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02/09/2006 depressed

I have been having a VERY tough 3 weeks. :think My sister and her husband are separating and getting divorced. Its been very stressful and i have been going back to my OLD habits. :angry I am very depressed and been eating and eating and eating and not exercising. I keep making excuses and i really can't get back into the swing of things. My uncle's Cancer came back and he needs a bone marror transplant and we can't find a donor. We had one but that person backed out. :think The doctor already mentioned that he will die if he doesn't get one. So lets just say the stress level around here is HUGE. I keep thinking Oh one more day won't hurt. Yeah well one more day has turned into 21 days. I don't think i have gained much which is good but i can't seem to do anything right. I want to loose weight. I want to become healther,I DON'T want to fail.   I keep dreaming about making it to goal. I am only down 57 lbs, My sister is already down 65+..I have a slow thyroid but i can't blame everything on that. I do get some protein but i don't think its enough. I have 127lbs left to go. I keep feeling like its never going to get there. I DON'T want to be fat the rest of my life. I have dealt with weight 20+ years and i can't stand it anymore. I want to have boyfriends. hell i want some FRIENDS.   Ugh...   I have a trip coming up in May. Its for work. I would like to hopefully be at least another 1-2 clothing sizes down. Right now i am in a size 26. I want to be at least another 25-50lbs down. I think i can do this if i stick my mind to it!   i need some encouragement. Bigtime.





OK So I called and what I got was called Solumedral, 125 mg I got that shot at 2pm while gurgling on my saliva and unable to drink anything. By 4pm I was open... and then for the rest of the night I was wide open. I was able to drink as much milk as I wanted. I was able to have pizza and drink milk DURING eating it.. I was able to fall asleep for a few hours and upon waking STILL able to drink all through the night.. Gulp it even. It wasnt until the next day around noon that I got restrcition back. OBVIOUSLY I dont need 125mg.. Upon my short research so far.. it looks as if Solumedral is about the same thing as prednisone. I will research it more though. I need as much that I can take at night before bed.. and lasts until about noon the next day. CAN an oral prednisone do that... even if its a big dose? OR, is it because it was intravenious that it lasted for 24 hours? Thats something else I need to figure out.




Am to PM/ Shot /prednisone

I took the 40mg of antiinflitories last night and either it wasnt enough or It wore off.,.   The shot they gave me lasted 24 hours..!!!   Tonight I will take the 60mg he reccomended.   I dont like the idea of taking all this pill form prednisone.. I dont know why I think the shot is any different.. But it just seems that way.   I only take these amounts of prednisone when I have a few days of something very physical to do like go camping or go to a family gettogether or go on a date.   I have been told that prednisone makes ya really irritable and well I have starteded to notice how I feel irritable after I get home from my bouts of prednisone and the extra physical activity.. BUt I dont care, I rather of had a goood time where I was able to walk and be physical then not do it just to be less grumpy later.   So, taking that much DAILY.. just to decrease AM restrcition just dont seem like a good idea.   YET, if I dont find a way to be less restricted in the AM, THAN I cant find a way to be MORE restrcited in the PM.. (so needed)   I am going to look up what the shot was exactly.. it wasnt called prednisone.. see what it is..   Plus that shot opened me up WAY WAY too much and lasted 25 hours.. I mean I was able to eat a whole slice of pizza and gulp it down with like 3 cups of milk.. THAT is completely TOO loose of course.. So I need to ask them what Milligrams they gave me and remember thats too much.. AND see what those millagrams are compared to what the 60ml of prednisone is..   THERE MUST BE A WAY to fix this!




Feb 9

Thursday I used to love to journal food when I was low carbing. I could have a week of great loss and always go back to see what I was eating. I remember thinking 'what the hell was i eating when i lost that 7 lbs in 2 weeks' and going back to SEE what i was eating. If I get a good idea of what I am actually eating maybe I can tweak something.   B- bacon and egg taco, didnt eat the tortilla L- potluck at work.....bbq brisket and sausage, pickles onions, cheese cubes and grapes, 2 big homemade cookies S- meat patty with mushroom gravy




Day 1

Day 1 had been hard. I woke up excited, and ready to do this!!! I drank a Slim-fast for breakfast and it was OK. It is now 11:13 Am and I am starving for something to eat. Shawna at Dr Morton's office told me I could eat a protein bar for the first 4 days so I am going to try the Atkins bar at lunch with a Diet DR Pepper. Maybe that will help. I am looking forward to eating my frozen Lean Cuisine tonight! Only 11 more days until I am banded, this is actually sinking in that this is happening. WOW....:clap2: :wow2: :wow2: :wow2: :wow2: :wow2: :wow2: :wow2: :wow2:





"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all.   Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle.   The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours." - Ayn Rand.





