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10 Days till Surgery!

I started my quest for weight loss surgery back in June, it has been a long wait. I got a surgery date of February 8th about a week ago, Then on New Year's Eve I got a call from Amanda, the surgical coordinator at Marquette General. She wanted to know if I would like to move into a January 12th surgery date!!!! I have been ready for this for years! I am so excited! I first investigated bariatric surgery about 20 years ago, but due to mortality rates, and the restrictions I chose not to do it at that time. That has been a decision that I have looked on with great sadness and disappointment, Fearing that there would never be another opportunity for me to have surgery.   I will only have 11 days on my pre-op diet, and I am hoping that due to already lowering my carb and fat intake and increasing my protein intake the last couple of months; my liver will have shrunk enough for Dr Kemeter to be able to move it out of the way during surgery. I have not so far experienced too much hunger on this diet, but then again it is only the second day.   I went through my dresser and closet yesterday, and got rid of some clothes that I wore to work at the store that I have no intention of every wearing again as long as I live. I also found a tote full of clothes that I wore when I was at my thinnest, and couldn't bear to part with. I am now washing them and hanging them up in my closet in happy anticipation of being able to wear them again.




3 Day Pre Op Starts Tomorrow (bit of a rant)

Its getting closer to the craziest thing that I doing to myself. I would of never imagined weightless surgery.   I was always a tiny thing, but once started high school it went all down hill from there. Even more once school and college was over. No forced to have gym every day. The cafe food was extremely fattening. The burgers, pizza, fries, poutine, chicken fingers. Anything deep fried. I don't think I remembered anything healthy.   I can't wait for this to be done. I can't fit in any of my "big clothes anymore" I loved wearing jeans and tight fitted clothes. Now I resort to leggings and baggy shirts. I just want to burn it all.   And Im tired of eating too much food, even more then I need. and I feel frustrated with myself. Its so depressing that all my old clothes are to small; the clothes I want to wear. I couldn't wear shorts all this summer they were all small, size 31 waist was even too small for me!   I had no motivation the past 6 months. Its a New Year and a New me, cliche I know but it really is going to stick this time. Im sick of tired feeling huge, out of breath, sweats, eating junk, etc.   Happy New Year!




Surrounding the holiday

Wow! The dreaded holiday is coming to an end. I didn't do very well during the last three days. Golly, everywhere I went, food, food and more food. I don't know if I am the only one, but, it was hard. I did gain back three pounds, my own fault. (cookies and pies) the evil twins for me. Thank goodness, a new year..A fresh start.   I have been learning how to relax. Sound silly, but I have learned that stress is a huge start of my gain. So, I found some great tricks to calm myself down and relax in lieu of overeating.   The last few months were not going well for a lot of people in my family. We have faced with cancer, MS, and strokes. Knowing how stress and idle time leads to eating aimlessly to help time pass, or help people by cooking for them, eating with them..etc...I was just about to give it all up for the almighty "potato"...   I will continue to humble my life, and I will peacefully unfold the thinning person within. I don't require perfection, only the willingness to see the truth about the person I am now and strive to unfold the layers of fats and unworthy habits I had held on for years. I will from now on see each moment as a chance to make this change permanent, and be willing to forgive myself.   Stress is largely created by how we think about things and how much we pay attention to our own thoughts. My thought, always seeing myself as large, the voice in my head always telling me you are not strong enough well, I now laugh in the mirror and say " you are thin"..Stress had been pushing me right into failure; but, not anymore. I will be bring more peace and happiness into each day as it comes, and I continue to accept the peace and not fight it.   We are our own hero's (one who is aligned with one's true self) guided by something other than the thought-stream (the voice in the head). The hero is guided by another stream, which many have the flow. The flow is reality; it is what is actually happening her and now. It isn't something that is happening in someone's imagination or that something that happened long ago or something that will happen in the future. Hense, relaxing, maintaining that peace when everything look completely impossible will be my NEW outlook from now on..It is totally our decision to be a peace, or react and do the wrong thing, for me stress eating.   I hope this post doesn't sound too far out there, but,, I have letting the stress roll off my back, and taking of me and the pounds are starting to come off again..       Happy New Beginning




