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Taking my time recovering

Wow! It's been almost a week since I got my band. I'm still quite bruised up and sore, especially in the center of my stomach, and my left side and shoulder, but I have a lot of mobility. Tomorrow will be the first day since surgery that I've driven the car. I'm glad I was able to take it easy the last week. There is no reason to rush things if I don't have to.   So far I don't feel any different with this band. It's hard to believe that it's even inside of me. I do wish I could feel something when I drink and swallow. It's deceiving.




Next food phase started

I'm 19 days post op & am starting my next phase of food. I believe I'll be in this phase for the next 3 weeks. I started it a day earlier as I seem to be doing OK holding things down, and the nurse thought it'd be OK.   Breakfast   1/4 cup of Crystal Farms All Whites egg whites with 1 tablespoon of crumbled feta cheese   As it turns out, it was quite the large serving. I felt a burp, so I stopped eating figuring that was a sign from my stomach saying, "time to stop, I'm full." I probably ate 3/4 of it.   Lunch   2 oz of tuna fish in water w/ low fat mayo & balsamic vinegar.   I almost ate the whole thing. Hard to believe that this little amount of food can be so difficult to eat. I'm not complaining though because I don't want to hurt my stomach by just 'shoving" food in my mouth!   Dinner   2 oz of almond crusted flounder w/lemon & melted cheese   Haven't quite eaten that yet.   Snack (NOT the smartest thing I've ever done):   God help me, but I had 2 mini peanut butter cups today. Why? Because old habits die hard. IDK why I did it, but I enjoyed the hell out of it. Yup, need to focus on snacking on healthy things. I know better!   Also, had a harder time getting my liquids in today for some reason. I worked from home today because of the snow, but it seems that I struggle with getting enough liquids in when I work from home. What's up with that?




Back to the office today

Day 19 post op   I went back to work today, as in into the office. It was kinda nice to get out of the house after working from home all last week. It was rather uneventful. Ate my mini meals & drank about 26 oz throughout the day. Hey, that's actually pretty good for me. I had another 6 - 8 oz since being home, so that's impressive for me.   I'm going to start my next phase of food tomorrow, adding 1/4 cup of protein type foods. I'm planning my food menu in my little head already.   Breakfast - 1/4 egg whites (though it doesn't seem like a lot). Planning to add a little cheese (maybe feta, though i'm not sure if feta is allowed). Lunch - 1/4 cup of tuna fish w/ 1 tablespoon of low fat mayo for lunch. Dinner - 1/4 cup of parm crusted flounder (though that really seems like so little)   Ahhh, the thought of it makes me hungry now.   Just need to focus on more fluids. One day at a time...




One week out

Today I'm one week out!! I am glad to say everything has been great so far, no complications at all. The only thing that bothers are the gas but not an all day thing. No pain while eating, no vomiting, no nausea since day one which is great. this has been easier for me than I thought.   I get craving every now and then which are hard but I hope it gets better along the way.   I've been on a liquid diet since 1/25. Cant wait to start puree on Thursday 2/6. I'm tired of liquids I need some food lol.





Hi everyone, new here, so worried, been referred for WLS, consultant recommending sleeve. My worry is that I have heard that the sleeve is not so effective as the bypass. Want to be healthy, and more active, don't want to fail. Fed up been judged, and a great source of entertainment to others. Anyone have worries???




Made it Through the Super Bowl!

Man that Superbowl was a blowout! And so has my first three days of pre-op liquid diet been. I jumped on the scale this morning and it read 285.0 which is 6 #'s less than where I started on Jan 31st. I'm very pleased. I managed to get some good exercise over the weekend shoveling snow and chopping wood for the fireplace. Tonight I hope to get to the gym for a cardio workout. This all sounds really good and it is. But, I must say there are times when the cravings are really strong. So far my will power is in check and each day I gain the confidence I can keep this rolling to the surgery date. I'll check back in on Wednesday. Until then, good luck to everyone in the same boat!





