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First Day of Liquid Diet

Today is my first day of my two week liquid diet. I've been apprehensive, of course, but here I go!   My sister was sleeved almost two years ago, so she is cheering me on and giving me tips. Her tip for the liquid diet: "Just try not to think about it." Which makes sense to me and makes me laugh.   She also told me to get ready to shop. Her advice, shop thrift stores through the size changes so it isn't so expensive. Interestingly, I just can't wrap my mind around a reality of myself losing weight. Much less losing sizes? In my long dieting history, my maximum weight loss is 35 pounds. Not really a size difference. I do know what it feels like to gain sizes. What a sick feeling when the pants are "suddenly" uncomfortably tight.   I took "before" pics last night. I hate them, but keep telling myself it's just the truth and I'm working to change. It's hard not to feel embarrassed and sad. Today I will work on working up the courage to post them. ugh




The road thus far...

<Insert "carry on my wayward son...they'll be peace when you are done"..Points to the SPN fandom>   Today marks 3 months and 1 week since I had VGS in Mexico. I'm still learning to use this site so I never knew there was a blog option till now. I've been fairly quite on my other social media feeds about my surgery for a multitude of personal reasons. But here feels safer, and well, none of my family/friends/acquaintances are here so...   I've spent the majority of my life being a yo-yo dieter. While I have always loved my body just as it was, yes, even when I was morbidly obese (it's strange to say "was"), I was never that healthy chubby chick. I've been on BP meds since I was 30yrs old, battle my cholesterol & have a history of heart disease on both sides of the family. My dad had his first heart attack at 40 and I was 38 when I had the surgery.   I still question myself every day if I did the right thing. I'm 30+ lbs down in 3 months, my blood pressure is in normal ranges for the first time in years and my dr is thrilled with my progress. But the negative committee that meets in my head tells me "this isn't going to work...just like everything else" and "you'll just gain it all back because that's what you do" and the worst "Why did you spend so much money on yourself you selfish pig." Yeah...they're a real piece of work, that committee.   We'll be paying off my surgery for years. Was it worth it? i hope so. My partner tells me it was to him...and he likes to remind me that it's cheaper than the cost of a funeral. Morbid, yes, but it makes sense.   My brain still cant accept it..I'm down 30lbs, 4 pants sizes, Lots of inches and still I don't "see" it. I can see it some days in what I wear...in my rings being looser...in the way I can do little things like cross my legs where I couldn't before. But it's like there is a disconnect with my brain in accepting all of this as truth or as real and definitely as sustainable.   Every time the scale goes up, even when it's a fraction of a lb, I think "this is it..this is where this stops and I gain it all back". Every time I "fail" and give in to temptation and eat something that isn't 100% on diet, I think "this is where I give up and revert to bad habits" (though admittedly, I eat pretty well most of the time, even before surgery). Every time I'm too tired to get on the elliptical I think "You wasted all that money for this?"   Maybe it will change. I keep trying. I keep going.