First Entry

I am pursuing the path of Gastric Sleeve weight loss surgery. I went to two bariatric seminars, hosted by each of our local hospitals, in October and November. I saw the lapband surgeon in November, and the sleeve/bypass surgeon in December. I have eliminated the band from consideration, and am now focusing my research on the sleeve.   I joined this forum yesterday (bariatricpal) and today, I joined Weight Watchers. I'm going to hit this thing from all angles! Today I am going to call my *** and see if they have a nutritionist, because they won't schedule an appointment for me with the bariatric center nutritionist until February. Apparently, she is very busy!   Tonight, we are removing all of the remaining holiday treats from the house, and I am going to stop having deserts. I am focusing on drinking more water.   ....... here I go ............ on my Journey to Live Longer!





Christmas! My favorite time of the year where I can eat as much as I want of great food and lots and lots of candy. Everything is allowed!   Hmmm no anymore! This is my first Christmas after the lapband and it's been different than the Christmases of the past.   Here in Iceland, Christmas is a 13 day celebration. You can just imagine all the food involved in that celebration!! Main Christmas meal with my family was Beef Wellington. OMG it was so good but I ate so little and the slices were so thick that I had to throw half of it in the trash. I felt so bad throwing such a good food out. We had so much left over that I didn't even feel right keeping it for later eating. Also we are big on smoked meat. We have both smoked lamb and then smoked ham (ham for new years) and I just had a little amount. I can tell you that I have NOT failed my band. I am so happy yay   This is the first Christmas in probably my entire adult life that I haven't felt sick because I ate too much. I was being so careful. But we do have appetizers and deserts ugh those are my worst enemies! I decided to enjoy Christmas and have a little of everything and I do mean little. Trust me I've been very careful of not over eating. I never felt this "ohh I'm full" feeling this Christmas.   But eating little doesn't mean the calorie intake hasn't risen. But we have to live, we have to enjoy.   And let's talk about that a little.   I asked if I could eat some pop corn at a movie trip. I got the response that it's high in carbs and we should not do recreational eating. Ok ok, I totally get that. But I go to the movies literally once a year! I don't enjoy going to the movies so on special occasions I do go if someone asks me. And yes that's once a year. A small bag of popcorn (not American size), and I mean a small size, this one time will not do any harm, seriously. What it can do though is that you could begin to crave it and eat it more regularly at home, now that's bad. But a small bag, not even a 0.5l Coke bottle fits in it, will not do harm. I had some and well IF and I say IF I have some again, it will be as a meal because that little bag made me full. And also some of it got stuck and I didn't feel that at all until I drank water. So I don't know even if I want it again.   I've done LOTs of diets, I've done really well but I have always given up! Why? because the restrictions were always so high. NEVER eat candy, NEVER eat cakes, NEVER eat any sweets, NEVER this and NEVER that. Sure it works for some people but we all go through our own paths in this fight. Don't judge if someone decides to NEVER have something or if someone allows them selves to have a little on special occasions. What ever works best for us.   Like my doctor says, we are humans, we have to be nice to us once in a while, or else we will not manage. And once in a while does not mean every week, it means like once a month or on special occasions.   So, I might not loose weight this Christmas but I'm totally fine with that. I've accomplished so much this Christmas, I've won many victories (throwing out left overs) and my Christmas is so much better now than before. I love it and I feel good   After Christmas, I'm going to work harder on my goal. I have set a goal for April when I'm going to renew my clothes and I'm going to make it




1 Week Today :) So Excited!

Now I am getting things together. Went and got some cheap sandals thinking it was 6 bucks, and I got them for a buck! Im like score! I have to do a bit of shopping for my couple of weeks, also to cook hubby a few pre done suppers.   I will then post my before pics and my measurements.   Until next week ....




