain from 194 hits me in the face, I have come to a gentler self-assessment and I like myself better than ever. I can now look in the mirror and feel okay about my curves. I lost a bit from my highest weight regain (240) although it has taken a year to take off.
So, all this to say, count your blessing and jump back in. Love yourself in the process and never give up. If I had given up, I would easily be 300 pounds. I am now concentrating on getting back to the losing mode and it is workomg...slowly. Limiting to 3 small meals and 2 small snacks if needed, drinking a lot but separating from food, doing some exercise every day and finding joy in the process. For me, finding joy includes time with my loved ones and having quiet time as I pursue God in my life...I am even going back to some ballroom dance classes. Dance on everyone!
I wish the best for all of you! Tell me your story...I love to read them.
So, today I changed my goal weight to 10 lbs higher than it was before. But ,I honestly don't know what my goal weight should be. If I base it off the BMI scale it should be between 125lbs and 140lbs based on my height and frame. The lowest recorded weight in my adult years after losing weight from being over 200lbs was 168lbs. I was still very overweight, people who weren't use to me being thin thought I was skinny- but I wasn't. I was just smaller than what they were use to seeing on me. I added the 10lbs because 125lbs I realize is my fantasy weight and I'm only thinking of it without the added weight of the muscle I want to eventually build. So maybe 135lbs is a good weight for me to look and feel how I want?
Ok, so here is what I am going for: I don't want to be fat. I want to be light and unbothered by possibly being overweight if I gain 10lbs. I don't want to be on the high end of my weight scale. I prefer to be on the lower end. I'm not looking to be boobalicious, bootylicious, or anything. I will lift weights and stair master the hell out of my body to get the muscular fit look I want. I also do not want to be sickly looking.
As of now I don't even know how to count my success at my surgery. I am 22 days post op and down almost 20lbs... almost. I was 219.8 on the day of surgery and as of today on a (hopefully accurate) Sunbeam analog home scale I weighed 201.5lbs. I don't know if I am properly doing my puree stage. I eat mozzarella string cheese rolled up with prosciutto because it makes me feel better. I wasn't feeling good at all with just broths and soups. So I think I might've advanced myself. My surgeon said it was okay and everyone is different so I don't know why I keep comparing myself to others. I think its because I feel I'm overeating. Although I'm counting my protein, calories, etc on Myfitnesspal; I barely reach 1000 calories in a day, but I'm so used to feeling stuffed by overeating and thats how it feels when I stuff my pouch with protein and or water. I haven't figured out my pouch ounce gauge and I tend to drink liquids to excess, as if I can. Ugh....I need work on this- I know. Portion size estimation is my weakness and I now know this. I have to now measure everything, but I keep forgetting when taking up my food. Thankfully I have a follow up NUT appointment soon to discuss these issues I'm having regarding portion size. I will also discuss goal weight with my surgeon or nurse practitioner so I can have a semi clearly defined goal for myself. This is more soul searching than I thought it would be. Thank goodness I have a bariatric therapist to discuss these things with too.
So now I'm curious to know, what is your goal weight and how did you come by that number?
How did you figure out your push gauge in the first month? Did it feel like you were overeating although you were barely eating anything?
I really do hope someone reads this and chimes in, because this is something I'm curious about.
Till then....
Tomorrow I go in for my labwork and EKG. I'm approaching the final steps of a journey that started 08/02/17. What hasn't been much time, sure seems like it has. When I started, I was doing it to appease my wife, my stepkids, and to give it a chance as numerous other diets and exercise regimens have come and gone. As I went through the process, the classes, support groups, etc. I find myself completely swallowed by the excitement and eagerness to get the surgery done and to get my life back! After every appointment, I'd always ask when the next opening was for the next step in the journey, would accept whatever time given to me, and never cancel or reschedule an appointment. No as I get to the final couple of steps, I'm hounding the bariatric department..."What's next?" "When can I see the nurse?" I'm excited, because at that time, I'll get a surgery date. Unfortunately I have to wait about a week to call the nurse to schedule my next visit, but I'm hoping for a surgery date soon. I'm following the 1200 calorie/day preop diet that was given to me, logging my foods, exercising, and moving around. I've spent countless hours reading blogs, forums, and watching youtube videos (cheers to @fighting400, you've been an inspiration). I just know that soon I'll have my life back. I'll be able to ride the rides, zipline, and participate in the treetop adventure courses my family loves so much. To see their smile as I can finally enjoy activities with them is all the reason I need to make this dream a reality. I'm prepared and ready for any obstacle, I will do this.
