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Day 1

So for my surgery I have to go on a two week liquid diet. This consist of sugar free jello, broth, sugar free popsicles (which who doesn't want these in the middle of winter), protein shakes, and 1 protein bar a day. My first protein shake I made was vanilla. The consistency and smell made me gag, no gonna lie. So I doubled the water and I think it is watered down enough for me to handle. I am taking a sip of it and chasing it with water. I am on my second sugar free jello which (oddly enough) not that filling. I know it sounds like I am whining...because I am. BUT I feel like venting it out on my blog is better than taking it out of someone else around me. I have chopped my protein bar into three pieces so I can have one with breakfast lunch and dinner. I feel like this way I can "eat" something with each meal. It is only 10:30 but I am already looking forward to my broth.




Upcoming appointment with surgeon

Its been awhile since I last made a entry. Its been 10 months since my lap band was removed and I have scheduled an appointment with mu surgeon for this Thursday February 26, 2015 at Kaiser South bay to see If he will perform my surgery. He told me to wait a year to see him I pray that this is close enough for him to consider giving me a date for surgery. I think one of the hardest things this past year was the uncertainty of when I would be able to have it done. This has definitely been a hard year. I am a little afraid of seeing him as I have gained weight over the past 10 months. I'll keep everyone informed as to what he says on Thursday.




Reflections on month 2 of 6 pre op diet ~ Are we there yet?

Reflections on month 2 of 6 pre op diet ~ Are we there yet? Contrary to my belief, I did not die waiting for my monthly weight in as I slowly get closer to my surgery date. Ok, so this is a good thing and there have been others. I am proud that I still have not had a carbonated drink since December which is actually a huge NSV for me. I have been faithful to drink a minim of 32oz of water a day. Some days I get 64 oz and plan to continue to increase until I reach 64oz per day, every day. This month I have marked a few things off of my pre surgery check list as well. For starters, my second month PCP visit and weigh in. The scale showed a gain of 0.4, but I think that could just be the clothing.
I had my sleep study which shows that I do have sleep apnea. I will be getting my machine soon, and when I do I will get my pulmonary clearance as well. I am really looking forward to a good night’s sleep.
I have also started attending the local WLS support group. It is a live version of this website and I find the people there are just as candid and helpful as those on this website. I plan to continue with the support group meetings just because I like them.
I do occasionally have to give myself a personal time out from this site and obsessing about WLS in general. Everything in moderation, right? Overall, I have a good feeling about what I have accomplished this past month. I hope that the next is just a fruitful. Best wishes to all ~ mykdzmom





I am 6 weeks and 6 days post op and feel I have fallen victim to yet another stall. I do not know if there is such at the six week mark but I have been at the same weight for a week and no matter how much cardio or how little I eat my weight just stays right where it is. I have been following the guidelines ... probably a little less calories than I should be eating because I get tired of that full feeling so quickly. Pre op I was really bad about not eating throughout the day hoping for quick weight loss and I found it is easier having my VSG to skip meals. I still struggle with WATER, no matter how I flavor it. I have never been a soda person, so this hasn't been an issue, but water is ick. I add drops for the flavor but then return to my unsweetened tea or coffee. I wonder if this is the issue. I have read many blogs about drinking caffiene, however, my sill mind says, "it's made with water and I prefer the taste of tea and coffee". I am down 38 lbs in 6 1/2 weeks so I will once again leave my friend, the scale, out of my morning routine and get back to weighing weekly. Hopefully this will be more encouraging!




I think I've been band passive long enough

I haven't made a post on here in ages. Maybe I've been neglecting my reality, who knows. But I have a problem, the same problem I had almost 3 years ago. I love food. I love the way it tastes, all the different flavors, all that.   I've been going HAM on food lately, so much so that I thought of something pink and glazed with pineapples and brown sugar as I typed that. I have no idea why I won't stop. I would say can't but I can. I'm not sick, I just want to eat. Ugh...So I've gained 30 lbs since last May. GREAT! Once upon a time I was 22 lbs away from goal and now I have 50 lbs just sitting on. I will when I want to but when the fuuuuuck will I want to!?   I wasn't even bad today, but I think my errors are coming back to get me. I did a nice amount of PB'ing and I guess my body said f**k it let's go all the way. And that is what it did. I vomited for the first time in 3 years. It was miserable. It hurt, stung burned, left me embarrassed the whole shebang. And yet still, all I can think about it what I can eat when I feel better.   The amount of money I dish out on food should just invest in a thing I actually want.   One day Tiana, but soon please. For your own good.