GRATITUDE Every day is a blessing, and in each moment there are many things that we can be grateful for. The world opens up to us when we live in a space of gratitude. In essence, gratitude has a snowball effect. When we are appreciative and express that gratitude, the universe glows a bit brighter and showers us with even more blessings.   There is always something to be grateful for, even when life seems hard. When times are tough, whether we are having a bad day or stuck in what may feel like an endless rut, it can be difficult to take the time to feel grateful. Yet, that is when gratitude can be most important. If we can look at our lives, during periods of challenge, and find something to be grateful or, then we can transform our realities in an instant. There are blessings to be found everywhere. When we are focusing on what is negative, our abundance can be easy to miss. Instead, choosing to find what already exists in our lives that we can appreciate can change what we see in our world. We start to notice one blessing, and then another.   When we constantly choose to be grateful, we notice that every breath is a miracle and each smile becomes a gift. We begin to understand that difficulties are also invaluable lessons. The sun is always shining for us when we are grateful, even if it is hidden behind clouds on a rainy day. A simple sandwich becomes a feast, and a trinket is transformed into a treasure. Living in a state of gratitude allows us to spread our abundance because that is the energy that we emanate from our beings. Because the world reflects back to us what we embody, the additional blessings that inevitably flow our way give us even more to be grateful for. The universe wants to shower us with blessings. The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness."





Holy crap Wednesday was long, I worked 9 hours and then drove to school to an Astronomy lab from 7:30-9:30,, felt really outta place because everyone there was 18 and thier biggest problem of the night was that they didn't have a Valentine. Drove 45 minutes home and then studied for my test today that I so don't feel prepared for, but here's my food intake for yesterday:   Wendesday: 02/08/06:   Breakfast: 1 package of Quaker low sugar oatmeal: 100 calories Lunch: 1 Ranchero Chicken soft Taco from Taco Bell: 270 calories Snack: 1 100 Calorie pack of Chips Ahoy: 100 calories Dinner: 1 Ranchero Chicken soft Taco from Taco Bell: 270 Calories   I drank 3 and a half bottles of water, but no time for exercise   Total: 740 calories.   I resisted the urges to stop in a Denny's and tear up a fried chicken sandwich with ranch dressing, and also forced myself not to stop at the store for Reese's miniature cups. Today should be just as good since I am too beat down to worry about food.   Cravings from 5:30 am-7:41 am = Fried bread and butter? Mexican food? Why? I don't know




Feb 8 ........ 210 lbs

Wednesday Ate like a pig at the superbowl party. Weighed 210 this morning but finally got my eating back on track today. I lost 4 lbs in January and nothing this month. I think I will have to start using fitday to track my calories. I wonder if I can get Dr Smith to switch me to Metformin. I hate losing this slowly, it is frustrating.   breakfast 2 scrambled eggs lunch popcorn chicken supper 4oz filet mignon with mushrooms and some broccoli




Today is my new beginning

I went to see Dr. Morton today and surgery is set for Feb. 20th!!! I am soooo nervous, but very excited. I start the Pre-OP diet tomorrow, and actually am excited. I went to Fazoli's tody and had a great lunch, and ate like half a bag of powdered donuts...not good, but O'well. I don't intend on eating them anymore so...that was it. Got it out of my system...and now I am good. I am starting my new LIFE tomorrow...no more eating to hide the pain of my insecurities. No more eating when no one is around....no more making excuses as to why I have gained weight...I am in control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry and if I screw this up I am really going to kick my self in the ass....but I have complete confidence in myself right now, that this is what I am suppose to be doing...so I will do it!:amen:




Lapband Blues

Not doing bad but not terrific either . No problems with band just feeling blue. Now weight 186 . Wish I weighed 150 ! And wish I had the money for breast augmentation just to look normal and wear normal clothes.




2/08/06 - And So It Begins...