So, I am asking this for my brother. He was sleeved December 20, 2013 (after 10 years of begging him to have WLS)....I had the sleeve in 2010. Anyway, he is about 6 weeks out. He was down 65lbs and now is only down 58lbs after gaining the past three weeks in a row. He is SOOO discouraged. I was a previous band pt before revising to the sleeve. Only lost 30lbs with the sleeve, 110lbs total. BUT he is much heavier than I ever was and I just knew he would lose weight soooo fast. How can I make him believe that his body is just calibrating to the fact that he is on regular foods now? He is sticking to the program 100% so I know he isn't cheating. He is getting his water and protein. So I guess I'm asking, is this normal???? Any advise or encouragement would be greatly appreciated!!!!!




OUCH- Dizziness & BAM!

So, I got up last night, or I guess this morning at 4:30am to use the restroom. I hadn't slept very well. Got up, started walking to the bathroom, and WHOA Nelly! Got so dizzy, so quickly, then BAM, right onto the floor. I didn't even have time to stop myself, right onto my right side. I got up again without a problem, but dang, that hurt.   My right hip / butt is a little sore this morning. OUCH!   Decided I'm going to seriously focus on drinking today. I'm thinking maybe I was dehydrated & that caused the dizziness.   NOTE TO SELF: DUH, drink more fluids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Pre-Op Diet Starts Today

The Journey Starts Today!   A few days ago I finished my pre-op tests and everything is finally in order! Today I started the liquid diet to get my obese liver in shape for the big day. I find myself constantly thinking about the impending surgery every day and hour. Am I making the right choice? Should I just try traditional weight loss one more time? Am I going to regret this decision? I've been thinking it over since last October and I think the pros out-way the cons so I am ready. I weighed in this morning and of course the battery on my scale is on the fritz. Go figure. Anyway, I got one more reading out of it and I weigh 291. Not proud of that number but at least it's not the 313 I was about 18 months ago so I have that to be proud of. Anyway, that's about it for now. We'll see how things go over the weekend. I'll check in on Super Bowl Sunday with how things are going. Go Seattle!





So sorry it's been forever- life seems to creep up on you and next thing you know- you don't have 3 seconds to sit down and blog. lol So- I've hit and passed my dr's goal, and my own goal...I'm currently at 149, in a size 4/6 pants, and a Medium shirt. I've lost a total of 106#, 8-10 pant sizes and 4 shirt sizes   I'm saving up to have breast augmentation...they're WRECKED and I'm trying to figure out if my insurance will cover a tummy tuck, or if I'll have to fund that myself as well. I have lost over 100# so I think they might cover it, but they didn't cover my surgery- so I'm doing leg work on that right now. I'm with Blue Care Network in Michigan...so I'll keep everyone posted on that. Life is amazing. I'm happier than I've ever been...I feel good, I look good- I have more energy- I'm motivated...this decision has changed my entire life, in every single aspect. I recently re-started a 30 day challenge, and have been working out everyday, I'm waiting for this TERRIBLE Michigan weather to break so that I can start walking...and hopefully running outside this Spring/Summer....I'd like to try doing a 5k this year- that's my goal...so here's to that!   Here is a progress picture I wanted to share with you too. Thanks to each of you that offered support, encouragement, or just an ear when I was having a hard day (or a good day!!).   I'm going to make a better effort to keep blogging here too- my journey is not over..no way! This year is just the start of the rest of my life