Nucific Bio X4 Review

Nucific Bio X4 is a supplement that many of you might be interested in. At 39.95, i think it is possibly a best buy for the ingredients that it contains and the health benefits that it offers. Nucific's Bio X4 contains 4 billion colony forming units of probiotic bacteria in every capsule, it contains 90 capsules in the container, and it has five unique probiotic strains: Laxtobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Lactobacillus Plantarum, Bifidobacterium Lactis and Bifidobacterium Animalis. It doesn't stop there, Nucific's Bio X4 also offers a digestive enzyme blend with Bromelain, Amylase (from aspergilus oryzae) and Lipase (from rhizopus oryzae).   It also contains a weight management and cravings control blend with green tea extract 50% EGCG and Caralluma Fimbriata root extract. Basically what you get from Nucific's Bio X4 is not just digestive and immune support but also help to manage your weight or to lose some weight, helping you with boosting your metabolism and also with supressing your appetite. Quality probiotic bacteria with digestive enzymes means great things for the digestive system.   The probiotic bacteria in Nucific's Bio X4 are some of the most researched probiotics out there. Lactobacillus Acidophilus is one of the most healthy and popular probiotic bacterium strain used in supplements. Lactobacillus Acidophilus has been found to help with vaginal infections, with irritable bowel syndrome, cholesterol, lactose digestion, bloating, diarrhea and more. I would advise for anyone, to consult a medic before using a probiotic supplement because bacteria aren't healthy for everyone and some people should avoid using them, or using specific strains that can cause problems for unhealthy people, although in general probiotic supplements are very healthy and safe. Definitely consult a medic if it's your first time using a probiotic supplement.   Probiotic bacteria can improve the immune response and fight to treat/prevent bacterial infections and to improve the processing of food and nutrient extraction/absorption. Also, since probiotic bacteria can multiply quite fast, you don't actually need that many CFUs. They use binary fussion to produce more bacteria.   If you are interested in Bio X4, visit: http://www.freetrialsusa.com/nucific-bio-x4-reviews/. Also remember that you get a money-back guarantee that lasts 90 days. You can also get probiotic bacteria from foods : pickles, sauerkraut, sausages, yogurt, etc.




Christmas wishes

So, it's Christmas eve. AT this time of year, I send more time reviewing what happened over the past twelve months. It's been an incredible journey for me, going from really being depressed about my state of health to beyond hopeful after dropping over 100 lbs. No present is better than what I have given myself with the surgery and the work afterwards - a brighter, healthier future. I;m very happy and thankful for that. I also seem to be getting over the testosterone rage from all the testosterone flooding my system after the fat loss. The past few weeks I have calmed down,and I thank God my wife had the patience to ride out this storm with me. Now I look forward to what will come in 2016 and beyond. I will look at my family this Christmas and be thankful that I will be around longer to enjoy them. What a great gift!   I wish everyone a wonderful holiday season and a bright and joyous, and much lighter, 2016!




The Countdown is on :) 12 Days

12 more days! I can't wait. It seems so long waiting since we booked back in September. Now its almost here, been preparing myself like crazy.   And shamefully eating all the food I want, not over indulging/overeating just eating what ever foods at breakfast, lunch, supper. I stayed away from some foods for a long time so I am eating that as well.   I am mentally preparing myself that I know I can still have the food but in smaller quantities. Even tho I eat foods that cause me problems. But thats the issue thats all I eat.   So when I have the sleeve done, I am totally changing my diet, protein/ fruits/veggies/nuts/seeds is my priority and the other stuff secondary. It will be so much easy for me to chafe my habits because when its something I don't like or haven't tried I only need to eat a bit.   My pre op diet starts January 2nd, Surgery Date Jan 5th.     Merry Christmas !




Preparation for My Upcoming Experience

Hello New World!!!   After years of yo-yo dieting, seemingly endless "gaining and losing" cycles, feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, and low energy, I have officially decided to step in the direction of a surgery "tool" and becoming a "sleever". During my OMG, am I really doing this thinking chair moments, the following questions and thoughts pop up: Am I taking a short cut?
Will my personality change?
Will there be any complications?
And the all important... Will I be able to handle it and be successful?
Now, before anyone gets too excited with their answers, I think a short back story is warranted (in relation to the questions that filter through my mind)...   Am I taking a short cut? As a teenager, I was told not to give up. That quitting anything was negative and you have to work to achieve whatever is worth achieving. Once I hit my pre-teen years, I started gaining weight (but not at the age of 14, that's when I had a growth spurt and seemed to thin out, and never learned how to eat properly). So setting goals was like being on the fence about knowing whether the glass was half empty or half full. That part may not make sense to anyone, but it sounded right in my head.   Will my personality change? I've always warn the hat of "the quiet observer" . I'm not loud, I don't wear flashy (or in-and-up-to-date fashion) clothing, and I'm a hermit (being home to me is like eating steak and mashed potatoes... comforting). I've watched and wondered, could I ever wear the "fun" hat? Could I entertain and participate in group get-togethers where the attention will be on me for more than 5 seconds? Could I handle people looking at me and not delve into those thoughts of, "Are they looking at how round I am?" If I could get to a point of not giving a sh*t and loving me because, let's face it, I'm friggen' awesome (currently working on that self-esteem after being told years ago that I wasn't good/thin enough, I don't want to wear the "victim" hat anymore ), I would be able to relax and join the party.   Will there be any complications? I know that complications are ALWAYS a possibility, but I've been in the hospital multiple times for multiple reasons. Hospitals freak me out. That's normal, right?   Will I be able to handle it and be successful? As an adult, I typically start something, but then have a difficult time following through (why I'm like this now, I have no idea). Where I am located, there's a 6 month pre-op process. I also have support from everyone who matters to me. But I am aware that it all boils down to me, and the strength of my will. I suppose this is where the phrase, "One day at a time" kicks in. So that's what I'm doing... talking to myself (literally).   So with all that said, I know I can do this. I CAN.