Yep, I have already "cheated" on the clear liquid diet. I blended some FF Refried Beans with a half a can of mild enchilada sauce. It was about the consistency of a thick gravy - and it tasted like heaven and felt like REAL FOOD. So, I guess following "to the letter" is out the window.   The good news is that I am learning some stuff from eating this quasi-real-food.   1) Getting hungry is very bad. I waited something like 6-8 hours before I ate my liquid beans. I ended up eating like a whole cup of them - not kosher.   2) I have "new band" restriction. I could tell about when I was supposed to stop - I got that burpy thing that I have seen folks post about. I didn't stop eating, though... Nope. Hungry is BAD. Fortunately, the beans were properly liquid, so I just had to burp and wait a minute and I could take another spoonful without pain. [uh, I am afraid they call that "eating around the band" but I really hadn't had any food to speak of today, so I did it on purpose.]   3) see item 1. Hungry is VERY BAD. My personal goal of No PB's will be right out the window if I don't stop eating when I get the signal. So now I know that I have to portion out the food BEFORE I start eating. If it isn't there in front of me, I will be too damned lazy to get up and get more, unless I am really and truly hungry.   Oh well. It isn't like I am anywhere near a "normal" calorie count and my body won't have to work too hard to digest liquid beans, so I am not going to beat myself up about it. It's just interesting that I am only like 2 days in and I am already "cheating". Maybe I should have that discussion with my Brain, right away.   Overall, I feel much much better today. Lots less pain (yeah, the 2nd day after the Anesthesia wore off, I had pain) and many more hours of consciousness. I wasn't QUITE up to a trip to IKEA, yet. Tomorrow, I promised DH we could go for a short trip tomorrow. I am supposed to be walking more... and there will be much less traffic there if we go during the week. If I feel even a little bit better tomorrow, it should be fine. Truth be told, I could have done it today. I just didn't want to.   Well, I am going to go burp in a different room, now.   urp. giggles!




One week to workshop...

Me again, not much happnin lately other than my daughter driving me crazier than she already has. I thought this crap would be over with when she hit 20 but the stupidity continues....hopefully not forever....but for now and into the next long while it's tough love time. I don't have time to be used and manipulated even by my own almost 22 year old child. I am soooo busy at work right now that I can't see straight, which is good, it makes the days fly past and I do my best work under pressure...to a point. I actually found that point of diminishing returns last year when I was putting in 90-100 hour work weeks and my brain could no longer function from lack of sleep. I gave the company that I had been working for for 15 years the big heave ho and took a new job back in my home town that I LOVE! My problem now is the pace is much much slower and I must have multiple projects in order to catapult myself into martyrdom. Yes, I have determined that I enjoy self flaggellation, figuratively speaking of course...much to my husbands dismay. Well thats it for tonight.....One more week til I get to have my fat ass polaroided for posterity at the work shop....can't wait to be on my way! Peace out




Medicare, Illness and Parent's Approval

I received a letter from SSDI (again) wanting to go over my illnesses and anything I may have earned. They only gave me 5 days to respond, the customary is 15 days. I am told if you don't respond in time, they can take away all your benefits. Seems they are looking for any, and I mean any excuse to boot me off and so I hope to get this surgery soon.   Speaking of illness, my iron was very low due to fibroid tumors and my lung cpacity is not good right now and my bronchial passagesways inflammed. My doctor thinks it's a combination of my Fibromyalgia, the asthma and the weight making it worse.   I do have health issues that make me a bit more afraid of complications such as infection and phnumonia. I just have the jitters and am voicing that shadow side of my thought process, probably to confront it and purge it so I can get it out of the way all together.   So GP gave me a steroid to get my bronchial tubes open. SHe does not suggest I have the surgery until I do. She also gave me a phnumonia vaccine. She is supportive of my getting this because she says I need it for my health. I'm not feeling well at all.   Interestingly enough, my parents were very supportive of this. I finally told them the other night over dinner, and it took all of 5 minutes. I was suprised.   Then I wonder if the reason my friends and family have so readily been supportive of this surgery is because I'm that bad off?:cry   In any case, we need to get this show on the road, I feel time is of the essence. I'll be calling the surgery co ordinator tomorrow.