I got my approval letter yesterday and a call this morning telling me my surgery is on Monday! I'm so happy! The fight was worth it. Thankfully I never got off my pre-op diet and was ready.
I got my approval letter yesterday and a call this morning telling me my surgery is on Monday! I'm so happy! The fight was worth it. Thankfully I never got off my pre-op diet and was ready.
Morning Morning Bariatric World,
Well I am 8 Weeks out today from my VSG on 07/17/2017. I'm down to 258.2 from my high of 315. Don't have a clue what my day of surgery weight was since I missed that somehow, but was around 286 I think. I'm feeling very good physical wise. Starting to notice some skin on my upper arms and definitely on my tummy. Needing to up my exercise with some weights now.
Other than that I'm doing very good. Eating well. No more than 1/2 cup 4 - 5 times a day. But Oh man - did I mess up Yesterday. I had waited a bit too long to eat since i was running around so much. We stopped and got a rotisserie chicken since it was getting so late. I was shaking so I knew I was needing to eat something. I ate too fast and too much since I didn't take the time to weight or measure my food. first up - i do note throw up - just never could well. Usually had to be pretty bad for me too. Last time I did was in 2003 when I got the stomach flu while pregnant - not cool. But I was able to last night. It took some work but I finally did. (I had to make myself) It felt like food was stuck up into my chest. Like it was all back up. Hurt to move, to talk, to even breath. I will so never do that again. I'm feeling good today and started off with just a simple shake this morning. Doing well Lesson learned - -I keep handies in my purse now like the fantatic "Think turkey" on this site. Thanksgiving flavor is the bomb.
But other than that just going day to day, week to week. About all there is after you get to this point. I'll probably get on here every few weeks or if something different happens.
Hope everyone is doing wonderful pre or post-op. Many blessing to you all on your Weight Loss Journeys.
LaTeR gAtErS
Hello all I thought I would come on and give everyone an up date on where I am in my weight loss journey. I have had some up and downs happen in my life there for I was not able to eat like I need to. But I am back on track and I just see my doctor and dietitian and I'm HAPPY to say I'm down 4LBS!!! I'm happy about that but they had to add somethings to my check list that I understand why but still bums me out. I have to get my heart check and oked for surgery. So know I have three things let on my check list 1- loss the weight they want me to loss 2- Get my heart checked and cleaned from a Cardiologist 3-Get cleaned from my sleep doctor because of my sleepapna. I'm hoping I can do this all by Nov 2017-Jan 2018. so I can have my surgery by the beginning of Next year 2018 and start the year fresh. well that's all for now.....
Take care and remember everything happens in GODS time and all things are possible through god! (See Philippians 4:13 my late Grandpa lived my that....)
I had my surgery Wednesday I was scheduled for 1:00 pm but patient issues pushed me to 6:00 pm when they finally wheeled me away. I had 5 extra hours of am I really doing this to think about. Sitting outside my operating room listening to my anesthesiologist promise hes my guardian angel. (I really think he was.) It hit me, I am doing this for me 11 months of work no way I'm backing out now so I put on my brave face and with a little liquid brave from my angel I was drifting asleep. I woke up groggy at 9:00 pm the rest of the night I just wanted sleep. I felt feeling pretty good, my nurses were dolls and my pain was totally bearable. I had asked my surgeon if I could leave by Thursday at 1:00 pm to make it to my daughters surgery. He was willing to let me go if all the tests fell into place....Then I with my per-counted chickens had an issue Thursday my drain tube completely filled up with blood, they would empty it and an hour later it would be full again. So I got an extra day in the hospital I would get sharp pains when I would get up to use the bathroom my doctor was very reassuring just making sure I'm fine and no reason to panic. Were going to watch it ''he said'' so we did witch brings us to today. Everything I thought I would need in the hospital I didn't need at all. I needed rest and sleep and water. My daughter watched the six blood draws in 24 hours and the countless bags of fluid be emptied, and asked me if I would do it again answer: Hell yes the pain the blood work was minor. I have been home now for 5 hours in bed and I couldn't resist the scale with my all liquid diet. Day of surgery 214 now 208
I'm about a month post op now, when I think of how far I've come just in this month I am happy. Before the surgery, I had thought of every negative thing that I'm sure everyone does...I had a ton of people telling me horror stories, mostly family members. I even had some of them telling me these things immediately post op after I had come through the worst of it. I shut it down and didn't let it get to me.