Quick FAQs - What Is The Honeymoon Period

Frequently Asked Questions - Weight Loss Surgery - What is the honeymoon period?   For about 6 to 10 months post-weight loss surgery is the time when it is the easiest to lose weight. Outside of the dreaded stalls, weight generally tends to fall off magically. But eventually the body becomes adjusted to the lower caloric intake and adjusts it's metabolism down. So it's vitally important to take advantage of this "honeymoon period" to stick to your doctor's dietary guidelines and lose as much weight as possible.   After the "honeymoon period" it is still possible to lose weight, but it will require more vigilance on caloric intake and diet, being careful not to fall into old habits, and increasing exercise levels to maintain your metabolism.   If you like/dislike my videos, please thumb up or down, and leave a comment about how I could improve the content. Your input helps me become a better Youtuber. :-)   Keep Pimpin' that Sleeve!   Google Plus https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/102076899634252886094/102076899634252886094/posts/p/pub   Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Frankensleeve-Vertical-Sleeve-Gastrectomy-VSG-Community/289332951205311   Twitter https://twitter.com/frankensleeve




1st Bariatric Support Group meeting

I went to my first bariatric support group meeting tonight. It was the first time this group was meeting in our area. There was about 10 of us, some sleeve, some gastric bypass patients. I was the only band to sleeve patient. There was a variety in our ages as well. Average was probably 50.   We talked about many things: What stages we were all in; which was great because it varied from 12 days post op (me) up to 2 years post op.
Struggles & triumphs (mostly triumphs thus far). One person was "stuck" since Oct with no weight loss. But, in listening to what she eats, it sounds to me as though she might be eating more 'bad' carbs than she should. But, I'm no Dr.
Strategies for success: Since I had lost 90 pounds with my band, I talked about how I felt it was very important to pre-plan my meals. I'm a bit neurotic in that I like to plan my family meals 1 month in advance. Some days are off due to activities & things get changed around. But, nonetheless, it helps to plan ahead (at least a few days or a week in advance). This way you're not running around scrambling for ideas & just grabbing whatever....
Protein intake (how much & what kind). Many that are early in recovery are using protein drinks / shakes to increase their protein. Found out its OK to use Premier Pure Protein, found at Costco. I used this before when I was a lap band patient.
Fluid intake, which I seem to be struggling with but no one else was. I got a few tips, such as drinking warm or room temp fluids might be easier to handle than ice water or cold drinks
Caffeine - do you know why we shouldn't have caffeine in the early stages? Apparently, it dehydrates us. This is something that I definitely have to avoid for the next month, at least until I have this fluid intake down properly
Exercise - I asked about going on my recumbent bike. Not something I should consider until week 6 because my stomach needs to heal better. However, walking was highly encouraged!
Maintaining a support group outside of this meeting group. Discussed the importance of how sharing our experiences helps > whether by blogging (like writing a diary) as its helpful to vent & get feedback from others, or finding a bariatric "buddy."
Focus on limiting sugar intake & increasing protein.
Fruits like strawberries, blackberries, blueberries should wait until we're 6 months out. I think it was because of the 'seeds.'
We're all planning to bring a favorite bariatric recipe in hopes of collecting 1 per person for the next few months. Then, we'll create a bariatric group recipe book. GREAT idea.
  That's all I can think of it. Glad I wrote it down so I can remember too I hope this might have helped some of you just starting out in this journey. And, if you're an "old timer," I'd appreciate any feedback you might have on what's making your journey successful. What keeps you motivated? What helps you stay on track?




No more insulin

Last week I saw my PCP. He did some labs, and I received my results today. My thyroid levels were in normal range. My cholesterol was good. But more importantly, my blood sugar levels were within normal range!!   I have type 2 diabetes. I've been insulin independent for about 9 years now. My sugars have always been uncontrolled. It's a daily struggle having Diabetes. I'm not going to go into these challenges on this particular entry--but I will later on.   Anyways so back to my topic. I was on the insulin pump when I had the surgery on 12/20/2013. After the surgery I was taken off the pump but I still had to take insulin (Novolog). Today my doctor told me that I can discontinue the insulin and start oral medications (Metformin,Glyburide). I am so excited! I know this may not sound like a big deal to most folk. But for me it is. I no longer have to inject myself with a needle in the stomach 4xs a day.   When I first started the insulin, I was told there was no turning back. That I would be on insulin for the rest of my life. A very depressing thought for a 20-something.   Skip to today. I thank God I was able to have this surgery. It's given me a new life.