The beginning of This Part of My Story

Wednesday I had my phone consultation with Dr. Shillingford. This was my second surgeon consult because I'm switching surgeons. It went well, somewhat more detailed than my first consult. I am more confident today that this is the right choice for me.   Since this is my first post I will introduce myself.   I'm a mom, daughter, sister, friend, and boss. I will turn forty in March. I'm single. I'm kind and kind of funny and am generally a happy person with some anxiety issues.   I'm two weeks and four days from my gastric sleeve surgery and super excited/scared.   Here's a lengthy explanation of how I got to this point....   Most of my adult life I’ve fluctuated between 20-40 pounds overweight. Often, I tried to lose weight, but I wasn’t unhappy with myself. To paint a true picture you should know that I am 5’6” and my preferred lowest weight would be 130 lbs, highest 160lbs. When I graduated high school I weighed around 160 pounds and I felt great. I went camping, rock climbing, canoeing, dancing, and felt good about myself. I don't remember a time when I weighed 130 lbs!   But, I gained bits here and there and by my mid-twenties I weighed around 190 pounds. I remember thinking how impossible it was that I was so close to weighing 200 pounds. As incredulous as I felt, I was not able to lose and keep off any weight. When I was thirty I moved out of state with my boyfriend, thinking I was starting a new life of adventure and love. I was wrong, he was mean and he was a criminal. An actual criminal. Because of unbelievable stress, I gained another forty pounds. Then during my pregnancy I reached three hundred pounds. I was pre-diabetic and began suffering from depression and anxiety. I lived in a dangerous place with a volatile man states away from any of my family/friends. I felt trapped and I was so scared.   Then I had my baby and found my son was more important than anyone else and that he deserved better. I found the courage to leave.   Four years have passed and now, I’m 39 (my son is five). I've been in therapy for over two years and have had such love and support that I can honestly say we are doing great. Except... I am obese -255 pounds. I treat my body like I hate it. Most days, I do hate it. Also, I am a bit of a hermit now because of the combination of my distrust of new people and my body. But I want to live more fully and to connect with people again, so badly.   Through therapy, I have become aware of this "mean girl" voice in my head. I wonder if anyone else thinks this way? It seems she runs almost every aspect of my day, and probably has been for a long time. As I walk I notice how hard I'm breathing and am disgusted with myself. When I'm with a coworker and a patient smiles at her and ignores me, I tell myself it's because I'm so fat and ugly. If a man talks to me I put up a wall of sarcasm and humor. I've alienated myself from the world because I'm so uncomfortable in my clothes, in public, sitting in chairs, etc. On the rare occasion that I go out or buy new clothes; it annoys me that I’ve become a big, fat roll-y, mess and I often cry. I worry that my son is embarrassed by me. I avoid having my picture taken with my son because I can't stand how I look. When I see myself I am disgusted, saddened, and discouraged. I would never say these things to another person, but a part of me thinks I'm the only one who deserves such harsh judgement.   I am over one hundred pounds overweight. I’m no longer curvy, attractive, healthy, strong, or any of the things I used to be. Truth is I haven’t taken care of my health or my looks in years. This man came into my life and showed me what it felt like to be coveted, but also controlled. Before him I ate the wrong things, but while I was with him I began using food like a drug. I would be ravenous and almost desperate to eat and could only feel better when I was so overly full all I could do was sleep. The lasting result of that is when I feel hungry, I panic.   It's incredibly hard for me to share these things. I'm pretty successful and outwardly an extroverted, happy person. Weird, right?   As I've mentioned, I've been working with a therapist for over two years to heal my mind. I'm finally at the point where I want to heal my body.   I'm not sure who said this, but I re-read it several times like a mantra, so I will share.   "...and I said to my body, softly, "I want to be your friend." It took a long breath and replied, " I have been waiting my whole life for this."   .




How Did It Come To This?

In September 2013, I was given the diagnosis of Ewings Sarcoma. I was 27. In short, I went through 10 months of grueling chemotherapy. I spent most of those 10 months in the hospital either recieving chemo, or so sick I needed to be hospitalized. I lost 70 pounds. I used to joke that my silver lining was that I at least wasn't so fat. I was declared NED in July 2014. Shortly, and I mean shortly after, I gained those 70 pounds back, and an additional 10. My oncologist sat me down one appointment and described the damage the chemotherapy had done to my body. "You have the body of a 60 year old." I just turned 28.   I have been big my entire life. Before chemo, before cancer, I was still active. I couldn't run a marathon, but I could still hang with the best. After chemo was completely different. I could barely walk down my drive way, take a shower. I was out of breath for everthing.   I sat with my husband and decided this is what we needed to do. I needed weight loss surgery. I can not reverse what the chemo did to my body, but I could get healthy and stop my weight from causing more damage.   On November 22, 2016 I will be going in to have weight loss surgery. I am terrified of this journey, but I know that it will be worth it in the end.