Easy Way Out Statement

I feel that I need to share a statement that was written by someone who is a friend of my coworker. I wish I knew who it was so I can give proper credits. But this statement will really explain how it is to people who dare to say that "surgery is the way out". There is absolutely NOTHING easy about weight loss surgery. Enjoy.   Why surgery is the "easy way out" for weight loss!   Yep, you heard that right. I've decided that I agree with the myriad non-surgical, gym-loving, overwhelming weight loss successes that feel strongly (and vocally) that surgery is the easy way out. They really are correct. We all should be ashamed of ourselves for taking the shortcut approach and racking up an "un-earned win".   Just think about it. To successfully lose weight without surgery, all you have to do is two things:
eat less

exercise often
  With surgery, you only have to do one thing:
pay a surgeon to make you lose weight
  Well, perhaps that's a minor oversimplification. There are a few other steps, but they are tiny and insignificant. Not everyone has to do them either! But, just for the sake of objectivity I’ll list most of them that I can think of. (I might miss a couple, but since surgery is the easy way out who cares really.) Let’s see, there is:
Convince yourself that you want to do this. This is much more complicated than it seems, so take your time. Don’t get sick before you make a decision.

Convince your doctor that this is medically necessary. Convince him/her that you really do want this and you aren’t just someone unwilling to sweat a little. Convince them that you won’t die on the table. Convince them that you aren’t doing this so you can keep eating cake for breakfast. And lunch. And dinner. Because that’s the only reason big people are big people.

Spend anywhere between 3 months and a year working with your PCP to make a preliminary run at losing weight. This should include:

A special diet


Constant office visits to measure progress

Significant expense to participate in the diet (Nutrisystem, Medifast, and Jenny Craig, I’m looking at you!)

Lots of documentation

Likely (if not anticipated) painful, humiliating failure (PS, this is a requirement!)
[*] Spend hours to days or more working with your insurance company website, phone reps, and via letter to determine if weight loss surgery is covered at all, assuming they will admit to it. [*] Once you find out it is covered, find out what exactly is covered. Type of surgery, location, type of doctors required, pre-op programs necessary, pre-op medical requirements, pre-op diet requirements, and documentation. Make sure you understand it all clearly because… [*] Meet with your PCP to go over all of the above. Explain to them what most of it means, because they don’t understand. Make sure your work so far will meet the needs of the insurance company. Convince him/her to do the work to get the approval. If not, return to step 1 and try again. (Note: make sure you do all of this quickly- most of these rules are subject to change on January 1, even if you have a 12 month diet requirement. You’ll need to find a way to violate the laws of space and time on your own.) [*] Get a psych evaluation. People who want this surgery are invariably crazy, so we need to confirm that. Don’t use a doc you know. Go somewhere you’ve never been so that they can get that first-blush, cover of the book impression of your particular brand of crazy in the 45 minutes you get with them. Let them write their report confirming your “crazy flavor” to your docs and insurance. They will approve you anyway. [*] Take an online class that confirms the crazy diagnosis. [*] Take another online class that basically tells you if you have the surgery you will likely die horribly on the table, if you’re lucky. You might just become a vegetable and be a possibly fabulous looking skinny burden on everyone you know and love! [*] Find a surgeon that can both perform the surgery (practically, legally, and allowable by the insurance) as well as doing so without causing