One more day to go!

Wow, I can't believe I'm almost done with the pre-op diet. I never thought I would be able to do it, but I did! My husband told me tonight that what I've been doing is a hard thing, and I should be proud of myself. I was on the phone part of the day with a nurse at the clinic going over everything for Thursday. Instead of being nervous I'm pretty excited! I am ready to get on with this, and start my new life.   The thing is that I haven't told anyone about this. Even my friend, who will be watching my son for me on Thursday, has no idea what I'm doing. I told her that I have to have a "procedure" done. I'm definitely not sharing this with my mom. She wouldn't be happy about it, and all she'd do is worry non-stop. Maybe I'll share everything with my family after I've lost a lot of weight, or maybe I won't. One thing about this whole thing is that it's all about me and no one else. I want this, and no one is going to stop me or bring me down!




Life is so great!

Wow, has it really been that long since i've been on this sight? I can't beleive how much life has changed since my surgery. i've lost a total of 130lbs since my highest weight ever. it feels so great to have lost that much weight and I never want to go back. my boyfriend proposed to me Christmas Day 2012 in front of my entire family. now we are getting ready for our wedding, official ceremony to take place on Nov 21, 2014. and i'm 20 weeks pregnant with my first child. Before I started this journey I never expected to ever have a life long partner, let alone be getting married and being a mom. I could have never gotten this far without his love and support. he was there every step of the way pushing me to do what i was supposed to be doing and picking me up when i wanted to give up. My family has come around and is glad i've done it. but it was a hard struggle for awhile since none of them agreed with my decision. but i'm healthy and happy for the first time in my life. and my life is so much better for having gone through this. If I had to do it all over again I would. For all of you trying to decide if this is the decision for you, trust in your heart. Don't listen to anyone else. Don't ask for their opinions. What they think doesn't matter. Decide for yourself why it is you want to do this. Your heart will tell you if this is the right path for you. it won't lead you astray. only you know if this is right for you.




Bariatric Support Group Tomorrow

I'm looking forward to my 1st bariatric support group meeting tomorrow near my local Kaiser facility. It's the 1st one in that location so it'll be a first for everyone involved.   I imagine there will be a combination of band / sleeve / bypass patients, and I'm curious about everyone's diet & recovery. Should be interesting! Look forward to posting about what I learned, tomorrow night.




Back to Work & tired

I have to start this message by saying that I consider myself fortunate enough to be able to work from home, when I need to. I have an "office-type" job, and can do my job remote. I still take my shower in the morning & get dressed. The only difference, I'm in a pair of sweats, t-shirt & robe   With that said, I took last week off to recover & figured that I'd be able to work FT this week,even if it's from home. Well, by 2pm, I'm exhausted. I start at 7am & try to hang in there but I get tired of sitting there in front of the computer, for hours & hours. I get up several times, but it's just quite tiring. Told my manager that I would work 7am - 2pm the rest of the week, more (if possible). Thankfully, as annoying as she is in other ways, she seemed supportive & understanding. For that I am thankful.   I've read that some people take 2 full weeks off, while others go back to work right away. For those that go back right away, KUDOS to you! I'm just too tired to do it.   Thank goodness tomorrow is hump day




my thoughts on old age and death-sorry but I need to voice my thoughts.