I'm at the age where any kind of surgery is fairly scary. My main thought was, "Will I wake up?". I even said that to my surgeon who chuckled and reassured me everything would be just fine.
I woke up after the surgery in horrible pain, I kept breathing through it and then I had to remind myself, "Girl you are not in labor, tell them you're hurting and get some of those pain meds!". They took care of my pain and wheeled me to my room after recovery. I got up and walked to the bathroom, walked to my bed and faced having to take that first sip of water. It felt weird, it tasted terrible but I did it. I did it because I knew it would make my recovery go smoother and I would be less likely to feel nauseous.
The next morning I went home to face the dreaded clear liquid diet, and I got through that. To be honest, I wasn't hungry so it wasn't a problem. Then on to full liquid, yucky protein shakes tasted ok, but that lentil soup I whipped into a thin liquid tasted like heaven to me and I savored every sip. Then on to pureed and now soft foods and still I savor every single bite. Food tastes so good to me now, I don't really know why. I used to eat pizza, slather everything with butter. Now I eat healthy7 and nothing that I shouldn't and it tastes wonderful. So happy and counting my blessings on that.
Pre-op I had worried so much about giving all that up and also the tiny portions I would have to eat. I had forgotten that my point of reference was my normal sized stomach, not thinking that my stomach would be tiny and those tiny portions would be just perfect for me. I'm finding out, my perceptions are just out of whack and have been most of my life.
I am having very good luck with my surgery, I think part of that is following the program that I am supposed to be on. I feel blessed that I was able to have the opportunity to have the surgery, many of the health issues I had are already going away and for me that is the most important thing in my life. I look forward to my new life of health and well being.
I don't know how to talk to anybody on here. most times I write anything it gets ignored. Other than being an voyeur I don't think this site is very good. My VSG was scheduled 9/8/2017, I got a call from the hospital telling me that my surgery hasn't been approved yet, haven't heard anything from my surgeons office telling me anything. SO I called my insurance and was told my surgery was denied. I'm devastated. I know I can appeal, but they said it can take 30 to 60 days to do that and I shouldn't plan on surgery next week. I'd told my co-workers, bought all my post-op food, scheduled the time off. scheduled my Mom to come stay with me, started my pre-op diet and have been working for months for this. I've had to openly admit and talk about the worst thing about myself for months now, thinking it's going to be worth it. everything is going to be fine. IT'S NOT OK AND I'M NOT OK.
My weight has been the one thing I can't really control in life.
I come from a long line of tall, big-boned giants in my family. (Seriously, my dad is a non-athlete and needed a knee replacement the size of a football player's.) I am 5'9 and have always had long legs and curves, even at my highest weight. I developed earlier than other girls when I was in my teens, and owned a size 12 (Between 165-185 lbs) until my sophomore year in college. I've always loved my body and felt that it was beautiful even if I was more voluptuous than other girls in school.
During college I ate more. I discovered that beer and wine were good. (You know, before you realized they contained boat loads of empty calories?) My sleep patterns changed and the stress of tests, papers and social life added up-- and so did the pounds. By the time I graduated I was larger (Size 18-20, 240-260 lbs) but still had my curves. Dieting became more of a priority now, but the dieting almost made it worse. I would lose weight, regain. Cut carbs, try intuitive eating, then go to a doctor, go to the gym and try to get on a new plan, try the South Beach Diet, Eat Vegetarian... you get it? Right?