At my pre-op visit they made me do an upper GI. I suppose it's because I have a history of GERD. Anyway, that has got to be the nastiest, foulest, weirdest test in the world! It's as bad as a colonoscopy prep!   Other than that, though, it was a pretty unremarkable day. Just a long one!   Today marks my 4th day of the liquid diet. On day 1, I lost it around 5 pm and ate a bunch of cookies.
On day 2, I planned well but was not able to execute due to the craziness of the day. I ended up eating a small (by my standards) serving of a healthy bean salad at the potluck. I also took a bite of a delectable dessert and immediately felt nauseous.
On day 3, I was hungry and teary and grumpy, but I made it without straying off plan.
Today, on day 4, I had to work at the office and there were all kinds of leftovers from last week's potluck in the break room (my office opens onto the break room, unfortunately). Eventually I succumbed to tasting two sweets that looked impossibly good, but fortunately they tasted nasty so I spit the taste-bites out. The urge to eat that junk food is now gone!
I was expecting hunger, but I wasn't expecting to be cold constantly. Wore socks and mittens to bed last night! And I was expecting some fatigue, but I didn't expect to want to sleep nonstop!   Am hoping that I'm "over the hump" and that the remaining days will be easier.   The thought that has been going through my mind a lot these past few days is, "Am I just trading one collection of pills (meds) for another (supplements)?

talking mountain

talking mountain



ince health is my goal and it's easy to get caught up how much weight I am (or am not) losing, I thought it would be a good idea to write down all the health & QOL issues I currently have, even the nitpicky ones. Then, hopefully, I will be able to tick them off as "no longer relevant" as the weight loss progresses!   Health Issues Asthma
Allergies & chronic sinus problems.
Hypertension (managed to 140s/80s w/medication)
Pre-diabetes. 1 point away from full-blown diabetes.
Chronic trochanteric bursitis.
Chronic ITB Pain Syndrome.
Chronic pain from degenerative disc disease in lower back.
Obstructive sleep apnea.
Medications Inhalers (preventative & emergency).
Allergy medicine.
Nasal rinse/topical steroid.
Advil most days.
Quality-of-Life Issues Pain when walking (hips/IT band).
Pain when standing (lower back).
Can't reach my toes directly.
Can't reach my backside.
Uncomfortable fat rolls on neck, sides, & under belly.
Dining rm chair squeezes me uncomfortably.
Simple things make me winded.
Have started driving from one spot to another to avoid walks I would have enjoyed before.
Avoid exertion because it's painful and exhausting.
Ashamed at the example I set for kid.
Can't see to buckle seat belt.
Seat belts lock up on me because I have to pull them out to the maximum.
Fatigue & low energy
Afraid to do anything fun (jump rope, chase dog, etc) due to exertion & fear of getting injured.
Avoid visiting family or seeing old friends.
Can't camp out or stay over unless I have my CPAP (snoring).
Have never been down the slide w/my kid.