Well its finally here - I was beginning to think that this day would never get here - tomorrow I have my surgeons appointment - not sure which emotion is winning right now my excitement/anticipation or the terror. I have never been in for any type of procedure or surgery unless you want to start including minor dental work such as fillings that's as close as it comes. I don't know how I will be feeling once I get a surgery date and it becomes that real - I have a feeling anxiety and nerves will be tipping the scales a little bit then. I plan to just focus on the tasks I need to do and not the date to try and keep the emotions in check hoping that will work. I will keep this updated more for myself looking back more than anything




My Journey

I started my liquid diet on 9/27 and my surgery is scheduled for 10/13. I had such a hard time with the first 3 days, I am prone to migraines and the change in my diet made them so much worse. I was sick to my stomach, vomiting and low fever. After 3 days I couldn't take it and I ate tacos. I felt much better after that, no more nausea or headaches. I did great with the diet for 2 days and temptation got the better of me and I had dinner out on day 5. I have been good since, with the exception of chicken broth (1Cup) daily. I am so worried my surgeon will cancel the surgery for not following the diet. Anyone know if 7 days, minus the broth will be OK?




Not my best self lately...

I am weighing in at 186 this morning and it is near my lowest sustained adult weight and yet I feel like a FAT failure. I am 18 months post op from band to sleeve revision and I was supposed to weigh 135 pounds (in my mind) by now. Instead? I got down to 169 pounds around month eight but could not sustain. Have mainly hovered at 182 for the past year but this past month I have been up and down from 185-192 pounds. I started a reset today and really need to get myself back on track. I need to get to goal! I am worth it!




Why Bariatric Surgery is best for Morbidly Obese

I work in the Information Technology Industry, my work routine is very punishing, most of the time its sedentary. Im working in this Industry since 12 years, over the years I have put on lots of weight. Around beginning of 2014 my weight was around 130 kgs, very high considering my average height (5.7). I tried all non-surgical weight reduction methods but nothing really helped. As part of my work I had to move to Hyderabad India, here I was introduced to Dr. Venugopal Pareek, he is considered to be one of the best bariatric surgeon in Hyderabad (a metro city in India). Dr. Pareek assessed my complete condition and suggested to undergo gastric bypass surgery, after much hesitation i agreed for this surgical method of weight reduction, surgery was successful and my weight was reduced by almost 30% which is a big relief for me.   I encourage all morbidly obese people to consider bariatric procedures for reducing weight, I assure it would be one of the best decisions of your life.




Health Benefits of Probiotics in Regards to Losing Weight

When thinking about bacteria, the last thing that comes to mind is ingesting it. The truth is that throughout our lives we are only taught about the negative connotations of these microorganisms. Rare are the cases when people are aware of the “good” bacteria, and its benefits, as well as the bad.   Probiotics are beneficial microbes that have been proven useful in the ailment of afflictions ranging from allergies to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).   The term “probiotic” began taking form as early as the 1940s, gaining the attention of the masses. This was all thanks to the efforts of Nobel Prize laureate Elle Metchnikoff, who, at the beginning of the twentieth century, studied the ways of longevous Bulgarian peasants.   Metchnikoff found a link between their most consumed food product – yogurt – and their significantly longer life expectancy.   This was because the yogurt was fermented with lactic acid bacteria (or Lactobacillus). The process of infesting the gut with “useful” bacteria helped balance the microflora and decrease the pH levels of the intestines. Consequently, it became a way of helping those suffering from lactose intolerance (the inability to digest the sugar found in milk) and diarrhea.   Even though modern medicine has advanced in such a way that we are now able to encapsulate probiotics, many studies have shown that probiotics that are taken in the form of tablets can be killed by the acidic conditions of the stomach.   Therefore it seems that you can benefit best from the effects of probiotics by eating foods such as milk and dairy products, pickled vegetables, kimchi and soy sauce.   Different strands of probiotics have been proven useful in treating various types of disorders. Lactobacilli are used in curing skin diseases, bacterial vaginosis, urinary tract infections and even in the prevention of certain respiratory infections.   Bifidobacteria effectively improve the level of blood lipids, as well as help in diminishing pain and discomfort in those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.   Saccharomyces boulardii is the only probiotic that can be found in yeast. It has shown its effectiveness in the treatment of diarrhea and skin conditions.   Probiotics may seem like an entirely new concept but the truth is they have been with us even since our travel through the birth canal. A newborn gets its dose of healthy bacteria from his mother, during labor. This is not possible during a C-section. We are born with a certain balance of the immune system and the first step in keeping that balance may even be enriching our diet with probiotics.   Source: https://www.hlbenefits.com/lose-extra-weight-20-steps/