​So today would have been my parents 74th wedding anniversary. My father died at 89, almost 90 April, 2006. My mother is 95, good to decent health but the mind is gone, full blown dementia. I saw her yesterday and she hates to be bathed, needs to wear Depends and won't. She wears a huge gold ring and while lashing out broke her finger and won't let us cut the ring off. I tried to talk to her, forget it. At 4ish am this morning she fell. She wasn't great getting an x-ray. Don't know yet if she broke anything. Ok, now my rant!! Why is it we can put our beloved pets to sleep and not our parents/spouse or whoever, who is suffering?????????? When my father was dying, my mother, age 87, bathed him, cleaned him, spoon fed him and every day she would say, "Today is a good day for a funeral, Melvin, close your eyes". My mother is that way and if she saw the way she is, she would try to kill herself, I know that. Sorry, but I needed to voice my thoughts. My oldest brother feels the same way as I do. It is enough for our wonderful mother. She was great!! When I see her she always says who is watching the boys. I keep telling her they are 35 & 39. She thinks they are still very young. Sad. Thank you for listening to me. I hope you all don't have to deal with all this.   I also have a brother, 69, I am the very youngest of 3, who is mentally challenged . He lives alone but I take care of him. He has type 1 diabetes and takes 4 shots a day and he doesn't get it. I try to explain and help. I have a full plate with family.   Everyone enjoy your day. Stay warm. Arlene




The Rant before Christmas.. even though Christmas passed a long time ago

Well i've finally got the ball rolling, I saw the surgeon a few months ago now i've finally scheduled my sleep study for this wednesday so I should feel really excited and bubbly right? Wrong!   I just feel UGGGHHHH GRRR BLAHHH. The main thing right now is that the doc said he wouldn't operate if I was one pound over what I weighed at the time I first saw him. Right now i am about 10 pounds heavier. At that time I was doing my swim season exercising 3hrs a day. Right now its freezing asses outside and all there is to do is sit inside and eat things -___-. I mean i always gain about 10 pounds in the winter then lose 10 pounds around spring/summer, isn't that normal for most people? I mean i suppose I could lose if I did some crazy **** like the south beach diet for a few weeks. I just feel so irritated because if I can't even lose ten pounds right now how am i supposed to lose the 130 pounds necessary to goal and how am i supposed to stay there. I feel like I need to reevaluate my whole life and decision to have surgery right now   It makes me want to blame everyone else, like my parents for always bringing home pies and muffins when they know i have a problem. My doctor for requiring me to lose weight. The weather for sucking. But i know deep down I'm just being a whiny b***h and the truth is that all of this is my fault and my own problem since the beginning. I just feel so powerless right now and it makes me pissed off .   I don't know what to do. I can't exactly dedicate my whole life to fitness right now I have to keep my grades up for AP exams coming up around the same time as my surgery. Then again my life is always going to be this way Im always going to be busy with something if not my current 5 ap classes, then medical school or some other ****. I guess I'll just pull out the old greek yogurt and hope than somehow I get these extra pounds off of myself before February rolls around





I'm less than three days away from being banded. I have been feeling hungry since last night. This is real hunger with a growling stomach. It's getting difficult to choke the shakes down. I've been online today looking for some better ones that don't cost a fortune to ship to Canada. If anyone has any recommendations let me know.   Thursday cannot come too soon!




Take time to inspire someone

Happy Monday everyone!   I have been so busy I haven't had time to check in with everyone.   I wanted to share this story with everyone so I will try not to bore you!   When I started my lap band journey I only told my family and my best friends.   As I got more comfortable I started telling everyone!   Today a fellow co worker came up to me and told me that he is getting the lap band because I inspired him.   I was shocked but I was so happy for him.   We had this conversation before.   He asked me questions and I told about my journey. But I always told him "my journey will be different from yours."   I am proud to say that I am happy that I was able to inspire someone to live a healthier lifestyle.   I don't think I say this enough but I am thankful for this site and everyone on this site. You guys inspire me to do better and for that I thank you!   So take time to inspire someone today and maybe that person will pay it forward.   God is Good!   Thanks for reading!