talking mountain

talking mountain


Starting Out

My surgery date is December 28, 2015. I'm having RNY gastric bypass.   The nearest WLS center is 2 hrs away but my GP is very supportive and has other WLS patients, so I am not worried about the distance. The WLS is a "Center of excellence" which made researching the doctors easy.   I've toyed with the idea of WLS for more than 10 years. Each time I started thinking seriously about it, I'd give healthy eating one more try-- usually with minimal results. About 6 years ago, though, I adopted a low-fat, plant-based diet and lost almost 50 lbs -- way more than I'd ever lost on Weight Watchers (9 times), Jenny Craig, OptifSt, Atkins, the Zone,...you know the story! And even though I felt fantastic, somehow the crap started sneaking back in and I regained all the weight (plus some extra, of course).   A couple of months ago the idea of WLS popped into my head out of the blue, and it just felt right. Since then I've gone full bore on meeting the requirements. Once I go through the mandatory 4-hr class, I'll have met all the program's requirements and they will submit my paperwork for insurance approval. If I understand the process correctly, I can get a surgery date once insurance approves me. Since I've met all the insurance requirements, it is not supposed to take them long.   I am 5'6" and last weighed in at my pre-op on Dec. 17 at 263 lbs, which is a BMI of 41.8. I think I've weighed a bit more in my life, but I've never been this big in size. Right now I'm a 26-28, or 4X... sizes that didn't exist 30 years ago!   My weight goal is to stabilize at no more than 150 lbs. So I probably need to get to the 120s-130s at the "peak" of my weight loss. That would be fun; I'd love to see what 135 lbs feels like! I'd actually be satisfied at 170 lbs, but I'd really like to lose and keep off at least 113 lbs.   I like data so here's a summary. Mostly for my own reference later: "Healthy weight" based on the standard BMI chart is 120-150 lbs.
"Ideal weight" based on two height/weight standards is 132-136 lbs.
"Normal weight" based on CDC's BMI calculator is 116 - 167 lbs.
So, if I assume an ideal weight on the lower end, that would be about 125 lbs, with 138 lbs "excess weight." Research shows that most WLS patients stabilize at 50-70% of excess weight lost, so for me that would be 166 to 194 lbs. 166-170 would be the MAX I would be satisfied with, and would not be happy AT ALL to go through all of this to lose only 69 lbs and live at 194 lbs, so I really have to USE THIS TOOL WELL!   It's hard to imagine what my body will feel like with 100+ lbs less on it!I

talking mountain

talking mountain


worried about the holiday eating

2 years since my surgery and i always get a little worried on the holidays....have to remind myself to slow down and eat healthy....i decided to eat healthy this week so that i can eat whatever a crave on christmas dinner...i´ll ley you know how i did later




Day 1

HW 223 SW 213 (day of surgery)   I had the gastric sleeve yesterday and I was released from the hospital today. I was in patient less than 24 hours. Had surgery at approximately 2:30 PM and was released today at noon. My surgery lasted for approximately 20 minutes and the surgeon reported that he wished all his surgeries were as easy as mine. I was so excited to get this over with. My journey started Spring 2015. I jumped through all the hoops with the 6 months supervised diet, psych eval, sleep studies, support groups, nutrition class... and bam the day was finally here. I arrived in PACU after surgery and my only complaint was dry mouth. I had very little pain. Got to my room and after about an hour the gas pain kicked in. It was very tolerable! I was able to begin walking immediately. Throughout the evening/night I had 1.5 mg of dilaudid and 3 percocets, with my last dose being 7:00 AM this morning. I was discharged and able to walk all the way out of the hospital to the parking lot without any difficulties. I arrived home and it was nice to take a long nap in my own bed. Oh, also, I didn't experience any nausea! NONE! Now.... the clock battle! Every 15 mins you must drink! This is tiring, but this too shall pass. In the hospital this morning they gave me some protein tomato soup, which can be purchased at New Life Bariatrics. I really enjoyed the soup! It was a good break from the protein shakes. I have looked at GNC and the Vitamin Shoppe for protein soups, but couldn't find them, so I went ahead and ordered 2 boxes this evening. I started with 1 oz every 15 mins, but once I passed gas, could increase to 2 oz. However, you can only have the protein once per hour. All the other 15 mins, I have been drinking G2. I keep saying this too shall pass! 4 weeks! I am hoping that when I go to 2 week follow-up that I an progress onto phase 2. We shall see! Also, popsicles were a life saver last night after surgery. My throat was so dry! My journey has officially began and I am excited for the changes!




