Managing Lunch Breaks at Work
Great Tips for Eating Out After Gastric Bypass
Decide what to order before you go: If you are worried about what is on the menu and what you can eat, do you research before you go. Now a days with your phones and technology most restaurants have menu’s right on their website so you can do your recon before you go.
Bread or no bread?: Bread can be really hard for people after surgery, but if you enjoy your bread it is better not to depry yourself just remove another option from your menu like no dessert. Same thing with tortilla chips and salsa it is OK to have some just don’t go overboard with your carbs. The worst thing you can do is to depry yourself of the things you want most you just have to learn to control what you eat.
Avoid Greasy Appetizers: Alot of times when I would go out to eat I would feel left out when others were ordering appetizers so a great alternative to an unhealthy and greasy or fried appetizers is to choose a low calorie soup or side salad option. This allows you to eat when your friends are eating their appetizers but you will not feel guilty for your choices.
Put Your Fork Down Between Bites: As gastric bypass and sleeve patients we need to chew often and eat slowly so a great way to make this happen when out with friends and family is to put your fork down between your bites. This allows for conversation and allows you to slow down between bites. This also will allow you to truly taste and savor each bite you take in, and by eating slowly it will allow you to listen to your body and when it is feeling full.
STOP eating when you start to feel full: Learning your body and most importantly your pouch learn when to put down the fork and stop eating. When you start to get that full sensation it is time to STOP and maybe even ask your server to remove your plate so you are NOT tempted to eat more.
Enjoy your company and talk alot: Talking with allow a few things one it will allow you to slow down eating, and two it will more than likely prevent you from over eating.
For More Great Recipes and Articles please visit my blog Bypass Princess today and follow me on my journey to getting healthy and happy! Or Follow Us On Facebook at Bypass Princess Journey
When Bad Habits Creep Back In After Weight Loss
Dating After Weight Loss Surgery
Don’t be a Discouraging Personalty- Your number may have dropped and you might not of met your goal weight as of yet. During this process you might be frustrated or upset, but do not let your potential date know this. Do not tell your potential date how you hate your new body, or your lifestyle because you want to promote this as a new fun and wonderful healthy version of yourself.
Plan your Dates and Meals in Advance-Since you have a healthier lifestyle it is important when setting up dates that you plan on going somewhere to eat on your dates that you are comfortable with. You don’t want your date to think you can’t eat anything but at the same token you want to eat somewhere comfortable for you and your new healthier lifestyle. I actually kept a list of restaurants that I was comfortable eating at as a backup for when someone would ask me to go dinner, this way I knew there were options that I was comfortable eating from.
Be as Confident as you can-Bottom line you are a NEW person now, and along with your new body and lifestyle you need to work on your self esteem. Whenever I would go out on a first date I went into it with the mindset that any guy would be so lucky to have me. This may sound conceited but it is true, you are a catch and you should come across this way to any potential suitor. If you are nervous practice with your friends with small talk, smiling, and picking out just the right outfit that makes you feel confident and beautiful.
Learn to LOVE all of you-This includes your new body, I promise you if you feel uncomfortable about your body they will notice this too. Learn to LOVE yourself before you start the dating process, that is why I waited 5 years to date. I did not want to get into a dating situation without first loving myself first and foremost.
For More Great Recipes and Articles please visit my blog Bypass Princess today and follow me on my journey to getting healthy and happy! Or Follow Us On Facebook at Bypass Princess Journey