I felt like my energy was sucked up with trying to lose the pounds and it was discouraging thinking about it. I worked hard at my career while still trying to work out and eat less carbs. I was supervised by a doctor, personal trainer and nutritionist-- but somehow I just couldn't stop the lose and regain cycle I had started. Every time I stepped on the scale, I was more than 20 lbs heavier than the last time. I wore nice clothes to the office, but as my weight creeped higher and higher-- my heels got lower and lower-- because my sitting and walking posture were losing strength. I felt my muscles weaken and it was weird for me. (By this time, I was about 300-320 lbs.)
I added more time in the gym to help keep me active and to prevent myself from becoming completely glued to my office chair or in meetings. I gave up alcohol and only drank water.For a year and a half before my wedding, I worked out 4-5 days a week (cardio and strength). My diet was balanced, (whole grain, lean meats, vegetables, occasional treats) but between working out, going to work 40-55 hours a week-- I ate way more when I came home. Not out of stress, but because I felt HUNGRY. No fast foods, no crazy fried foods-- just balanced meals choices... but HUGE portions. I ended up losing 5 pounds in a year and a half for my wedding. Then gaining 15 while on my honeymoon-- my highest weight. (376 lbs.)
So let's fast forward to today: I am a successful profession in marketing. I have some competitive skills and work well with others. I am able to look people in the eye with the same confidence I have always had. I love myself, and I love my life. I just want to be a winner of my own health, too. I am working out in the gym still, eating a balanced diet, now reducing my portions and I weighed in today at 358 lbs. I am currently at a size high 24 and low 26. I still wear heels to work, but low ones. I am at a point where I can walk up and down stairs, quickly through hallways and to my car with a bit of a heavy breath-- but still doable. My chair is snugger than I would like it to be, but it works. I pass on the endless parade of employee birthday cakes, but still participate in the celebrations.
My struggle now is trying to control the urge to eat at night and keep my calories in check. It's hard. It's hard not to be tired after work. It's hard to be as focused on my duties, be a leader and ensure I take care of my body with the proper nutrients and exercise it needs. I have some aches that I didn't have before. My lower back gets tight and my joints crack more. This is a new development and one of the reasons I am moving forward with the VSG surgery. Working out IS HARDER at this weight, and it still feels like I am not getting anywhere. However, I am staying positive no matter what.
I have decided that I am going to take control and apply this tool (the VSG, is a tool-- not a cure-all) to my gym routine and eat like my nutritionist instructs. Protein, small amounts, stay away from those starchy carbs. I only drink water and iced coffee with a little light cream in the morning. I am already learning to love my scale and thinking of it as a unit of measurement. (The same way I would measure success at work.) I can still be my big-boned, tall self at work-- I just need some help and taking these next steps will help me do that.
Anyone else struggle with the weight and work? (In the office or at home?) I'd love to hear about it. I will continue to write more. The good, the bad and the UGLY It's here we can all share these experiences and learn from each other.
My weight has been the one thing I can't really control in life.
I come from a long line of tall, big-boned giants in my family. (Seriously, my dad is a non-athlete and needed a knee replacement the size of a football player's.) I am 5'9 and have always had long legs and curves, even at my highest weight. I developed earlier than other girls when I was in my teens, and owned a size 12 (Between 165-185 lbs) until my sophomore year in college. I've always loved my body and felt that it was beautiful even if I was more voluptuous than other girls in school.
During college I ate more. I discovered that beer and wine were good. (You know, before you realized they contained boat loads of empty calories?) My sleep patterns changed and the stress of tests, papers and social life added up-- and so did the pounds. By the time I graduated I was larger (Size 18-20, 240-260 lbs) but still had my curves. Dieting became more of a priority now, but the dieting almost made it worse. I would lose weight, regain. Cut carbs, try intuitive eating, then go to a doctor, go to the gym and try to get on a new plan, try the South Beach Diet, Eat Vegetarian... you get it? Right?