Still nervous

Talked to Carmen at work today. She had bypass and lost 110 lbs. Wow, that's alot. surprised she spoke to me about it though. I'm still nervous. Hate the anasthesia. Eric is making me crazy. Last night he said he will just drop me off. Not his problem I'm doing this he says. What a jerk when he drinks. Oh but what abut how great I'll look later on and how much mor energy I should have. I should be healthier too. I want to be able to have energy and play with Nicholas more God I hate being fat. I can't wait until this is over. But the liquid stage maked me nervous. Think of it as healing not weight loss at first they say. Mom and dad leaving for Florida on Friday morning. Stopped in by dad to say have a nice trip. Mom is working of course. Will call her before she goes. Also will keep in touch while they are away. Wish I could go with them!! Gonna clean the office now. Want everything clean before I go to hospital because I know I won't be able to do it later on.




Tightend up! Drama and Happiness

I TIGHTENED BACK UP   YEAH, WHEW..   LOL   I tried to have some chicken fajita soup and it was apparent my wide openess is gone..   I will take 40mg of the prednisone tonight and see if it helps with morning restriction.   I cant wait..   THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR for months and months. A way to level out my band restrcition!   HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY :clap2:   Some Drama today.. made me feel low for a little while.. BUT I feel great now due to much support. I had to post my past eating habits and that SUCKED. I dont like to remember that crap. BUT IT REALLY HELPED. I fEEL better about myself instead of like crap. BUT its STIll time to GET IT IN GEAR TURKEY!       I WENT TO THE YMCA TODAY   FEB. 8th




Week 1:

So far this week, I have been doing ok since my planned binge meltdown on Monday:   Monday: 02/06/06: total 1600-2000 calories   Breakfast: 1 bag peanut M&M's: 250 Calories Lunch: Half a kids meal at Steak N Shake, including: Half a cheeseburger w/ mayo, half of my fries and ketchup: 350 Calories. Dinner: 3/4's a bag of popcorn with 1/2 stick of butter drizzled over it, Hanfull of peanut m&m's, 4 drinks of coke and about 10 Resse's Miniatures: had to be over 1000 calories.   Exercise: none!   Tuesday: 02/07/06: total: 750 calories   Breakfast: 100 Calorie pack of Cheese Nips: 100 calories Lunch: 1/2 Chargrilled Chicken sandwich from Chick Fil A w/ lowfat mayo: 200 calories. after school snack: tall caramel mocha frappachino, no whip: 350 calories. Dinner: 100 Calorie Bag of Popcorn: 100 calories   Exercise: 30 minutes on the Gazelle: -270 calories burned! Walking the mile and a half on campus




Still Open from the antinflamitories

Feb. 8th   I slept last night for a few hours and each time I woke up to go pee.. I was able to stop by the fridge and have some gupls of grape juice. Plus this morning arouns 7am when i got up, I have been able to gulp two cups of chocolate milk so far. OBVIOUSLY that Shot really really opened me up. Even before my last fill, before this fill and before my menstation.. I COULD NOT DO THAT EVER upon waking or in the middle of the night upon waking. This is a good thing, by the time it wears off, I will be off my period. (I didnt bleed all night but I had hella cramps, it should be all over by today) It has ran accross my mind that my stomach 'unswelled' SO much that my band has slipped oFF.. BUt that doesnt seem possible or realistic.. BUT its still a scare when I am sitting here able to eat.. I just know if I try to have some soup (chunky kind) It will go down. IF I dont restrcit back within this day.. I am going to be real worried. I am NOT taking any extra prednisone like he prescribed me to do when I opened up.. The shot is ENOUGH! When I tighten back up.. What I am gonna do is take the prednisone at night starting at 40 ml, (he gave me 60mg a day to take) (I already have took 20 ml plenty of times (for my back, when I have plans to go out) and it never made a difference. I will see if this helps with morning restriction.. and If it does, and the side effects arent horrible.. I will go in for another fill. I will test this for atleast a month. I DONT know though, IF my primary care doctor will support 60 miligrams a day.. OR 60 everyother day.. OR whatever dose I find is good. HE only gives me 5mg a day, but thats cuz I was over 400 pounds and I had diabeties.. MAYBE my diabeties is better (GOTTA get the lab done,) DOUBT IT. But I have lost like 70 pounds or more and HE did prescribe me more prednisone to go on my weekend date last month.. If not, maybe I can continue to get it from that Urgent care Doctor. I PROMISE to monitor my blood sugars!!!! I guess it can make you suseptible to infection. IF I do this right, I will be in control of my weight loss. Right now, thats all I can do.