A WLS Journey

I am starting a blog for myself to have a way to look back and keep a log of my feelings, attitudes, struggles and triumphs. I am Canadian living in Manitoba. Our system in Manitoba anyway is very different than many stories I see on this site. I started out putting myself on the surgery wait list it takes approx. 2 to 2 1/2 years to get past that. Then you go to a large group meeting where they go over a in broad terms what the next levels/steps will look like and give you a info package and a in depth questionnaire regarding your current health. It was then 3 months after that I had my first one on one meetings. I do mean meetings you do 1 hour each with a kinesologist, dietician, psychologist, and surgical nurse - they go over your current status and set goals for your next meeting if you are accepted. It was again 3 months since the first set of meetings this past Aug 18th that I had my next set of meetings. I am still waiting to move to the next step - my iron levels are not at the right level for me to move on and this is not negotiable. Your Iron levels must be a minimum of 50 before you will get to move to meeting the anesthetist, surgeon, and start the classes for pre-op and post op diets. My iron levels were 45 close but not close enough. My next blood work is around the 21st or 22nd whenever I wish to go to the lab. I will hear the following week if my blood work passes. I will admit though up till I went to my individual meetings I was extremely naïve about this whole process and what to expect and how intense/involved this all is. I have done a lot of self education in the last 6 to 8 months. I suppose its a good thing I do not frighten easy and really do not shy away from hard work, but I will say I thought it was simple surgery and recovery would be a breeze. I also thought we would be given more of a choice into the type of surgery. Not in Manitoba 99% of have bypass that is what has the best overall long term weight loss results and if in the future medically things need to be undone you are able to. The sleeve may be done depending on your health. There has only been one patient once inside that they just closed back up without doing anything- that was because of health related issues and an exceptional case and that is all they can tell us understandably. I am excited and nervously awaiting moving to the next step. I don't think any of this will be truly real until I meet with the surgeon and anesthetist. Heres hoping for good news when they call at the end of September.




WLS try number three

I've been rejected for surgery twice now (once on the day of surgery) due to health concerns that I won't bore you with. I'm trying one more time. I found a doctor about an hour away who might be willing to work with me, provided he gets letters of clearance and the 2 week liquid diet I'm on improves my lab scores.   The 2 weeks were technically up yesterday, but because of the long weekend I have to wait until Tuesday to get my blood drawn. The surgeon also wants me to get a fibroscan of my liver, to see if it's shrunk. I've been trying to schedule this fibroscan for 2 weeks, and so far nada. I spoke to someone at the hospital Friday who said that even after the test is ordered, I'll have to wait a week to have it for insurance reasons. I'm really hoping the surgeon doesn't make me stay on this liquid diet all the way until whenever I can get the fibroscan! Ingesting nothing but diet drinks and protein shakes is making me nuts. Yesterday was my birthday, and it was a pretty big bummer not to be able to have anything but liquid.   I'm trying very hard to be positive, and view this as training for when I eventually get the surgery. I'm sure I'll be frustrated by how little I can eat then, too. I'm just trying to deal with the hunger a little bit at a time . . . I'll tell myself that I can cope with it for 15 more minutes, and then at the end of that time I'll focus on 15 more. I'm also trying to point out to myself when I'm just head hungry--which happens a lot. Even on the scale of liquid diets, mine is fairly strict, and I'm sick of everything on it. I crave stuff, but that's head hunger. I do not actually need pizza or Chinese food to survive. I watch a lot of DVD's and take naps to suck up time.   Even still, the end of this liquid diet can't come too soon for me!





Not quite a month post-op and already 34 lbs. down. I will hit 40 lbs. by my one-month mark since I am losing a little over a pound/day. 45 lbs down from my HW.   I rock. Let's just be honest.