[*] Make sure that doc can take your insurance. Not just yoru insurance, but your exact insurance. This may require them to check at least a dozen contracts. [*] Do the same for the hospital. [*] Make sure that hospital you’ll have the surgery in isn’t a festering wound itself. The surgeon can only do so much if when you get to the floor you’re placed in the same bed last used by an Ebola patient with a cold and cleaned by “Blind Larry”. Fortunately there are many websites sponsored by government agencies to help you with this. They will all disagree with each other. [*] Get insurance authorization to have the surgery. Fortunately this process starts the weight loss, as one arm and one leg weigh a surprising amount when removed and given to them. This should take no more than a day or two, tops. [*] Have a discussion with your employer. Let them know that you’ll need a full week off from work in the near future. You know, when you aren’t busy and won’t be missed. Again, if you’re lucky you’ll have vacation and can use that. If not, think of how much extra weight you’ll lose when you can’t afford to eat for lack of a paycheck! OH, you may need more than a week. If you come out healthy. If not, it’ll be more. A lot more. [*] Have a discussion with your family, if you haven’t yet. If you haven’t yet, shame on you for your discretion, personal space, and recognition of the gravity of this decision. Make sure that you convince them that you won’t die, runaway with David Beckham or Eva Longoria (or both if you’re flexible), or otherwise ruin the home. [*] Get answers to all of the questions you have. Fortunately ObesityHelp is a great place for that. You will get no less than 10 answers to every question. Some may actually agree. ☺ [*] Make sure that this is really what you want. This isn’t like buying a car or getting married. This is permanent and there is no going back. Still confident this is the right choice? Now you know your flavor of crazy from item 7. [*] Go on a liquid diet. You may not have anything that you cannot “read a newspaper through”, is solid, has calories, has carbs, has protein, has flavor, or is made of a natural substance. This will last anywhere from two days to a month. Your surgeon will tell you how long. [*] While on the clear liquid diet, please try not to cheat on the diet. More importantly, please try not to defecate on yourself. Here’s a mantra for you: “Never trust a fart!” [*] Have the surgery. This will include:
Large, but not quite large enough gowns with special butt exposing panels

Freezing rooms

Needle fears

Vein scavenger hunts

Panic attacks

Several other fun moments no one will spoil for you to discover
[*] Recover from the surgery. This will include:
Amazing drugs that will make you fear for the poor 110lb nurse that will help you walk at first. Please don’t fall during this time or you will crush her. You’ll fear this, but only briefly (great drugs remember). Just don’t fall.

Walking. Yes, you’ve just had your entire insides rearranged and have more stitching in you than a rented tuxedo, but hey, let’s go for a walk. Every hour.

Eating. This is really a game. You have a 3ish ounce container that replaces your stomach. It is swollen, but you don’t really know how much. If you over fill it, you will be in serious pain, and may hurt yourself severely. Here’s the fun part- you’ll be given a selection of hald a dozen clear liquids to choose from. Some will make you retch. Some will taste like heaven. All are more than 3 oz. You- the person who’s complained that Mickey D’s quarter pounders have never once been a quarter pound – now get to determine what 3 oz looks like. Don’t forget two very important things.
[*] Going to a bathroom. The author of this article is a male, so with that perspective in mind, consider the male stereotype of urinating. Now imagine that sharpshooter in the hands of someone who cannot see straight, or single vision, is falling asleep on their feet, whose prostate is not yet awake from surgery but whose bladder most definitely is, and who is currently on their 4th IV bag of saline with lactated ringers running wide open. Don’t forget to measure your output!   [*] Go home! This is the easy part. Stuff your swollen and now anesthesia free self into a car and try to avoid potholes, cough, sneeze, or breathe too hard. [*] Continue the clear liquid diet for a few more days [*] Progress to protein drinks. These are a joy. There are few if any samples, so make sure you get the 5lb bottle to be sure you love it. [*] Progress to pureed or baby food [*] Progress to cat food or tuna [*] Progress to gourmet cat food or flavored tuna / canned chicken [*] Progress to dog food or chunky soups / heavily cooked soft and unflavored chicken [*] Progress to human food. During this time you will need to learn a few things. These will include:
How to eat. Remember you’ve been doing it wrong all your life so this should be easy.

You may only have dense protein.

You must take in no more than 3-4 oz.

You must take an entire 30 minutes in which to do so.

You may not drink before, during, or after the meal.

You may not have anything spicy.

You may not have anything with carbs.

No alcohol for at least 6 months, or maybe forever.

Nothing liquid.

Carbonated anything is permanently off the menu for the rest of your life.

Nothing with caffeine.

Nothing with less than a 10:1 ratio of protein to carbs

Keep calories as low as possible.

Learn to keep something that meets all of your dietary needs handy. If you need to eat, not every place can meet your “special needs”.

Make sure that you understand that you need to do this for the rest of your life. You can’t change this. Non Surgical people can indulge once and awhile. They can cheat. We rupture.
[*] Please remember to keep your intake to levels that would make Ethiopians send you food. This is generally 800 calories, less than 40 carbs, and more than 80 grams of protein per day. You must do all of this in 3 meals with no snacks. [*] Take your supplements:
Calcium. Note that it isn’t the same calcium that you can get for a dime on any gas station shelf (Calcium Carbonate). This is a highly refined form of easily absorbable calcium (Calcium Citrate). It will come in three forms: A disgusting snot textured liquid found at Wal-Mart for $11 per week, a myriad of chewable pills that all taste like flavored drywall and cost about $20 per month, and delicious chewable candies that cost $40 per month.