6 Weeks Post-Op

I am down 30lbs from my starting weight. I set a goal for 20lbs by Feb. 2nd when i go back to the doctor. Starting to exercise more and i think it's starting to pay off. Can tell it had been awhile since i did that lol. Hope everyone is doing great. I'm still working on my portion sizes but i'll get there as well. Have a great day everyone.




Disappointed in myself

Yeah I'm disappointed in myself.   I had a doctors appointment today. I didn't gain weight but didn't loose much either or 800 gr / 1,7 pound in 1 freaking month.   But I have nobody to blame other than myself. I'm finding this time of the year extremely difficult. I live in Iceland. Christmas is a huge thing here (no doubt it's like that in other countries that celebrate). The office is full with candy, cookies. I've been able to leave that alone but gosh it's still difficult. It's the deserts at the canteen that has been difficult. Ice cream, Belgian waffle with ice cream (omg!), chocolate mousse cake! Seriously you are killing a food addict! Then a Christmas buffet! ugh. I don't think I'm eating much much more than I did before, it's the calorie intake that has increased a lot.   Then I had to help my mom bake cookies for Christmas, and cakes. Seriously it's all over! Calories calories calories. It's driving me insane.   I talked it over with my doctor and he told me that I'm not the only one struggling right now. I just have to keep focus. At least I did not gain weight. And I asked for more fill in the band.   I got 0,1cc in the band and after lunch my stomach got full with air, it just didn't want to go out! didn't feel that well. Might have been stress at well. But hopefully this fill will help a little and make me feel full sooner.   Yeah this was a very bad month, Christmas isn't even here yet But I will get through this. My doctor told me that even though I gain weight after Christmas, it won't be the end of this. I will continue. But he did encourage me to be careful and eat carefully.   I plan to do that and my goal is not to gain weight over Christmas.




Almost down 100!

Hard to believe it's almost been twenty weeks since my surgery and I am down 99.2 lbs from my high weight prior to the pre-op diet! I am having a hard time with food, as more and more things seem to upset my stomach. I still do best with rare and raw meats, but how much carpaccio and sashimi can you eat before you can't stand it anymore? I even purchased a meat grinder to start grinding my own fresh meat to make raw kibbeh and beef tartare! I know many find the thought of raw beef overwhelming but it sits best n my stomach and any day I can avoid returning my food is a victory. My surgeon says that this stage will last a month or two more, and I can't wait until I can eat a greater variety of things.   Lots of NSVs the past few weeks. I have dropped over 10 inches in pants waist sizes and I'm now using L shirts and they fit loosely! I get pulled aside at work all the time by people telling me how great I look after the weight loss. I did this to be healthy again, but the positive reinforcement is wonderful!   I am having trouble however keeping up with my exercises. I have gone from 7 days a week to 3 but I've added strength training with resistance bands in addition to my cardio work out. I actually feel guilty when I go two or three days without exercise! Now I just need to turn my guilt to action and get back to a good exercise rhythm. I also can't shake my compulsion to weigh daily. I am dutifully recording what I eat on myfitnesspal.com and that seems to ease my obsession with weight and I recently went away for a week and did not weigh myself but right after I came back I'm at it again daily!☹️   Life is good right now and I am still really happy I did this. My wife remains my biggest fan and supporter and I know that I could not have come as far as I have without her! Tomorrow I have my monthly check in with my nutritionist and we'll see how that goes. She is co concerned that my weight loss is too fast and I may be losing more muscle mass than she'd like. We'll see what she says tomorrow. I am happy with the weight loss and know that I am in better shape now than I have been in many years.