Where I am right now on August 14

Today I spent hours going through the binder of information given to me by the bariatric team. I am one of those super organized, Type A personalities, so it was necessary for my peace of mind to have dividers and tabs and plastic sheaths for the important papers. Kinda crazy, I suppose, but that's me! Next I went through all my diabetic magazines and clipped the yummiest sounding recipes. :-)   So far on this journey toward surgery--   1. I established the insurance requirements (a complicated story I may share at another time) and got the preliminary clearance. That was a relief!   2. I discussed my desire with my personal physician, a fabulous doctor and man I respect greatly who has been my GP since moving to KY 3 years ago. His approval and support was not a deal breaker, necessarily, as I was 80-90% sure surgery was my best course, but it was important to me for him to be on board. It was a relief when he not only didn't disagree but also confirmed the positive reports I had read about the local surgeon and bariatric program.   3. I (and my husband) attended the informational seminar offered by the Bariatric Weight Loss Program here in my home town. The surgeon was at the meeting, as well as others on the team, and the info was very thorough. So far nothing to give me pause! I filled out the request form, then waited....   4. The wait wasn't too long. Gayle, the program coordinator, called me about a week later to set up my first appointment with the surgeon Dr. Farrell.   5. August 4 was my appointment with Dr. Farrell. Before meeting him I also had brief meetings with the dietician and again with Gayle. A binder containing detailed information about the pre-approval process and appointments, the surgery itself and surgery prep, diet pre- and post-op, possible complications, exercise, recipes, and much more. VERY thorough! I even got a few samples of protein powder and shakes.   6. August 11 was my appointment with a cardiologist for "surgical clearance." I had seen this doctor just over a year ago, before my diagnosis of sleep apnea, to rule out any cardiac issues. Nothing had shown up at that time, and as a prior patient I was able to get in to see him quickly. Unfortunately, I have been very sick with bronchiolitis and possible pneumonia, on strong cough medicine and steroids. The latter (I'm convinced) is why my heart rate was high, and of course my chest wasn't as clear as it should have been. For this reason the doctor recommended a follow up ECHO and treadmill test to be sure all was well before surgery. As an RN, I could not argue the logic even if it adds more to the process. Better safe than sorry!   7. Gayle called the next day to give me dates for all the various appointments: Psych Eval, Support Group meetings, endoscopy, Nutritional Eval, Exercise Eval, and a Healthy Lifestyle Class. These, along with the cardio followup, are scheduled over the next month, beginning tomorrow.     No set surgery date as yet. The initial estimate was early November, but it seems to me mid to late October makes more sense. My birthday is on October 26, and while it doesn't sound like too much fun to spend one's birthday in the hospital, in pain, and unable to eat at least a small piece of cake, I am willing to make the sacrifice if it means getting the rest of my better-health-and-skinnier-life started!   I'm ready!