Multivitamin. You’ll be doing double doses. Get the adult gummy ones. Find the ones with no carbs.

Fiber. Get the adult gummy ones. Find the ones with no carbs.

Iron. Some people will take iron. Get chewables.

B12. You can do pills under your tongue that taste like yesterday’s fish for $10/month, injections at the doc’s office every 3 weeks, or a nasal spray that costs $350/month.

Do all of the above for the rest of your life. Don’t stop or you’ll die.
[*] Start to exercise! What, you thought that you didn’t have to exercise? Yep, here’s the trick. You are going to lose weight even if you don’t. Here’s the other trick. It’s easier to take that weight from your bones and muscles if you don’t exercise, so if you don’t work out, all that’s left will be fat! [*] No really, you have to exercise. [*] Yes, that means sweating. [*] Make sure that while you’re going through this easy time in which every hormone you have is at full tilt, every part of your body looks and feels funny, nothing fits, and you generally are proud that you’re losing while also being weirded out by how different everything feels you also take into account everyone else. Remember, this is about them and how they perceive you. You can’t be the popular kid. The healthy person without diabetes, hypertension, edema, or apnea. The more confident employee. The more confident lover. The physically stronger person. The person who wants attention. The person with self-esteem. You need to apologize frequently for these failures and must work hard to gently help these people along to where they can think of you as a lesser person for altogether different reasons than they did before, to preserve their psyche. Stop making your weight loss about you.   See? Even with these minor things, it’s obvious. Surgery is the easy way out. Don’t be a sucker. Be strong, and just eat less, and exercise more. It’s that simple!

You are stoned on anesthesia. Your judgment aint what it should be.

So is your stomach. It’s not going to help you by saying “I’m full” for about 2 weeks to a month.




Post Op Gastric Bypass RNY Day 11 New foods and scale frustrations thyroid

I drank a lot of water this morning after I took my thyroid pill. I have to wait half hour before eating or drinking anything except water after taking it because if I don't it effects the pills absorption. I wanted to get to the grocery store before the snow storm hit so I hustled my three kids into the car and grabbed an ensure on the way out the door. I only had 1/4 of the shake before we got to the store and this was a big mistake. I was too embarrassed to be carrying around an ensure through the store (I know I'm weird lol) so I took my water in with me instead. Next time I will just put it into another container but like I stated before I was trying to beat the snow. I got the cart that allows all three kids to be in so I was pushing an 8,6,and 4 year old (it's worth it lol) plus groceries and became so lightheaded I instructed the kids on what to do if I would fall. I did take it easy and I sipped my water while finishing up. I sat in the car sipping my Ensure until I felt normal again. Lesson learned. I tried another new food today...new since my RNY anyway. I am allowed 1/2 cup ricotta cheese with 2t marinara sauce. It's amazing how the simple things can be so rewarding! I was convinced before surgery I was going to miss out on foods. Not so! I am learning to appreciate new ones. Ricotta is amazing! Kind of tastes like stuffed shells. Before the noodles and sauce taste kind of took over.. This way with only cheese and a hint of sauce the cheese has flavor and is sooo delicious and healthy. I couldn't finish it! I can certainly do this! My scale is not moving. The doctors scale read 191 yet mine remains a steadfast 194. It's ok though because I lost a pant size and these smaller pants are loose already and this morning when I looked in the mirror I actually liked what I saw!!!! I always thought my face was pretty but today I started appreciating my body as well and I can't remember how many years it has been since I didn't look in the full length mirror with a shrug and a sneer and a "Well that will have to do!"





Had final preoperative visit with surgeon yesterday. Had to sign lots of papers and interestingly enough had to take a test which he used as guide to discussion about realities of weight loss surgery. He was open and straightforward about possible risks and complications which triggered an alarm response in me. I do not want to die and would prefer to be fat and still alive. Thought I was ready but now filled with fear. I am obsessing about all of this and find it hard to focus on anything else. Would like to hear from others about HOW afraid you really were prior to surgery and how you worked through that in order to actually check in hospital and have the surgery. My date is Feb.25th - 5 days from now and my 66th birthday. Help me with feedback and reassurance. Thanks for listening.