Band in March

:help: :help: :help: Well yesterday i found out i'm approved of the surgery on March 13,06 and i'm nervous because it's surgery but i'm ready to start my new life and it's just nine days after my twenty-eight birthday. I think my husband is happy for me i think he's just nervous just like me.




February 8

SO, my surgery was changed to February 21st due to a scheduling glitch. Not a big deal in the scheme of things but it screws up the plans I had for help with childcare etc for the week. It will all work out but just adds to my anxiety a bit. I had a strange night last night. I am trying very hard to maintain my weight right now and am really fighting last meal syndrome. All of my good intentions went haywire last night and I ordered 4 different chinese apps and proceeded to eat them all. It was certainly not one of my proudest moments. Hopefully, it's out of my system for now b/c I must say that I felt like CRAP afterwards and my stomach is still upset this morning. I feel like I am on this weird countdown and I just wish I was checking into the hospital this morning to start the next phase of my life.




AMAZING aftercare!

February 7th   Today i woke up with the same kind of extreem restrcition that I had yesterday, but worse. Yesterday at noon I had one ounce of milk and burped and gurgles on it for hours. Today I didnt dare drink a thing, then I found I was gurgling and burping (on my saliva obviously) I got scared. I felt I should try to NIP this swelling in the BUD. It was FINE, until my period started and it should be fine after. BUT NOt if I let it swell upon swell upon swell until Its gone too far. NOW, to get a slight unfil, would only cause more swelling and I would end up losing most my fill anyway. So of course I dont want to do that. That already happened in November and I spent ALL THESE months NOT losing any weight and saving money to buy another fill. The way to NIP it in the Bud before it gets out of control... (in case I found my self choking and sliming and spitting on my own saliva, which is ABUSE of my band) Is to take antiinflamitories in huge doses. Seeings how I couldnt even sip water.. I needed it intraveniously. I went to Urgent Care and I told them my story and I got a BIG ol DOSE by needle. Now I have a prescription for HUGE doses to take at night when I am open, to see if it helps the AM swelling!! JUST WHAT I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED!!!!! I WAS SO WORRIED.. I WANTED THIS SO BAD. I though NO one would ever listen, ever care enough.. The doctor was soooooooooo Nice.. He was totally interested, he felt for my port, he asked me a ton of questions, he was very thoughrough.. and SIMPLY, I COULD TELL.. HE CARED. HE wanted me to continue to have success on this thing and he knew I lost 70 pounds (he spoke to my primary care doctor) and He saw some dehydration in my mouth (how, I dunno..I mean some dryness, Not dehydration) and Anyway.. He said COME IN ANYTIME I NEED IT intraveniously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which obviously would be when I am having problems sipping anything.. Which shouldnt be a probelm once my period goes away. I HAVE BEEN SO LUCKY with this aftercare... SO lucky not to be judged and dismissed and not listened to.. SO lucky to have such caring and compassionate doctors.. MY FILL DOCTOR is like not even an hour away.. she just told me to NEVER not come in due to lack of funds if I need a fill.. TO NOT go all those months needed a fill.. she will work with me.. SHE also said if this fill OR any fill isnt enough and I decide I want another one within a week and a half or so.. SHE WILL GIVE ME MORE, NO charge! She also said if the lady who makes the appointments says there are no openings.. TELL her I am coming ANYWAY and JUST COME>. WOW WOW OWWO My own primary care doctor is new to all this, and he is so open to learning and working with me. (he is the one who told me to go to urgent care, cuz it was easier to get the IV that way instead of at his office) He has NEVER failed me.. EVEr Now this Doctor at the Urgent care.. He didnt know much, but so willing to listen and look things up and well .. YEAH.. WOW PLUS, remember in JUNE I had to go to the ER.. cuz I had choked for hours on pills after being filled in Mexicool. and they filled my with antiinflamitories (but it was too late for that) and they used a spinal neddlle and having NEVER done a unfill on a lapband before, they all rallied around and unfilled me.. (on the phone with Ortiz to guide them) ANYWAY I FEEEEL SO AMAZINGLY CARED FOR>. :) :) :) :)



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