Personal Statement for Requesting Bariatric Surgery

This is my first entry here on BariatricPal, and I want to begin with the "personal statement" I wrote as part of the surgeon's program requirements.     August 4, 2016   I remember those extra 15 pounds that lingered after the birth of my first child in 1988. At the time, weighing a whooping 135 pounds, I felt like a whale. Oh what I would give to be that whale-size again!   My struggle with weigh has been gradual over the decades. Pregnancy and working the night shift (leading to poor sleep and limited time to exercise) were contributing influences in my younger years. However, in later years the instances where my weigh gain increased dramatically, emotions and personal trauma were the precipitating factors. Until around 2005 I was able to keep the gain under control and lose weight effectively when I put my mind to it. After my Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism diagnosis in 2008, losing weight even with the best diet strategies became nearly impossible.   I confess that my last, serious effort to lose weight was in 2012 with Jenny Craig and Xingular. After 7 months and a huge financial burden, the approximately 35 pounds I lost (205 down to 170) in the first 5 months of the program seemed to be the best I could manage. I was able to keep the weight off for close to a year, but the stress of moving from CA to KY, physical therapy for severe “frozen shoulder” and bursitis, a severe personal and emotional trauma, and then the plunge into menopause sent me over the edge. For a long while I simply did not care about my weight, or much of anything else.   With the latter problem under control — praises to the maker of hormone replacement therapy — I find myself hovering at 250 pounds, a diabetic with sleep apnea, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, and utterly miserable. I’m only 53 years old, want to enjoy our retired life in Kentucky, and be able to play with the grandchildren who will be coming along in the next couple of years. I will not be able to do any of this when I can barely walk up the stairs without gasping for air. As I told my personal physician, it may sound dramatic but I sincerely do believe that if I don’t do something drastic, and do it quick, I won’t be alive in five years.   I know many friends who have had successful bariatric surgeries. All of them have improved their lives dramatically, and those I have contacted have universally said to DO IT!   My reasons for requesting bariatric surgery: I do not look at the surgery as a “cure all” but rather consider it a “jump start” to get the weight loss going in a significant way. Instead of struggling for months or a year to barely lose enough weight to begin to feel better physically, I will accomplish the preliminary goal sooner. This will be a HUGE encouragement and incentive to work harder and lose the rest…. and to keep it off forever.
I need to be forced to change how I eat. Between hunger, habits ingrained by a lifetime, and admittedly poor self-control, consistent and long term alterations are impossible. Or at least that is how I see it. The surgery will give me no choice but to eat far less, and the radical nature of the surgery will be a turning point in my life. I am already thinking of it as a dating method: BBS (Before Bariatric Surgery) and ABS (After Bariatric Surgery).
I truly do want to start exercising again. I’ve never been super athletic, but I did once enjoy aerobics and weight lifting. Beyond an actual disciplined routine of exercise, I want to go fishing on our boat and walking through the neighborhood and riding the bikes we intend to buy without being winded and exhausted.
I DO NOT want to go the rest of my life with diabetes and sleep apnea! I hope to eliminate both problems, decrease the number of medications I take on a daily basis, and prevent further physical medical issues before they get started. I may not completely attain this goal, but will certainly improve my overall health, probably in more ways than I imagine.
  I am very thankful to have a husband and daughter who are wholly supportive of my decision for bariatric surgery. I am fortunate that my general practitioner is in agreement of this course as the best option for me. And I am VERY happy to discover an excellent Weight Loss Center right here in Bardstown!




8th Month

Nothing has changed eating wise. Still can't eat a lot. I do 2 meal replacement shakes, and a small supper. And even then I can still only eat just the protein.   Weight is still coming off. Was 203, now 144lbs.   Theres not a whole lot of change in appearance, so I upload some more next month or so.




in 4 weeks and 2 days

Hi everyone! New to BP, and really hoping to make some great friends who are going through the same thoughts and processes as I am, because right now I am feeling sort of alone. I have a very supportive boyfriend and family. I also have friends who have gone through this surgery, and even had the same surgeon I will have, which is very comforting. HOWEVER- I need to make some connections with people or are feeling what Im feeling right now,, Im scheduled for gastric sleeve on August 26th, and as each day gets closer Im getting more excited, but increasingly more nervous as well. It doesnt help that I am super nosey and read every horror story imaginable, and watch youtube videos of surgeons actually performing the surgery. Has anyone else done that?? Anyways, Ive been overweight most of my life, and when I finally got fit a few years ago, I immediately found out I was pregnant. 9 years and a gain of 120lbs later, im ready to take my life back. Ive yo-yo'd for years and have a boyfriend who has an enormous appetite and horrible eating habits but doesnt gain a pound-jerk. (lol) fortunately he loves me no matter my size, but I am ready to climb out of this fat suit andEXPERIENCE life again. I feel like I've sat on the sidelines for years watching friends and families enjoy their lives. I think to myself, "I used to be fun too". Now I let the fear of a little jiggle keep me from running and playing with my daughter, or dancing at a wedding, or going to a theme park or water park...ive missed years of making memories all because I am out of shape and afraid, uncomfortable because of the weight I am carrying, in pain because of the stress on my joints, but most importantly.- putting everyone before myself. Well not anymore. Yesterday was my last appointment with the doctor at the weight management center. I have been in a 6 month program, and have been poked and prodded, questioned, had psych evals, nutritional evals, group appointment, solo appointments, QUIT SMOKING and now finally I am 1 month away. Reality is setting in. WOO! But I am ready. One month from today I take my life back, one month from today I start living again, one month from today is the BEGINNING of the rest of my life and i am SOOOO ready! Ready to be seen as an actual person. Ready for people to LOOK at me when theyre talking to me. I dont want to be invisible anymore, or EVER again. I dont want to be the "wow you have a beautiful face" girl anymore, and I am ready to put in the work! Sorry for the rambling, but needed a place to vent to people who truly understand all the feelings and emotions, and I hope someone reading this can relate and will want to vent to me at some point too!! Laters!