I felt like my energy was sucked up with trying to lose the pounds and it was discouraging thinking about it. I worked hard at my career while still trying to work out and eat less carbs. I was supervised by a doctor, personal trainer and nutritionist-- but somehow I just couldn't stop the lose and regain cycle I had started. Every time I stepped on the scale, I was more than 20 lbs heavier than the last time. I wore nice clothes to the office, but as my weight creeped higher and higher-- my heels got lower and lower-- because my sitting and walking posture were losing strength. I felt my muscles weaken and it was weird for me. (By this time, I was about 300-320 lbs.)
I added more time in the gym to help keep me active and to prevent myself from becoming completely glued to my office chair or in meetings. I gave up alcohol and only drank water.For a year and a half before my wedding, I worked out 4-5 days a week (cardio and strength). My diet was balanced, (whole grain, lean meats, vegetables, occasional treats) but between working out, going to work 40-55 hours a week-- I ate way more when I came home. Not out of stress, but because I felt HUNGRY. No fast foods, no crazy fried foods-- just balanced meals choices... but HUGE portions. I ended up losing 5 pounds in a year and a half for my wedding. Then gaining 15 while on my honeymoon-- my highest weight. (376 lbs.)
So let's fast forward to today: I am a successful professional in marketing. I have competitive skills and work well with others. I am able to look people in the eye with the same confidence I have always had. I love myself, and I love my life. I just want to be a winner of my own health, too. I am working out in the gym still, eating a balanced diet, now reducing my portions and I weighed in today at 358 lbs. I am currently at a size high 24 and low 26. I still wear heels to work, but low ones. I am at a point where I can walk up and down stairs, quickly through hallways and to my car with a bit of a heavy breath-- but still doable. My chair is snugger than I would like it to be, but it works. I pass on the endless parade of employee birthday cakes, but still participate in the celebrations.
My struggle now is trying to control the urge to eat at night and keep my calories in check. It's hard. It's hard not to be tired after work. It's hard to be as focused on my duties, be a leader and ensure I take care of my body with the proper nutrients and exercise it needs. I have some aches that I didn't have before. My lower back gets tight and my joints crack more. This is a new development and one of the reasons I am moving forward with the VSG surgery. Working out IS HARDER at this weight, and it still feels like I am not getting anywhere. However, I am staying positive no matter what.
I have decided that I am going to take control and apply this tool (the VSG, is a tool-- not a cure-all) to my gym routine and eat like my nutritionist instructs. Protein, small amounts, stay away from those starchy carbs. I only drink water and iced coffee with a little light cream in the morning. I am already learning to love my scale and thinking of it as a unit of measurement. (The same way I would measure success at work.) I can still be my big-boned, tall self at work-- I just need some help and taking these next steps will help me do that.
Anyone else struggle with the weight and work? (In the office or at home?) I'd love to hear about it. I will continue to write more. The good, the bad and the UGLY It's here we can all share these experiences and learn from each other.
Surgery on Tuesday.22 Aug17. Weather looks stormy for the weekend. Thursday. Well now we have a hurricane and all my "support "has either evacuated or is too busy for me. Thank goodness my mates are in same home. They have tended to me like champs. Shots, G2, pop sickles, med reminders and anything else I have needed. Thank u C3 and Joe
5 years ago I got a lap band and I failed. I kept the weight off, but stopped losing after about 3 months. I would still diet here and there, usually a halfhearted new years resolution and took a few pounds off and then after a few months stopped and put them right back on. 2 years ago I was admitted to the hospital with severe abdominal pain, like debilitating abdominal pain. After 24 hours of constant testing and 3 pelvic exams I was diagnosed with a ruptured ovarian cyst. The pain was intense and it stopped me from doing anything I enjoyed because inevitably it would rupture and I'd end up back in the ER. So I stopped being active and the cyst stopped rupturing, win, win, right? Wrong... it was growing, growing to the size of an orange. I went in for my annual exam in May of last year and my Dr. was shocked at how big it was. She sent me to get a CT scan and ultrasound we did that every 4 weeks watching it keep growing. At this point, September she did an OVA1 test, to check for ovarian cancer markers. It was positive and I got sent off to an Oncologist. There I continued to get CT scans and ultrasounds, CA125 tests.. The cyst was still growing, the screens were positive. In the middle of this my band slipped and that sent me once again to the ER, my esophagus was in spasms, I had GERD and couldn't keep anything down. I had to get all the fluid removed from my band. I was depressed and had to accept the real possibility that my life as I knew it was over. My Oncologist scheduled me for a full hysterectomy, pelvic lymphadenectomy, partial colectomy and an abdomen scraping. I was miserable, depressed , really just ready to give up. On February 1, 2017 I went in for surgery not knowing what I would wake up to. I woke up in the recovery room, unable to feel my hands with a nurse scraping blood off of my face. I reached down to see if I was still all there, to see my oncologist standing at my feet with a beaming smile on her face. She told me that my biopsy was negative and she only removed the right ovary and fallopian tube. I didn't have cancer, I was not in instant menopause! I was going to live!!