Frustration Setting In

Hi everyone. Nov 23rd was my 6th visit to the WL surgeon. I lost another 7 pounds for a total of 35 pounds down in what is really 5 months but my 6th visit. While there I asked if my PCP had turned in the medical clearance form and the medically necessary forms. He had not. The records lady told me the PCP wanted to get my cardiac clearance and my pulmonary clearance before he did the 2 above mentioned forms. My breathing test wasn't to take place until the day before Thanksgiving. My 2 day chemical stress test was scheduled for Dec 2nd and 3rd. On December 7th I called my PCP to schedule an appt for the medical clearance etc. I was told the first day I could get was Saturday Dec 12 and I also needed to get updated blood work as the June blood work was no longer good- too much time had passed.   I got there today and the staff was totally different and I had to pay $25.00 which I never had to pay before. When the person called me in, I was brought into a totally different room. Then he asked me loads of questions which should have been on his computer screen. When I told him I have been coming here each month for a year you have all this information and I am here for blood work and medical clearance, He asked me who my Dr was and who was doing the surgery. I swear it was like I had never been there before in my life. I was getting madder by the minute. When he asked what surgery I was having I told him and he said to me well you need to have this test and that test. I told him I had all those tests and my Dr and the surgeon have been working together for the last 6 months and that I wanted to see my Dr. He then tells me my Dr isn't there and wasn't scheduled for today. I told him that is not what the office staff told me on Monday that is why I was here today. I asked, Who is here? I was told, The Dr that supervises my Dr and that person went to see if that Dr would clear me for surgery. NO! That Dr knows anything about me and I had to come back. He told me the days my Dr would be there. So now I have to wait until Thursday so I can see my Dr and get the blood work and medical clearance. Before I left I asked to speak with the office manager who wasn't there either. She will be getting a phone call first thing Monday morning. I just thought this whole situation was unacceptable. Don't you agree?   I don't know if everyone else goes through all this crap that I have had to go through. Nine visits with the Psych, 3 Catscans, EKG, 2 day stress test, breathing test, blood work up, 6 visits with the surgeon, a visit with the Nut. My papers were submitted the week of Thanksgiving. As of Dec 12th I still do not have a surgery date and have a 4 hour workshop I have to attend, additional pre-op testing, pre-op diet, etc the week before the surgery date i don't even have yet. Will this never end? I am getting so frustrated and am stressed out with all the crap going down with insurance. I just wanted to get a date scheduled in Jan so I could enjoy the Holiday. I have a feeling I will be stressing out during the holiday waiting on pins and needles for this surgery date. Everyone that started the same time I did are having their surgeries this month and some have had it already. Here I sit waiting. This insurance of mine is taking forever and so many weeks waiting for referrals for the tests and waiting for Dr appts. I would change but I am afraid that would mean I would have to start all over again and I can't do that. I need to get this surgery so I can start losing even more weight and get the surgeries I need for my hip, and back so I can walk again. Plus the surgeries for my shoulder, elbow and hand so I can use them again. Being like this at age 60 is very difficult and I have to have the surgeries to be able to live a more normal life. This surgery is not for vanity or fashion issues. I am hoping the next time I write I will have medical clearance and a date for surgery. Till next time I hope you all have a happy and healthy life and a wonderful Holiday!!




Has it really been 6 months since I updated?

Good grief! It has been a very busy year. It has now been 1 year 4 days since I had my band removed and I haven't done an update since June!   I am now down 84 pounds since I started this journey. I still can't believe just how different bypass is from my band experience. My relationship with food has changed so much I don't even recognize it! At 200 pounds I feel like I have a new lease on life. Progress has slowed considerably these past few months, but hey! It's still progress!! At this point in my band journey I was missing so many nutrients in my diet I always felt like I was in panic mode. I was already having issues with restriction and I could not eat meats very often at all. With bypass, I can eat anything I want to, and what I want is protein and veggies. Oh, and nuts. I loves me some nuts!!   I eat breakfast now. That's definitely new for me. I start my day with a high-protein 100-calorie Greek yogurt and I swear it helps keep me in check for the rest of the day. Atkins frozen dinners are a staple in my diet due to the high protein and low carb count. I am full and very satisfied with the portion I get from them, and they are delicious! My husband is still gone with work most of the time, but when he is home and my eating plan is disrupted a little bit I have zero problem getting back on plan. That has never, ever happened before with the band or any other "diet" plan I have been on. I really do feel as though my eating habits have changed for the better and for good!   I avoid simple carbs, but I do have potatos every so often with a meal and they don't trigger me. I found that good bread tastes delicious, and that scared me so I stay away from it. It has been incredibly easy to do so. Again, I'm amazed at just how fine I am with avoiding the things that got me to 284 pounds.   Exercise is still not my friend. I have a feeling I would have reached goal months ago if I was able to stick to a regular exercise routine, but I just don't. I am getting ready to re-enter the workforce and this time I will probably be working outside the home so that should help get me up and moving. My back pain is under control now, but my knees are still hitchy so I am anxious about that. No more surgery for a very, very long time, thank you very much!   A year ago I was depressed and just felt awful all the time. I was sleeping 8 hours a night and was exhausted all day long. I took naps every time I had a break from work (worked at home) and I felt like I was getting sicker and sicker every day. Now I sleep 6 hours a night on a good night and I have energy throughout the day. Who knew 6 hours was enough sleep for anyone?! I move quicker and I think better. My mood is good, even though this year has been a "rebuilding year" for my family, with a ton of crazy changes, most of them scary. Today I feel like I can tackle whatever life throws at me, and I look pretty darn good doing it!   Oh and that ladie's Seahawks shirt I wanted so badly last year? I know own TWO. One is a pink ladies jersey and the other is a cute hoodie my daughter, who works at Pink, got me-in a size large. It doesn't get much better than that!   I am between 15 and 25 pounds from goal and I am confident I will reach it by my 1-year surgiversary in April. I am in no huge hurry to reach goal because I feel I have made significant life changes already and I can definitely live this way for the rest of my life. If I keep doing what I am doing I will get there. Next, stop, onederland!!!