Ten Days Post Op Gastric Bypass Odd Pains and Weight Loss

I went to the doctors for my post surgical check up yesterday and I weighed in at 191 lbs!!! I had another appointment the same day and weighed 191 there too. When I went home I reweighed myself and my scale said 194....same as it did thatmorning Weird. My scale obviously is the one off lol. Anyway, I was soooo happy! I really didn't expect that weight loss. That was ten lbs in nine days! I was allowed to proceed to stage 2 diet and tried my first egg white. I ate 2/3 of it. I could have eaten more probably but I was afraid to overdo it. I ate another one later in the day, this time the whole egg white, with a pinch of mozzarella on top and it was delicious!!!! I put on size 16's this morning and the legs are loose....yay! Yesterday, I had an odd dull pain in my left shoulder and the nutritionist said it was probably gas. Today I have an odd dull pain under my left rib cage under my arm....I took a Gas x and feel a little better.Both pains felt like someone blew up a balloon and lodged it in there. Still grateful for this surgery and so thankful for my new lease on life




Eleven days PreOp

Day three of my preop liquid diet...eleven days to go...I've got this! The first two days were horrible (I was sooo hungry and irritable) but I am feeling a lot better today. It didn't help that I had a raging headache yesterday. I rarely get headaches so it was extra horrible....but as much as I am complaining it will still be worth it. I can't believe in eleven days I will be on the Losers bench yayayaya!!! The months have flown by faster than I expected. I really hope I can get off this bipap machine too...I keep breaking out where the mask surrounds my mouth




Eleven days to go! Day Five preop liquid diet- Ketosis

Five days down...eleven to go. I can't believe in eleven days I will finally have my surgery! Today I felt weak..I had trouble gripping my pencil to sign my name. I drank another protein shake and felt a bit better. I also am plagued by dizziness more today...usually when I walk upstairs to go to the bathroom... so I am working to get extra water in to combat it. I have the ketosis taste in my mouth too but I am ok with it because I know I am burning fat! Woohoo!




Day 9 Preop Liquid diet--- I Dream of Cheeseburgers

I am currently on day 9 of my surgeon's required liquid diet. I thought I was doing well with cravings etc lol...then last night I had a dream in which I ordered a huge greasy cheeseburger (usually not my go to food) made with swiss cheese and onions and gooey sauce and as I took my second bite I remembered my diet and yelled "oh NO I am on a liquid diet!" and spit out the second bite....then I was embarassed because I have good manners and well, that wasn't good mannered lol....I forgot I was on a liquid diet until after I had a bite and then I worried that bite would mess up my surgery lol....what a weird dream.....especially because when conscious I mainly crave hoagies or salads .... also I went to the store today to stock upon cream of soups...I felt slow motion and kind of dizzy...After leaving the store it occured to me that I hoped nobody thought I was drinking or on some type of drugs. Didn't help that I bought a pill crusher too. Along with Biotin. I will post my preop list later.




Four days Post Op Not Sugar Coated but Positive

I went in on Tuesday for my surgery. To say I was scared was an understatement. I felt panic right at the edge of my line of willpower to keep calm...somehow I managed to be calm. I met the kindest most wonderful healthcare worker while I was waiting for surgery. He was the anesthesiologist who would be with me during my surgery. He had the kindest most caring eyes and was so very comforting. When I scooted onto the operating table from the bed I was on I was literally shaking. The anesthesiologist put his hand on my head comfortingly as I repeated the Lords prayer and "My God's got me in his arms" over and over again. The next thing I remember is waking up saying "My God's got me...in his arms" and a woman saying "she must be religious" before drifting off to sleep. The pain..oh my word the pain!!!!!...I had heard that people felt like they had just done a million sit ups after surgery. I was mad at the people for minimizing the pain. I woke up feeling horrible.The nurses and hospital staff were excellent at keeping me as comfortable as they could but that first day the thought of going home and my three kids was overwhelming.I had help for six days and with the pain I was in how would I be able to care for them in six short days! Well each day was so much better. I can't believe the speed at which the pain has gone away! Every day I woke up amazed that I was so much better. I had a "sleepy bladder" from the anesthesia and couldn't pee after surgery so I had to go home with a catheter and it will remain for seven days. I am trying to be positive about it telling myself well at least I don't have to get up every fifteen minutes to pee and now I can pee standing up lol but truth is having a catheter sucks. I am always worried about it getting pulled out (I have three kids who are doing great at being gentle with me though) or getting a kink in it etc and its just generally gross knowing something is sticking out of and draining your bladder but I have three days left to go to get it out so that is good. A part of me is worried I still wont be able to pee but that's prob not going to hapen. They straight cathed me twice while I was still in the hospital and got a liter each time!!!! And I barely felt like I had to go...though I tried and tried and tried. I stayed one night in the hospital btw. I thought if I lose weoght and have extra skin I will get a tummy tuck and breast lift but after this surgery I am not ever getting surgery again lol. Would I do the gastric bypass again? At this point in time I would still say yes! But I think I can deal with any excess skin lol. I also have a weird issue when I drink my shakes I get a gritty feeling at the back of my throat. Maybe I am overdoing it? I am drinking two 14oz shakes a day which is 50 g of protein and two small sippy cups of water. Gas X is a lifesaver as well....I barely had any shoulder pain afterwards. I can sleep flat now but not on my sides yet if I roll onto my side it feels like I have a huge balloon in my stomach. I tell myself well at least I am not sleeping on the recliner (which I did my first night home) Also, I did find that it felt better to be up and walking than sitting or laying. Wondering when I will stop feeling dizzy though. Grateful for every day I open my eyes and hug my awesome kids <3 and my wonderful Love who has helped to take care of me and the house and everything in between.