I physically healed within a month and then I realized that I needed to mentally heal as well. I found a therapist and started seeing her once a week. I faced my reality and decided that not only did I want to live again, I wanted to be the best me I could be. I made an appointment with the surgeon that did my band to see what my options were. He said that for my age and weight he thought I should do the sleeve. I said no, I made that mistake before, I'm going in all or none this time. He talked to me for over an hour about the sleeve and told me to go home and think about it. I went home and started to research and came to the conclusion that he was right. I went back in and we made a plan, I would get the Lap band removed and he would preform the sleeve operation at the same time. I had to go through all the insurance requirements again and I'm glad I did. I'm still seeing my therapist, have left my husband (not getting into that here, but it was a very good thing) and have a new self awareness that I never had before.
I'm scheduled for surgery on 9/8/2017. I haven't gotten insurance approval yet, I'm still concerned about that. But I have started my pre-op diet and gotten everything lined up for my post-op. I have been much more open about what's going on, I have told, friends, family and co-workers. I'm excited! I'm ready to live my best life.
Well the scaled moved some today. yay I'm five weeks post op today and I did my Monday weigh in and it's on 267.0 finally away from the 270. But like I had mentioned before, I was still shrinking because I could tell by my belt. I could tell by my belt. I never got to measure last week. seems my tape measure did a hoodie and can't locate it. But I'm good. Not letting stalls or anything get to me. I feel much better and that is all that matters. My goals are to up my working out. I walk a mile 5 times a day, but would like to see about doing more cardio. I see doc tomorrow for follow up and see what he says. I do still have incision pain on my largest incision. So not sure what I'm allowed to do.
I am still trying to get the eating down too. I know I'm not suppose to snack, but to do just three meals a day doesn't get my protein in. I do like five mini meals. All good stuff like diced chicken, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese stick, protein soups from this site ( so yummy), etc. It works for me.
My big excitement beside the eclipse everyone is going bonkers over today here at work is, my husband and I are going to Gatlinburg here in TN in Oct. for my 45th birthday/ 23rd Anniversary. So excited. This will be a different trip since we usually focused a lot of our trips on FOOD and places to eat. I'm not a big shopper so trying to figure out the best way to enjoy a NON - FOOD focused trip.
Well hope everyone is doing well in Bariatric Land.
Blessing to you all,
Later Gaters
Had my 7 week PS followup on Monday! Dr is very pleased the boobies are healing nicely. No incisions opened up which is great! However my left nipple still has not popped out yet. Was told to keep massaging it, which I will do. Told I could finally wear a regular bra. However we did discussed the fact that I bought the B cup bra in the style I use to wear and am smaller than that B cup bra. Yet, my friend gave me her padded B cup bra and the cup part fits over my boobies nicely. The padding comes out. The Dr and I discussed sewing those paddings into my B cup bra as I need the back and sides higher which is my bra style. I do sew so I was pleased to hear to go ahead and do that for now.
Good News! The Dr wants me back on Sept 11th for the next consultation for PS which will be my arms. I was hoping for my tummy but I still have about 27 pounds before I get to goal. The Dr felt that the arms were ready to be worked on and the extra 27 I have to lose wouldn't really affect the arms as much as the tummy. Plus I have a hernia so he needs to coordinate with another surgeon for the hernia repair and tummy surgery at the same time This will be done next year.