5 Weeks Post Op

Hello everyone i'm new to the site. I had my sleeve done on October 29, 2015. I've lost 25lbs so far. I was wondering if this is normal for everyone at about this stage? I really am struggling with water intake and getting all my exercise in. I love to go walking but it's getting cold around here which doesn't bother me but i have kids who like to go with me and don't want them getting sick. What are some suggestions you may have. I also have a treadmill and treadclimber but it gets boring on those.




Shaping a "NEW ME"

Several years ago I had my first stroke, it had left me completely numb on my right side. After months of PT my body began to respond. Unfortunately, the meds and lack of movement had caused me pack on the pounds. I am a little short, so even 5 pounds made me look like one the umpa (on the movie Charlies's Choc. factory)... I was given a lot of steroids and could not stop eating. My family was very kind, never wanted to upset me, so I would comfort myself with food. A food did I eat..I remember sitting here in my living watching the movie "intimation of life" and stuffing heated grazed donuts one after another, ( I think I had downed 6 or more), at the same time crying watching the movie.   Prior to my sleeve, I had gotten close to 275lbs, felt awful. I have three grand children and didn't have the energy to play with them. I really took a good look in the mirror and started crying my heart out, literally caused myself to have a panic attack. Self pity is dangerous. I started to stay in bed, no interest in anything..I was simply just here, non-existing.   On the morning of Sept. 9, 2014 I called my doctor and told her I needed help. I was having thoughts that was not ones of getting better, but ones of despair and fear of dying. At first we tried the main stream diet plans, to no avail. Next, she sent me to a therapist to try talk therapy, it worked for a while until she wanted to continue to dig deeper; so we ended that.   I had another mini stroke in Jan 2015, not as disabling as the first but enough damage to have to start all over again. But, it was a blessing. I had come to terms that the eating habits and my weight were my worse enemies So, at 279 pounds I went back to my doctor and told her, we have to do something..She agreed and I had my first visit with my surgeon.. I was told for the next couple of months I would have to do the diet to stink my liver and heed the strict diet plan he had given me. I knew was going to hard, but the life I had been living was not LIFE.   I had been having problems with my knees for awhile and one day, I had just fell, crushing my knee caps..so, the doctor decide to do surgery. A total knee replacement. I had the left knee replaced three years ago..IT is not a easy recovery. My surgery went well. I had to go back to theory again. Back on steroids, developed the pumpkin face and water retention. I was ready to throw in the towel..But, out the mouth of babes..my youngest grand babies, age 3 crawled on my lap and said, while rubbing my tummy says "meme, the you get the bad bumps on your tummy and legs you can get on the floor and play cars with me and we won't have to sit on the bed to play anymore..well, my goodness, it was all i could do to not cry..I made a promise to him and myself..I will become a better fit meme.   On Aug. 21, 2015 I had my sleeve done. To date (Nov. 29) I started at 252lbs, now at 218 (which I did gain two pounds, hoping water gain). I am going to only shakes today and tomorrow in hope that I loose those two pounds and more.   I appreciate all the support I have been receiving..I will keep anyone in prayer for success and will post as I go through the next stage of living...,



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