Wow it's been a long time

I have not been here in quite a while the name changed and I had a hard time finding it but I DID! My start wt 448 Surgery wt 419 1 st year anniversary wt 279 Current wt 242 226lbs gone fitting in 1x on top 2x on the bottom (from7-8xl) My goals pre op were to be able to chase my grandson- check Walk up stairs without holding the rail- half a check can do a few up and check for down unless I am really tired. Be able to walk a mile- check! Did it easily when I had to get my car out of the shop. Surprised me that I was able to do it( glad my neighbors weren't home to give me a ride) Go on a mission trip to Africa - not yet but I think I am going to go google that right now! Maybe this summer. I am working full time nights, able to wear skinny jeans comfortably, buy stuff at a thrift store easily, and swim for over an hour and then do physical therapy in the alpine pool for another ten min. I have a tiny waist and can feel the bones in my shoulders and hips. In fact when I sit on the potty it hurts a bit cuz my poor butt has lost a lot of it insulation. I tolerate most food but small portions are key. Half a sandwich, 1/4 -1/2 of a restaurant portion entree, and stay away from loads of sugars (under 9 grams at any one time) which means I don't deny myself a special treat but I only have a tiny piece or one small candy. The holidays meant a load of cooking but for me at least not a load of eating. Side benefit saving money on food big time. All in all this journey has been what I had envisioned and I see my end goals coming up fast. Under 200 lbs and being ABLE!




Hernias and things that go BULGE in the night

After this past week, I'm about ready to cry UNCLE!!   So, not only did I have an appointment for the Endoscopy, but I also had to meet with a 'general' surgeon to find out if that HUGE lump to the right of belly button is indeed a hernia or something worse to worry about.   Last year, I had to have a total hysterectomy and due to my rather enlarged Uterus, the 'normal' bikini cut turned into a very long vertical cut that went above my belly button. During the surgery, my Gyno found I had a small Umbilical Hernia which he repaired. Well, of course, After surgery I went and gained 50# (which I am almost positive has been because and made difficult to lose due to hormonal issues, but no one will give me a definitive answer), and blew the repair... and guess what...NOW I ALSO have an Incisional Hernia. The former is 2 inches, the latter, 4 inches. I kid you not! I need to go to church more, I'm so holey (insert snicker... oh, and eye roll) smh!   I didn't realize anything was wrong until last fall when I got bronchitis and had this horrible cough, and I noticed when ever I tightened my tummy there was a VERY large, very scarey lump, but only when the muscles where tightened. So, my PCP sent me to a general surgeon last week how sent me in for a CT Scan, which if you haven't had one with IV Contrast, let me tell you, the contrast, when it hits your system makes you feel like you are peeing your pants. Weird.   Anyway, everything looks good, except for the LARGE HerniaS. The General Surgeon would like me to go forward with the Sleeve, saying that surgery would be safer and more successful should I lose a 'significant' amount of weight, and as a bonus, she can do some 'corrective' skin removal that will aid the stability... blah, blah, blah. UNLESS...unless the fat that is now protruding through the largest one changes to intestine, or the smaller one gets intestines stuck in it and I can't 'manually' reduce it either by myself or by the ER within 6 hours, and I have to have EMERGENCY surgery, in that case, no 'corrective' surgery. But, hey, she says she's worked successfully on ladies larger than me (which, some how, though she was nice and sincere, made me feel like crap.)   So tonight, that side hurts. Kinda sharp, slicing pain when I breath (nothing intolerable and might be constipation or the Chili I've eaten for two days) but, I can find any 'protrusions' when I palpate my stomach, so I'm thinking that that whole stomach area is over sensitized because of all the poking and prodding and attention it has been getting lately. That, and my gastritis is off the hook right now. UGH!! Yeah, that might be the Chili too.   Tomorrow is another day. With it brings a visit to the NUT, the PSYCH (to make sure I'm not a nut) and the CARDIOlogist... Whatever the cute abbreviation is for that, I do not know right now.,   Tomorrow also brings with it the pre-surgery diet, which I should have been doing this past week, and kinda did, but really didn't want to in case it turned out that the hernia was something worse or that the hernias along with all my other maladies would prevent me from having surgery... yeah, I know, I hear the corporate sigh... you can sigh at me all you want, you know my sick brain, cuz yours is to... if it wasn't, we'd all thin and not need such a life changing intervention.   Night y'all!   La La Love



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