8 Days Post Op Gastric Bypass Noticing a Difference-First NSV

My size 18's are falling off of me and people keep telling me my face is smaller. I guess I'm officially in a 16 now. Going to pick up a few pairs of cheap pants tomorrow to get me through lol.I have lost ten lbs since surgery and am feeling extra tired lately. I went to Dunkin Donuts with my hunnie today and asked them to warm up my 1/3 cup of cream of broccoli soup in their microwave lol. It was nice to feel a small sense of normalcy return. I also think I have an NSV but hoping it's not a fluke. For as long as I can remember when I sit for any amount of time my lower back is stiff and sore when I stand up. Today it hasn't been. I was so surprised when I realized it that I sat down and stood back up again!!!! Once again I am feeling so very grateful that I had the opportunity to have this surgery!!!! GRATITUDE in abundance!




It's finally happened...

After almost a year my feet have gotten smaller. From a 9 to an 8.5. Even with thick socks my feet slide around in all my shoes. I bet you thought this was about me having my surgery didn't you? That was last April. LOL.   Also, I'm 3 lbs from 199. Slowly creeping down. Lots of this has to do with being unemployed and being sedentary and not having the money to go back and forth to the gym via public transit. The good news is that I am working again and can rededicate myself to it since I have an income again.




Weight Loss

I figured that I would write a little about the weight I have lost so far.   During the first all liquid week I lost 11 lbs. I am now a week and a day post-op and I have brought my total up to 24 lbs! 24 lbs. in 15 days I think has made my body freak out though. It's my week off so I exercised like a fiend yesterday and Sunday- I didn't lose any weight and this morning I had only lost 1.5 lbs.   I know that I am going to have periods of time like this where I don't lose any weight- I've been able to stay positive by thinking about how I am now lighter than I was when I arrived at my moms house here in FL in October   STAY POSITIVE!





Just had my first bad experience... Forgot I wasn't suppost to drink with my food... took two sips of water and had to puke up my tuna salad.   Tuna salad is awful to puke up




6 Days Post Op My Diet and Weight Loss So Far

Well, I went to the ER yesterday to get my catheter taken out. I could not wait two more days... it was irritating me. My diet has been ok I think. I originally drank two 14 oz protein shakes a day (25g protein each) and almost two cups of water a day for about three days post op. Day four and five I added 1/3 cup of chicken broth...Today ( day 6) I ate 1/3 cup of cream of broccoli soup...had two protein shakes (25g protein each) and am working on my water at the moment. Surgery weight was 203 and today I weighed in at 194 so I lost 9lbs since surgery. I am in the in between stage of pants. My 18's are falling off yet the 16's are snug around my waste and saggy in the butt lol...still...I'm not complaining.I bought some moisturizing Olay face cream today and couldn't get the lid off for the life of me. I passed it around to a nine year old, two six year olds, and a four year old lol...they couldn't get it either but they sure did loosen it so when I tried really hard it finally opened. So that weakness and the inability to put tupperware lids on the 1/3 bowls of soup I was preparing are noted I have been sleeping on my back since day three and last night (day 5) I finally slept on my sides Yayyy! I called the surgeon also because I was getting grit backflow in my throat after drinking and he said I was probably still swollen....today has been much better with it so I am guessing my swelling is going down. I am going to try sleeping with my bipap on tonight. I have been really tired. Before when I tried sleeping with it I got a feeling of pressure in my chest I can't explain....and with the reflux I was kind of nervous about it so I kept telling myself tomorrow tomorrow....so tonight I resolve to use it.