I am able to go back to swimming and can go to the gym if I wish to do so. I have been walking with my walker and also my cane and have been riding my bike. I am feeling great and have so much more confidence and am becoming more involved in life. I am looking forward to finding out about the arm lift and how long of a recovery period I will need. I don't know if getting the arm lift will help with my ability to walk better but I do know it will help with the types of blouses I will be able to wear. No more long sleeves!
Four weeks today I did something that was to change me for the rest of my life. I had the Gastric Sleeve done at Centennial Hospital with Dr. Dyer on 07/17/2017. My highest weight was 315. I as of today weight 270.0. i never got my Day of Surgery weight, but I think it was 286. I have been on a roller coaster stall for a couple weeks now.
I've read this is common but it can still be frustrating, especially since I'm only four weeks out and already hitting one. It seemed to happen when I changed stages and the problems with Constipation started. I was worried also about changing stages a little early may of caused the stall. I did stage one, good. But I did stage two like a week and then moved to pureed stage 3 early. I was getting so nausea's on the shakes. So I added the pureed stuff a little early. I'll admit I'm not good at pureeing the foods. I just chew chew chew till it's pureed in my mouth or eat already soft stuff like eggs, cottage cheese and yogurt. No problems with anything yet, well still no jello and anything strong mint, like toothpaste.... it makes me nausea. Not sure why. But doing good with everything else. I'm still under 500 cal a day.
I'm going to start my food journal this week as well as measurements. I was told this can help see any bad trends I might need to nip in the butt and make sure it truly is under 500. Its so hard when labels state 1 cup 200 cal, but you only eat 3 T. Hard to calculate.
Still have trouble with the Anal Fissure. Fibers and stool Softener help, but like I had mentioned. Normal stool even for me is not fun. Going to have to go to a specialist and have this looked into more. Really don't want to go through another surgery right now. Not cool - nope nope.
Any others who stalled early on? Love to hear your advice.
Hope everyone is doing well in Bariatric Land. I'll let y'all know how the week goes. I have my follow up next week so can't wait for that. Lots of questions.
Later Gaters
Has it surprised you in any way where the weight comes off of you first?
I'm not completely sure what I was expecting, but having no children, and being able to feel that most of my stomach fat was on top of the muscle, I had a reasonable hope that my relatively small waist was still under there somewhere.
What I wasn't expecting is for all the weight to start literally falling off my stomach and upper thighs quite like it did without touching my booty (hurrah!)
So this rambling post is all leading up to one thing: a celebratory jump for joy that my waist is now 35" and heading down, putting me in the healthy waist range again for the first time in years. I went from 52-49-56, which blew my mind and made me want to cry when I saw it two and a half years ago to 45-35-46 now.
7 inches off my chest, most of them from my back I and under arms, and an acceptable amount from my boobs, which still look boob-shaped and lifted* My back isn't as "melty/bulgey" as it was before, and my ribs visibly go "in" under the bra, rather than my breasts sitting on top of my stomach. I do have more issues with slipping out of the bottom of my bra a little if the band isn't tight enough.
10 inches off my hips, whichever came mostly off the lower stomach area and saddlebags. My booty has always been muscular, and only lost a thin layer of fat, which my wife says just defined the muscles already there more. Losing fat along my back also re-revealed the top curve of my butt, which is nice. I feel cute in dresses again, but I've gone back to looking a little weird in floaty clothes, which is boo because I do like floaty Stevie Nicks Witchy Hippie Goth looks. I don't measure my thighs, but they have definitely gone down. My legs are more symmetrical, and the wife swears she can see muscle in the back through the cellulite. Which is never going away, i know, but I'm okay with that. I've made my peace.
Then the big hurrah. I lost fourteen inches off of my waist. Some of it is from the stomach, some from the back, some from the flanks, so everyone chipped in, but I did not in my wildest dreams expect to recover my waist so quickly. I got married in a custom Victorian corset two years ago when my waist was almost at maximum size, and my corset maker, bless her, made the corset for tight lacing, getting me down somewhere around forty twoish at the wedding with more room to pull tight. I thought I'd never be able to wear the corset again, but I tried it on yesterday, and it just barely fits. The laces close all the way, and it just gently shapes my hips a bit and holds my waist in that particular corset shape, but it still fit, it was soooo comfortable, and it looked even better than it did on my wedding day. I should get a picture of that. Maybe the whole outfit, which was steampunk and had the corset on top, so that should hold it together.