in 4 weeks and 2 days

Hi everyone! New to BP, and really hoping to make some great friends who are going through the same thoughts and processes as I am, because right now I am feeling sort of alone. I have a very supportive boyfriend and family. I also have friends who have gone through this surgery, and even had the same surgeon I will have, which is very comforting. HOWEVER- I need to make some connections with people or are feeling what Im feeling right now,, Im scheduled for gastric sleeve on August 26th, and as each day gets closer Im getting more excited, but increasingly more nervous as well. It doesnt help that I am super nosey and read every horror story imaginable, and watch youtube videos of surgeons actually performing the surgery. Has anyone else done that?? Anyways, Ive been overweight most of my life, and when I finally got fit a few years ago, I immediately found out I was pregnant. 9 years and a gain of 120lbs later, im ready to take my life back. Ive yo-yo'd for years and have a boyfriend who has an enormous appetite and horrible eating habits but doesnt gain a pound-jerk. (lol) fortunately he loves me no matter my size, but I am ready to climb out of this fat suit andEXPERIENCE life again. I feel like I've sat on the sidelines for years watching friends and families enjoy their lives. I think to myself, "I used to be fun too". Now I let the fear of a little jiggle keep me from running and playing with my daughter, or dancing at a wedding, or going to a theme park or water park...ive missed years of making memories all because I am out of shape and afraid, uncomfortable because of the weight I am carrying, in pain because of the stress on my joints, but most importantly.- putting everyone before myself. Well not anymore. Yesterday was my last appointment with the doctor at the weight management center. I have been in a 6 month program, and have been poked and prodded, questioned, had psych evals, nutritional evals, group appointment, solo appointments, QUIT SMOKING and now finally I am 1 month away. Reality is setting in. WOO! But I am ready. One month from today I take my life back, one month from today I start living again, one month from today is the BEGINNING of the rest of my life and i am SOOOO ready! Ready to be seen as an actual person. Ready for people to LOOK at me when theyre talking to me. I dont want to be invisible anymore, or EVER again. I dont want to be the "wow you have a beautiful face" girl anymore, and I am ready to put in the work! Sorry for the rambling, but needed a place to vent to people who truly understand all the feelings and emotions, and I hope someone reading this can relate and will want to vent to me at some point too!! Laters!




and so it begins.......

So I have been trying for two years to get my bariatric surg. was approved by Pulmonary, cardio, and primary. then pulmonary decided to bring me back in and test me for apnea.now I have a cpap that I am struggling with. Starting weight is 280. Had thyroid cancer that went into lymph nodes and am on levo. weight has not changed. frustrated. trying the cpap again and will see if I can get started soon with pulmonary approval in a month.




Starting a new phase of life

As I write this my daughter is in labor and our first grandchild is soon to make an appearance. This seems like the perfect culmination to a year of incredible change since my sleeve surgery. I;m down over 150 lbs from last year, as well as countless clothing sizes. I'm now making the transition from losing to living and the birth of a grandchild really underscores my amazing transformation. I started this process because my body couldn't handle my weight anymore and I was in pain and feeling helpless. I now feel alive and empowered. I read before surgery about how the after effects were felt in every aspect of your life and i doubted it could be so. Was I wrong.. New found confidence in life and the future are a wonderful bonus form successfully going through the process. I am ready for what will come and I know that my new grandson grandson (and future grandchildren) will greatly benefit from a more involved and active grandfather.




9 Months Later

Nine months later - down 134 pounds overall and 110 since surgery on October 29. The hardest part is not what I ever expected - I thought food cravings and eating the wrong things would haunt me - in fact, that isn't even an issue at all. The hardest part is getting use to the new physically smaller person I have become. I look in the mirror some days and laugh - catching myself asking "who is that guy looking back at me." None of this is bad or beyond control - it's just the psychological piece and the new physical appearance that is the most difficult to get use to...



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