Birthday Gift To Myself

My surgery is set for February 25th which is my 66th birthday. I quit smoking 5 years ago on my birthday and have not had a cigarette since - not even a puff. My mother fell over dead in 2009 at age 79 and in addition to her sudden death being the profoundest loss of my life, it was a wake up call to me. I quit smoking but gained even more weight. I retired one year ago and continued to pack on pounds as retirement life is wonderful but certainly more sedentary. I am scared silly but VERY excited to conquer this last frontier - I am an all or nothing kind of girl and I am confident that I WILL be successful. I have 2 daughters and 3 grandchildren and want to enjoy a long, happy life. I am doing this for health and mobility. I will think of my precious mother as I go to surgery. She gave me birth. I am giving myself a chance at rebirth. Keep me in your thoughts.




Winter Success

Huge Victory for me!! My ticker has a skier on it because my first goal was to lose enough weight to go snow skiing with my kids. We planned to take them for their first ski trip this January. I hadn't skied in 10 years or so and even though I've skied since I was a kid and even at big sizes, I was afraid I couldn't do it. 10 years older, heavier, etc.   But I had lost 45+ pounds by the time we went and the small victories (and big ones too!) were everywhere. First, being at the gym 5 days a week was a huge help. Even big, I am stronger and more athletic. In the past I had trouble finding ski clothes that fit me, trouble finding boots that fit around my shins, trouble bending over to latch the boots. Well, no more!   It was so great to shop for ski clothes just like everyone else. It was amazing (although no one else in the lodge would've realized it) to gear up and snap on my boots just like everyone else. I felt so strong hopping off the chair lift and cruising down just like everyone else and even better, skiing better than many of the other folks on the mountain!   Few understand the joy of just feeling like everyone else. They take that for granted, they don't even notice it and they sure don't realize what a huge triumph that is for some of us. Just feeling normal was a sweet, sweet victory. And the very best part of all, was riding the chair lift with my boys. A year ago I would have had to watch from the balcony of the lodge as everyone else skied. I wouldn't have been able to share in the funny memories of all of us falling together as we hopped off the lift at the summit, seeing Paul ski into this huge snow pile, or enjoying the gorgeous scenery on the way up and down of snow covered evergreens. I would never have experienced the serenity and peacefulness of the ride to the top and swishing my way down along side my kids.   I feel like the old me is BACK!!   Now I need a new goal. A couple of years ago we did a zip-lining birthday party for my son Dane. Needless to say, I stayed on the ground. I'm sure I was over their weight limit and probably wouldn't fit the harness. So my new goal is to do the 2 hour course this summer. I've lost enough weight, but I need to lose more inches to meet the harness restrictions. But for the first time, I really know I can do it!!   I have to admit, the last 7 weeks, I haven't lost anything though. I know why - drinking lots of calorie laden tea, cocoa, and coffee for one thing. Kind of hooked on that end of the day cookie as well. The bad habits of the holidays linger. At least I haven't gained anything and with all the sweets I've been eating that seems a surprise! So I have to get back my most serious focus. My birthday is 7 months away. I could conceivably be at my goal weight by then.   How would that be for a goal?!?!?!?!




Energy is a choice...

I was trying to understand why I was up so dadgum tired every morning and drag my butt around until I finally either get to work or realize I am dragging. I had a serious self evaluation this morning and self talk proved that my old habits of sleeping in late on my days off are wanting to squeeze in where there is NO ROOM for them. I thought about how I used to want to sleep in on the mornings when the family was cozy in their beds and how simple it would be to induldge in the comfort of comfy blankets and pillows knowing there are many things I could be doing to get motivated and get moving. I sat there and talked myself out of the old laziness that led me to being overweight and depressed. I changed my thinking and got moving. I have found I am really good at defeating the old behavior patterns that I was used to for so many years. Point being ... change my thinking and change my lifestyle! I do not want to be in the rutt I lived for the last 30 years! I have one chance to change and I believe I will take it!!!   Have a great Valentine's Day!   newmetwenty15



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