On the down side, when I was rushing to get dressed, I grabbed an old favorite retro dress that my wife wore to our ring ceremony (hers was a size smaller than mine, and mine was very tight at the time), pulled it over my head without unzipping, and looked down at what should have been a cute skull and roses dress, but was only shapeless skull and roses fabric gaping over my bra. I'm still debating whether to have it tailored in or make pillows.
What changes and discoveries about your weight loss patterns and changing shape have taken you most by surprise or lit you up with celebratory joy?
* This was a huge worry for me, as I'd had breast reduction in 2013, and while I'd be happy with smaller boobs, I really didn't want to go back to flat, shapeless boobs, which run in the family. Just not enough strong connective tissue in our lineage, plus that weird stretchy Celtic skin. Whew. I suspect I dodged it, because the surgeon removed as much non-glandular tissue as he could while trying to preserve nerves and glands, so that's may have left me with relatively de-fatted boobs, in case anyone was considering a breast reduction BEFORE gastric surgery. I was 42J+ at my most extreme, 38E at surgery, and now 36DD or DDD, possibly 34.. I haven't gone bra shopping in a while.
Went back to work this past Tuesday and Thursday 6, weeks after PS. The staff was so happy to see me and stated I looked good. This was the first of four excess skin removal surgeries, so it will be a long process. My breasts were made smaller for the ME I will become, so right now they are not in proportion to the rest of my body. I didn't even fit into the B cup bra that the Dr told me I would be wearing. I spent the weekend looking for bra enchancers to put fill out the B cups. Even though they adhere to the inside bra side I do not feel comfortable with them in. However I do look better. I only work 2 days per week so during the other days I will not be wearing them.
A few weeks before I returned to work I was out walking with my walker each day. I only used the electric mobility device to shop. Last week I walked into the WLS office with just my cane. He was so impressed. He figured it out that I have lost 89% of my excess weight. I am only about 27 pounds from goal and I told him I would have 100% gone by Jan 26 2018, 2 years after my 3 procedure surgery. When I went back to work on Tuesday I was able to use my cane several times while in the building to take short walks. Still used my electric mobility device for the longer walks as we have a huge building. The staff was surprised to see me using my cane. After work on Tuesday used the walker to go to Bingo and again on Wednesday to go to Michigan Rummy. Had to use the scooter on Thursday as I was all over the building. Come Friday I was extremely tired and rested most of the day. However for the PS I had being back to work a week earlier than expected, I think I did pretty good.
I go back tot he PS this Monday for my 7 week followup. We will be discussing a few things I am seeing that I am not real happy with, but I am sure he will tell me things will get even better when the next PS is done. I just have to keep it in my mind that my body is still in the transition stage and the final outcome of what my body shape may not take place until late 2018. I am not a 497 pounder on a 500 pound limit electric scooter anymore. In fact the Vocational Rehab Department is in the process of trying to get me a smaller scooter as I the one I currently have is very old, and difficult to load into the van because it is too big and I don't need that big of one now. I shall continue to use my walker but will try walking more with just my cane, so by the time my next PS is over with I may not need the scooter any more. Some day soon I can say I am walking without any aids and I DID IT! Please continue to read my blog and celebrate that day with me when it happens.
So, I have decided that before my 40th Birthday there are a few things I would like to do, one of which I have registered to complete on October 21, 2017 and that is a 5K walk. I am currently 10 weeks post-op and with my surgeon and PCP's blessing I was given the okay to start training for that event. I have turn over a completely new way of living and that is for the better. Do not get me wrong I still have some bumps in this journey but I will not allow for those bumps to define me. I will continue to keep you all posted on my journey and wish nothing but the best for each and everyone of you.
I'm literally almost crying reading this. Mostly because I'mon this pre-op diet and these last two days have been difficult... but also because I needed this! Thank you! Congrats! And a BIG congrats on quitting smoking a second time! It was hard enough to do it once... So - when I say BIG congrats... I mean BIIIIIG congrats! ❤️
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